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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. That thing has horrible reviews, and there's no way in hell the solar panel will keep up with charging the battery while it's being used.
  2. Pretty easy really. Just set the pi to have a static ip in the pineapple network range, then connect it to the pineapple. Once connected, you can connect your device to the pineapple's wifi and connect to the pi over that wifi connection.
  3. Ahh, well in that case, I think latency will be an issue. Even my cellphone has lag when panning the camera. The lag is what gives people motion sickness.
  4. Try updating with the pineapple in client mode instead of trying internet connection sharing.
  5. Does the pi even have enough horsepower to run an oculus??
  6. Nice! I had a librarian that did something similar. She cleaned up and off her desk, then put everything back. Her computer worked great, but the three laptops they let students use in the library wouldn't charge. She calls me up and asks about it, I ask her if the power adapters are plugged in. She confirms they are. Is the power strip plugged in? Yep! Weird. So I drive out to the school, it's an hour one way. Look at the power strip, and sure enough, it's plugged in. Problem is, it's plugged into another power strip, that's plugged into the first power strip!!
  7. Do you happen to have an ubertooth? If so, load up spectools on a linux machine. Then fire up the microwave, heat a glass of water or something. Could be leaking.
  8. Yep. Always bridge mode the cable modem, put in your own router/firewall.
  9. I've never been a fan of wireless repeaters, and avoid them like the plague. They cut the bandwidth in half, or worse. They also make tracking down wireless issues a pain in the ass, especially when the guy doing the troubleshooting doesn't know about them... Can't you run a cable through the attic?
  10. Dude, the internet in the US sucks. The fastest I can get right now is 50mbps down and 5mbps up. Technically I'm in the 100mbps down tier, but they don't have that in my area yet, so when it does come, I will automatically jump to that. I have seen 60mbps a few times though.
  11. I didn't know wifislax was still around! At least it's not fluorescent green on white...
  12. It's a good way to catch your laptop on fire.
  13. It should work. They got it to work with fedora, it shows up under ttyUSB0, so there's a really good chance it will work.
  14. Go with usb. Some laptops won't boot with a third party wifi card.
  15. Any laptop that runs linux will work really. You don't need anything fancy. Most wireless will work now, though if you need injection you might need a usb adapter for that. Take a look at Ubuntu's known good hardware lists for laptops that work. If Ubuntu will run, Kali will run.
  16. I replied in DM, but I'll throw it out here as well. It will work both ways. I usually kill network-manager though. "service network-manager stop" I've had the laptop get a dhcp address from the pineapple and kill the internet connection.
  17. Defcon is too big. I got tired of standing in lines to go to the talks.
  18. . Teacher kept complaining about poor WiFi reception in her classroom. We told her the WiFi was scheduled to be upgraded during summer break and to plug her laptop into the network jack that is right beside her desk. She goes to the local box store and buys her own access point(router). It proceeds do do its thing and starts pushing out its own dhcp addresses. My boss tell me to go out and find it. When I do track it down I walk into the room, pick it up and walk out. When I got to the end of the cables I just yank them out of the wall. She starts yelling at me that it's her property, I tell her it will be in the superintendent's office for her to pick up. I had to go back on the weekend to repunch the network jack I ripped out of the wall, but it was worth it.
  19. Looks like it doesn't like something in the batch file.
  20. You did the initial setup over a wired connection right?
  21. As a prevoius computer/net tech for a very large school district, and a current part time tech for another, I highly recommend against this. We've tracked down rogue access points in the past, it's been the cause of disciplinary actions against students and teachers.
  22. I have the XPS12 and when it ran Kali the script worked just fine. Did you set the eth0 ip address first? Yea, just booted Kali, set the usb ethernet's ip to, then ran the wp5.sh script. Pineapple can connect to the internet after that.
  23. Every phone I've ever had auto connects to known access points. Android(HTC, Motorola, Samsung), or iPhone.
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