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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Being anonymous on the internet is only slightly harder than catching a left handed unicorn.
  2. Look into ar software for android or ios devices. That's basically what you're talking about now. Should give you a push in the right direction.
  3. I think they're giving Apple time to patch it before releasing any more info.
  4. Not automagically. You can create different virtual APs though. That's how it's usually done with normal access points. You'll probably run out of processing power pretty quick though.
  5. Most real car huds can be seen by the passengers. It's just an image being projected onto the window. Lot's of how-to's on the net for rolling your own. The hardest part is making it viewable in direct sunlight. You need a pretty bright display to make it work. Now the fun part is what toughbunny is asking for. You need to account for your position in the room as to where the images are being projected. A kinect will fix this problem. Then there's the problem with projecting an image onto glass. It's really hard to do it like they fake it in the movies. What you're asking for is pretty much impossible. To get the angles right to be able to see the images, the projector has to be in line with your eyes, behind you, unfortunately your head will be in the way to see the images on the window. "Wait! They make short throw projectors!" you're saying to yourself. That's cool and all, but you won't be projecting onto a screen, you're projecting onto a mirror for all intents and purposes. You won't be able to see the images, unless you put an opaque film on the glass, and well, that kinda defeats the purpose. Or just wait a few months for Hololens to be released.
  6. Make sure the pineapple still has internet access. That's usually the problem, that or it's dns settings.
  7. You would just set up the access point from the command line.
  8. My USB drives are attached to a Shmoocon lanyard. Helps me not forget them in a computer, most of the time. I don't actually ever wear it around my neck though. It's more like a remove before flight streamer than anything.
  9. It's from Marcus Ranum, who's the chief security officer of Tenable security. He's also a pretty cool artist. They made a computer security calendar and this pic is from it. http://ranum.com/security/computer_security/index.html
  10. Hopefully there won't be any usb bus issues....
  11. Well if they don't make it to the shop before next derbycon, appropriate one for me!
  12. Okay, but can you get to the config page from WiFi?
  13. Try connecting to it over wifi, something may have disabled the ethernet port for some reason.
  14. I used to work for a school district and we've expelled students for similar things, but hey, it's your money. If you're using the ethernet port of the pineapple to connect to the wired network, isn't going to do you any good, unless they're actually using that network range for the student network(highly doubt it). Hopefully that gives you a push in the right direction.
  15. Was thinking kinda the same thing. Not sure if they can run airdrop-ng or not though.....
  16. You won't find any infusions that do that.
  17. Depends on what you want to use the gps for. Also depends on the gps type.
  18. I still wouldn't trust the ducky to mess with the bios. Even if you did know where everything is, it only takes a small lag somewhere to throw off all your settings.
  19. When I started war driving back in 01 or 02, most access points were open. A few had wep enabled. Most folks just had the ap hide the said and they thought they were secure. There was also the ones that did Mac authentication. Then aircrack-ng made it stupid simple to crack a wep key. I even did it once on a sharp zaurus PDA. So WPA came out, and that worked well for a couple years, then cowpatty came out and made it crackable in hours to a couple days. So they made wpa2, which so far is working pretty well. Then the vendors decided it was too hard for grandma to type in a password so they made wps. That turned out to be a bad idea, so it's slowly going away. Exploits come and go. The nice thing about the pineapple is it's really just a small computer with a couple decent WiFi radios. We just have to adapt to what's available to exploit.
  20. I think you're not providing enough information.
  21. You can save the pcaps to the laptop, but you can't use the pineapple's radios directly with Kali.
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