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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. I don't know. I thought you were only supposed to get married once!
  2. Pretty sure there's still a spy gadget store in Chicago.
  3. I still see a crapton of open access points, not necessarily in businesses, but at coffee shops and fast food places. Most people have to eat, so you just get them to connect to your fake ap there. Once they're connected, you attack their wireless device, maybe you can pull the stored wifi credentials from their machine, now you have access to the corp wifi. Just throwing that out there. I also still see wep encrypted networks all the time. Mostly at manufacturing places. They have hardware/software that only runs on old ass operating systems that can only do wep. They figure some encryption is better than no encryption, so they use wep.
  4. Can't get the phone to deauth from the real access point? Reboot that sucker!!
  5. Sure, you can spoof wpa ssids all day long. The clients won't connect though. Most client software is smart enough to not connect if the configuration is different from what they know. I run into this all the time at work even when I know the password. Setting up a replacement access point when the old one goes tits up, and set the encryption to tkip when the old one was aes. The clients won't connect because the encryption scheme is different from what they have saved. So once again, you can't spoof an encrypted ssid with an unencrypted one.
  6. That's not the way it works. The access points have no clue where they are, they don't have a gps. The point of having a gps for wardriving is so you can plot on a map where you've seen the access point. If you upload your drives to wigle, they take all the data and interpolate the location based on ssid signal strength.
  7. I know 16Gb works. That's the biggest card I have that's not in my phone.
  8. Damn, now I've done it.... nano start_kismet.sh #!/bin/bash kismet_server --daemonize chmod 755 start_kismet.sh ln -s /sd/kismet_logs/start_kismet.sh /sbin/start_kismet.sh <-- edit to point to where you made the script on your sd card! nano stop_kismet.sh #!/bin/bash echo -e '\n!0 shutdown' | nc localhost 2501 chmod 755 stop_kismet.sh ln -s /sd/kismet_logs/stop_kismet.sh /sbin/stop_kismet.sh <-- edit to point to where you made the script on your sd card!! Now you can just ssh in, type start_kismet.sh and it will start kismet_server! Later you can ssh back in and type stop_kismet.sh and it will gracefully shut it down. Someone could probably make a couple buttons in the pineapple gui to fire off those scripts, but I don't know enough to do it, and ssh is fine for me. Also don't forget to edit your kismet.conf to dump the log files to the correct location!!! Mine looks like this, logtemplate=/sd/kismet_logs/%p%n-%D-%t-%i.%l
  9. From your ssh session issue the following command, echo -e '\n!0 shutdown' | nc localhost 2501 If you want to get really fancy, do a "nano stop_kismet.sh" past the above, then save it. Chmod the stop_kismet.sh 755. Make this script on your sd card so it doesn't go away on pineapple updates. This way you can just run the stop_kismet.sh script so you don't have to remember the command.
  10. You can try it both ways, but I usually just kill the service.
  11. Okay, got unlazy. We're running a newcore based kismet, so we really don't need gpsd. It can read serial devices without it. Here is the default gps part of the kismet.conf file. # Do we have a GPS? gps=true # Do we use a locally serial attached GPS, or use a gpsd server? # (Pick only one) gpstype=gpsd # gpstype=serial # What serial device do we look for the GPS on? gpsdevice=/dev/rfcomm0 # Host:port that GPSD is running on. This can be localhost OR remote! gpshost=localhost:2947 # Do we lock the mode? This overrides coordinates of lock "0", which will # generate some bad information until you get a GPS lock, but it will # fix problems with GPS units with broken NMEA that report lock 0 gpsmodelock=false # Do we try to reconnect if we lose our link to the GPS, or do we just # let it die and be disabled? gpsreconnect=true This is what you need to change. Basically the gpstype= and the gpsdevice= lines. Forgot you can't change text color with the code tags... Damn, now I can't add a comment under this last code block... You're still going to need to ssh into the pineapple to shutdown kismet_server properly. Just pulling the plug will corrupt the current database. # Do we have a GPS? gps=true # Do we use a locally serial attached GPS, or use a gpsd server? # (Pick only one) # gpstype=gpsd gpstype=serial # What serial device do we look for the GPS on? gpsdevice=/dev/ttyUSB0 # Host:port that GPSD is running on. This can be localhost OR remote! gpshost=localhost:2947 # Do we lock the mode? This overrides coordinates of lock "0", which will # generate some bad information until you get a GPS lock, but it will # fix problems with GPS units with broken NMEA that report lock 0 gpsmodelock=false # Do we try to reconnect if we lose our link to the GPS, or do we just # let it die and be disabled? gpsreconnect=true
  12. Hey Seb, which version is kismet on the pineapple? Too lazy to fire mine up.... If it's newcore based we shouldn't need gpsd, unless someone is using it for the time sync feature.
  13. Just set up a kismet drone for the area. Have it talk back to your local kismet server over the internet. You'll have to parse the logs manually, but it will do what you want.
  14. Next thing you know the government will charge you for the rain. Oh, wait.
  15. I'll be there. Wonder if the pwnie express dude's tats ever faded?
  16. I'd use a VM with a usb ethernet adapter directly attached to it.
  17. Not necessarily. A device was engineered, tested, and certified to work at a specific wattage, this is usually what it comes set at and isn't modifiable. Since we are running open software on the pineapple we have access to code most people never see, so we do have the ability to fry the card by running it way above spec. It's the same as running dd-wrt/open-wrt on a linksys wrt54g. Maxing out the power makes them run terrible, but holy shit the range you could get!
  18. Just because you can crank up the power doesn't mean the hardware can do it properly. Bumping the power over stock usually starts producing quite a bit of noise. Also like Cooper said, your local communication governing body has limits on the effective power you can transmit at. Bumping the volume to 11 with certain antenna can and often do go over those limitations. You might be able to get away with it most of the time, but sometime one of those vans might be close enough to drop the banhammer on you. The fines really do suck.
  19. Alarm batteries are just like UPS batteries. They are sealed lead acid. As most of us know, they will vent when they fail. I have a roughly 4000 square foot house, not counting the basement. The battery packs in my rackmounted UPS in the basement failed and burst. We had to open up windows, when it was in the low teens to single digits outside, just to get the sulphur smell out of the house. I wouldn't want that to happen in a small camper. Keep the batteries outside.
  20. Freenas runs zfs, which is a ram hog and works better with ecc. All of the servers I admin use ecc, won't work without it, so not sure what servers you're using. As for what windows home server does, well, it's a windows media server/streamer, bare metal desktop backup system for up to 10 clients, file server(duh), print server, remote access gateway, think RDP, but over a https connection. It also allows you to connect and get to your files from anywhere over the internet, microsoft gives you a domain name, whatever.homeserver.com.
  21. It really depends on how much work experience you have. Degrees are cool and all, but without the experience of actually applying your knowledge in the real world, yep, you're going to have to do the "have you tried turning it off and on again" stuff for a bit.
  22. It's not the firmware. Boot your laptop with the gnuradio live cd. It will work just fine there.
  23. You'll have to ssh in the shut it down. It should be logging though. You'll just lose the last log. Might want to check you config. You can't switch the switches while it's running either.
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