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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. I would think it would. Even if they're using a highly directional antenna, it's still going to fuzz someone in that general direction a little. May throw off their gps, or just make it quit working, no lock or whatnot.
  2. Just throwing this out there. I saw a car running around a friends neighborhood with a plate scanner. Wasn't an unmarked police cruiser, I know which of them have the scanners(none in my areas). The only reason I noticed it was because it was just after sunset and I could see the IR led floodlights beside the cameras. Couple dudes in the car, passenger was running a laptop.
  3. Nope, I know how to defend myself, was an instructor for many years. It just looked like too many other magic jellybean fix all your problems infomercials you see on late night television. Nothing you wrote can be fixed with a wifipineapple. That's not it's purpose, and anything you do use it for won't be admissible in court anyway. It's not your job to gather evidence, it's the police's job.
  4. That is the biggest load of bullshit I've seen in these forums.
  5. It can take a couple days for a reply sometimes. There's only a few of them.
  6. Sure, but we're supposed to be the "experts" here. Not some ass hat on 4chan posting lmgt links. If you're going to post shit like that then don't bother.
  7. There really isn't one, otherwise Sony's PlayStation network wouldn't have been down for so long at Christmas.
  8. Other than the fun you're having building this thing, this would be much easier...
  9. I don't really see the need. The pineapple's gui does what it needs. There's really no need to add the extra bullshit when a lot of folks are running it from their phone's browser.
  10. Not that I've ever heard of. I'm sure it's possible, but the odds of that happening would be about the same as winning the lotto.
  11. Math. A lot of math... http://www.zen22142.zen.co.uk/Analysis/efftxd.htm http://www.moxa.com/newsletter/connection/2008/03/Figure_out_transmission_distance_from_wireless_device_specs.htm
  12. Again why? The same thing can be done just by looking into a window, or watching the house for a few minutes. It also won't work unless it's held against the wall/door. I'm sure in a year or so they'll be available to anyone who can afford it. They're not cheap though. Every distributor I've found has a call for pricing, so I'm guessing in the many thousands of dollars.
  13. Why? They're not going to be using these things unless there's an entry team about to kick in the door. They don't work from a distance. Think of them as a stud finder for warm bodies. It just shows if there's a person inside a building, how far away from the unit he/she is, and whether they're moving or not. http://www.range-r.com/documents/RANGER.PDF
  14. Saw this up on Engadget and Gizmodo yesterday, or Friday. Kinda neat tech.
  15. One thing to keep in mind. On an actual pentest you might want/need the ability to wipe your machine's drive when you're done. I've even heard of folks having to turn over the drive in their laptops. Having a distro like Kali, Gento or SeAnux comes in handy for this reason. Most people won't use them as a daily driver os, so it's not a big deal to lose the data on them. Some people use those distros for other reasons. I run Kali as my work and one of my personal laptop's main os. For me it's a convenience thing more than anything else. I used to just run Slackware and compile everything I needed, wrote a script to do it for me. Now I just use Kali and remove what I don't need if space is an issue, which usually isn't. Sure I could go old school and install Debian then install the apps I need, but I use full disk encryption, and I really like Kali's luks nuke feature. Had a coworker's laptop get pilfered from a client site, so I started running full disk encryption with windows as a vm for those windows only moments.
  16. Sure, at a much slower pace though. I'm looking at replacing one of the machines in the basement. It's a windows home server box I built years ago. The other machines are a vmware server, the pfsense firewall, and a proxmox test rig that will also go away. Oh, there's also a headless laptop running windows 7 that's my Ubiquity wireless controller box.
  17. Heh, I just use my servers in the basement as extra heat....
  18. You do have the drivers for the serial adapter installed right? You could also try using linux and minicom. Could just be windows being shitty, it happens from time to time....
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