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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Heh. Had to add a USB controller to the vm before the USB network card would show up. Working now!
  2. Does anybody know if it's possible to get a vmware esxi vm to see promiscuous traffic on a real network? I can find all kinds of how-to's to do it from within the virtual environment, but not the outside network.
  3. http://whirlpool.net.au/wiki/homemade_yagi_pg2
  4. If that's the case, then set it up for unattended access. Then you give it your own passcode and can connect anytime you need. Even from a web browser, so you could fix something from work.
  5. Depends on where you live. In the US you can manufacturer your own firearms. You can't make them full auto or suppressed. You also aren't supposed to make them where guns are banned.
  6. How are you providing internet to the pineapple?
  7. teamviewer is free for home use, works great. Have it installed on my Dad, Mom, and Grandma's computers. They have to give you a code to connect, so it's fairly secure.
  8. Wait. So you knew the mac address of the access point you wanted to connect to, but not the ssid?
  9. So you're connecting to a specific access point from a group of access points using the same ssid?
  10. Different chipset most likely. Kali isn't the most stable Linux distro out there.
  11. barry99705

    EDC Bags

    Upgraded the EDC bag carrier.... 3/4 inch exterior grade plywood. Rabbeted and screwed together. I'll pull it out and glue it when it warms back up. I used toggle bolts and wire to attach the front part to the cargo tie downs in the middle. Then the back part has four pieces of angle iron screwed to the uprights that slide into the same spot on the front. Hopefully it keeps the deck mostly even, have to be able to get to the spare tire under the back deck, so it can't be bolted down.
  12. The pineapple is a wifi device! Connect over wifi!
  13. That's why it's so hard to actually wipe flash media. I keep it till it dies, then smash it up before throwing it out. One of the thumb drives in my pocket is 512mb. It has gparted loaded on it.
  14. Oh, I see. You'd use the APs I linked, for the bridge, then at the remote sites you attach a switch to the bridge and standard APs to the switch. Their unifi ap and ap pro models have awesome range. The two I have in my house cover pretty much my whole 3 acre property.
  15. Yep. Don't need a router at the other stations, just a switch. Think of the WiFi as a really long cable.
  16. I noticed on a new Dell UEFI that it has the settings to netboot over the internet, which is kinda cool. Still waiting for someone to make a small useable os to replace UEFI.
  17. Do it right. http://www.amazon.com/Ubiquiti-NSM2-US-NanoStation-M2/dp/B004EFH6L8
  18. I know a guy that used to shop ebay for used cf and sd cards. Some things should be left unseen...
  19. barry99705

    EDC Bags

    Yep. Ohhh, looks like the new ones are USB3 and sata internal. Mine is USB2.
  20. I've used both in windows and linux. If you're using Kali, their libusb support is iffy. Try using the gnuradio live cd to update the firmware. Yep, that works to update the firmware, still bombs out in Kali... I think it was better when they still called it backtrack. After the Kali move everything went to hell.
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