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  1. Cooper I have no idea what happens in your country. In the United States however small business and bookstores both use what is called a merchant service. These companies handle the card transaction back to the home bank. There are two paths one is for debit transactions where the merchant bank receives funds back from the bank. The other is credit which goes to the card issuing bank. Behind the scenes the card merchant service also collects metadata from the transaction including if present the SKU of the products purchased. This information is then sold to four different companies. The metadata includes the name on the card and the last six digits of the account number, the time, location and some other data I can't remember what it is. This second process has nothing to do with the actual transaction. Some organizations are in league with the card merchant. This is most often done in the electronics industry. High ticket items are sometimes sold at amazingly low prices locally. The reason for this is to pick off the identity of the person making the purchase. Increasingly smaller business are finding a second source of income by selling its customer data. All of this information is then available through either analytic list results or alternatively if I know your name and I'm willing to spend the money I can just buy all of the metadata, locations, product SKUs, about you.
  2. If are in the US and you would like to send a letter, I have a form on itsmyinfo.org it is a declaration of personal privacy. The site requires an email address so i can get back in touch with you there is a valid reason i would want to contact you, Each local business you do business with should receive a certified snail mail copy. Especially if it is a big conglomerate with a loyalty card program. The idea is that you give them a cover letter and a permission slip for every company in which they do business They in turn will disclose who they do business with and you send a copy of the form to them, until you contact everyone in the chain. Always make a copy of the letters you send and staple or tape the return paperwork from the post office to the copy. I do not expect at first any company will contact you. keep all of your copies in a folder. Don't worry the companies will throw the letter away, they wont contact you back.What you are after is the copy of the certified letter and the receipt from the post office. These will be the basis for a civil case ageist the company. Before you ask no i do not want to create some class action case either, we need a change in precedent in our legal system. These letters, all of them will be admissible to any court in the US. You are never to send originals copies to me only copies or scans to the legal firms when needed. I will be sending emails asking who has contacted company X. I do not want to keep track of who has contacted who for a wide variety or reasons. You can also contact the group via my website or on twitter #MYRTP MY Right to property. There are more things in my book still going back and forth with the editor. There are things for your senators and representatives at the federal level and things for your local state legislators. I have a plan that spans personal action, the courts and federal and state governments. It is going to take a while to turn the boulders using toothpicks..
  3. Cooper had some great points however I believe that he misses a few things since he is not from the United States nor does he live in its society. His expectation of privacy is different. Your barber may take cash and you are right that we are not obligated in using credit. Where the expectation of society leaves America on its own is that in the US you have an expectation to be let alone. legally it was defined , Judge Thomas McIntyre Cooley wrote in ‘A Treatise on the Law of Torts: Or the Wrongs which Arise Independent of Contract’, 2nd edition 1888, page 29 under the classification of legal rights “Personal Immunity the right of one’s person is said to be a right of complete immunity: to be let alone.” It is the legal description of privacy within the United States that can be applied to civil law.We also have a strong history with property and its ownership. The barber can keep a list for his use, but if he sells it he is violating not only your privacy but he has sold your property. The credit card industry also is selling your information without your permission. You own your name it belongs to you. The industry selling it to advertising also violates your privacy and property. Now there are many people are under the brief that just because its out there makes it public domain, that isn't true either. There are lots of cases around software and a lot of the same companies have rulings that can be used ageist them. Popular belief and what is the spirit of the law rarely coincide. The first step is claiming your own property and then following it up. That is what part of itsmyinfo.org is all about. The other is putting light on who is selling information list of those that list us. Verbally I want to screw with the mail list data set. if you hear me on radio, pod cast or in person ill explain how that is done. The data on the interest is vulnerable to what is never posted. I don't know if Cooper is on beenverified or any of the other 200+ brokerage vendors. If you are an american citizen you can opt-out. You can find the links on my site or on http://www.worldprivacyforum.org/2013/12/data-brokers-opt-out/%C2'> can opt out of the credit selling crap too. But why should we opt out of any it? It is not their property, it is collectively our information. The process is backwards. The industry knows that what they are doing has problems. I am not looking for regulation it never works anyway. What I came to this site for was looking for a coder that could help me with part of the project. I will reach out to someone when I attend bsides or one of the other gatherings, apparently the people from here don't read their own forums. The girl was cute though, that they sent to Defcon.
  4. cooper you forgot the from statement where do you have access to a dataset or are you guessing as it is a flat table layout? I know sql myself how about the abstract data i have been asking about at http://lists.nextmark.com?
  5. contact me if you are interested in working on the project
  6. @digip thank you for the linkks intersting stuff
  7. In the United States just about everything data is for sale. You do not need to post it on the Internet yourself to be exposed. Often companies steal your data or harvest your information without asking permission. As others here have pointed out government provides protection though the Bill of Rights and Constitution . But what happens in the United States more often than not is private violation. The easiest way to explain this to people that do not live in the United States or fully understand the law it that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are between the people and the government. When the people gather to create corporations or names of other groups there is no protection because they are not acting as the government. There are not really rights expressed between people just criminal acts against one another. A couple of you have brought up some great points. Someone from the outside may think that the Credit system as a violation of the fourth and fifth amendments. But since the credit companies are not part of the government only regulated by them there is no such protection. When you purchase something you are incriminated by what you purchased and increasingly your geo location or where you go. This goes into your credit report and encompass more and include your views and actions on social networks. An interesting thing happens within the credit card process, when you use a terminal at a store the merchant that collects the information called a credit provider is not a bank or fall under regular banking rules. They steal the information from the transaction and sell it too. Now there is not law against this activity and it is used by the industry to “protect you” from fraudulent charges. That is what you are told actually the system is about getting information from you. The chart displays the annual loss by the use for credit cards each year. You might notice that merchants are well above banks and consumers. A interesting thing about this chart the banks don't really lose. Most of the money is paid bank within the Untied States though the FDIC insurance fund. No one knows what the real loss is but I would guess that it is in the millions. if you dont know what a data broker is watch this you tube video As it stands today legislation is dead and no hope of it comming back soon. It really is a good thing because most of it, is stolen information. Personally I call stolen information any item that is meta or actual and not agreed upon by the consumer. Any type of of regulation only legitmizes the stolen information. There are more examples of this activity you can use the Internet and just about any web browser and get tagged back by Google, Facebook, twitter and around 400 other companies that track our web surfing habits. This action has no agreement either and the data or meta is stolen material. Google has no right nor do any of the other companies to track what we do. The agreement we may have with them leaves when we are not on their site. What you can do is let yourself be known lets work together. Go to my site help me get the word out. When there are enough contacts I will be asking for a donation for legal action with a few thousand people the individual cost should be it the 50 cents to two dollar each range. my book will be out sometime in the next 90 days, there is more information there. The point is you don't have to be a sheep and take this crap especially with this crowd. That is if you are a United States citizen.
  8. @barry99705 are you in the U.S.? if so what state? I know that some repo guys have the gear and look for cars and scan plates for extra cash.
  9. @digip The book is written it doesn't go into the brokers very heavy. You don't need them to make the point that a lot of the information is stolen and it ends up on the internet. Actually it is to help with the site and you are right letting people know what is going on. The data on the site is not perfect I can not find half of the marketing companies that put trackers on websites either. Someone pays for them but some of them are really hard to sort out. The lists brokers is kind of an easy one but the way that site is laid out you have to hand review the flipen thing. I was hoping that someone would like to look too. Everybody there is in the list business expect for the ones selling space in other media. magazine inserts are also advertised there. Thanks for the heads up on the site and the blog I really need to post there again soon its hard posting different stuff in two blogs. maybe later in the week.
  10. Cooper everyone on the site sells information it is the point of the site. facebook google+ twitter redit Vk or anywhere else on the net should not disclose personal information especially security questions I tell people to change the answers at banks utilities and anywhere they place them. One service that provides security questions for number of sites sells the answers as a business practice. The site used to do business with a UK firm for dating i don't really know what they are up to now. people can do what ever they want. who I am is a writer and public speaker. You can find articles I wrote on the internet or in my blog. I wrote a novel and part of the story is about information on the net. its name is "Extortionware a hacker tale" I wanted to learn the publishing business so i wrote a novel about a hacker. The novel is available in 260 countries and in all ebook formats. Though the exercise I learned formatting, editing, distribution and promotion. The other reason I wrote the novel was that most of the fiction about hackers is bull shit. My new book is non fiction "A Right to Property" focuses on U.S, issues around information sharing and government mishandling data. I hope to start a movement in the U.S. and change some of the crap that is going on here. The last chapter is 5 steps to effect change, The chapter includes a part on disrupting the list brokers. yes the same folks i am looking to list. It isn't out yet so i cant elaborate. You seem like quite the advocate and you post here often. Perhaps you could elaborate with what is wrong with my site and give me pointers on how to make it more appealing. I really don't know what you see can you make a screen cap and send it to me?
  11. Could someone send me a screen shot so i can fix the sit.e i don't know what you see to fix it.
  12. Cooper I am not trying to be rude. Your profile says you are in the Netherlands and I am sure that law in your country is different from the United States. I agree with many of your points and I agree with a lot of what you say. We do differ on opinion on people that are victims of rape and other that can not help themselves.. I think it is the responsibility of everyone to protect the helpless. On the net if you possess the ability to protect others you should. I am not a fan of f** everybody I can, just because I can. In the U.S. there is not a privacy law. My focus is U.S. based and what companies do here is different from your country. The data from police cars in the United States is for sale and it is the police scanning the plates. I was not aware that others do that where you live. It illegal in many places in the United States to hide your licence plate when the car is parked.As for your data it is also different here. I really don’t know what companies collect where you live. In the United States all of it is for sale with enough money here you can buy anything. I have used to be in the information business i know where and how to buy just about anything. The list of brokers and other lists will be used in a project that my book describes. The book also has its focus on United States legal issues. I want the list of mailing list brokers to advise people in the United States where the junk mail comes from. this is so they can opt out or perhaps file legal action ageist them. If I am not mistaken you don’t have these lists, it is illegal. The names and home addresses of your police and military personnel are not for open sale in your country. I am not on a witch hunt the site lists mailing and email lists for sale. it provides the names of companies and some times who originated the list. There are others that steal information too like the credit card merchant services in the United States. The banking laws in your country make it illegal to sell what you purchase and where. In the United States it is open season.
  13. TL;DR - As you said bottom line, free internet isn't free, and people need to know this but most don't care or even worry and take for granted until they see it used against them in some manner, by which time, too late to educate end users on how to protect themselves in the digital age. Cooper, on 03 Feb 2015 - 03:25 AM, said: What does it look like to you can you shoot me a screen shot? Do you do design? it not my forte and it was my first attempt at html5 it may be the issue. I agree, you both made great points. Google and Facebook no mater how much you want them to be, are not the internet. They occupy a couple of ports and a few addresses. Our life however spans beyond the internet. Much of the information about us is stolen from us. The information is then sold and a profile is made from your actions. Anyone can buy the information no hacking needed. Do you know about licence plate scanning by the police? Did you know that the data is for sale? What i am after is creating a list of list brokers. The names of magazines and trade groups that sell the customer and membership lists. Inside of them will be some survey companies and a few like DataLogix and Exact Data who buys information from Acxiom. Though my research I think there will be about 1500 or so of the actual companies in the list selling business. Most of the magazine industry is dead at this point hopefully I can put the last nail in the coffin for the ones that are marketing the customer lists. Personally I don't care what people post on Facebook,I do care when the data is used systemically against them. Did you look at the lists under data brokers? Do you know of any companies to add? here is an old video on youtube Watch it, the only thing she gets wrong is she puts the various industries lumped together. That is why i want to create the lists of who does what.
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