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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Should work. I'd pull the battery pretty quick though. It will try to back charge which won't be good for it.
  2. They're handy to see who's calling without pulling your phone out of your pocket/holster. You can hit the ignore button on the watch and just keep talking, or whatever you were doing. It'd be cooler if I could sync with two phones, since I carry a personal and work phone.
  3. It's probably not exactly what you need, but it gives you a place to start.
  4. The caps are the "battery". They keep it running long enough to shutdown properly. I've seen people swap out their car battery for a couple large supercaps. For your case they could keep the pineapple running long enough to swap batteries, or go to mains power.
  5. Basically you want a ups for the pineapple. Like this? http://hackaday.com/2014/10/04/supercapacitors-for-the-raspberry-pi/
  6. Ahh, it must have been wiped out with the site change. Haven't looked at the wiki in months.
  7. These are better, cause, you know, it keeps the site running! http://hakshop.myshopify.com/collections/antennas/products/sma-male-jack-to-rp-sma-female-adapter?variant=504035017
  8. Other than the hidden kismet directory(why?) it's a pretty good tutorial.
  9. Dude! You should add that to the wiki! Much better than my old how-to.
  10. 99.9% of any antennas you will find at your local electronics box store will be rp-sma, which won't work. Pretty sure that's what he was talking about.
  11. He's not asking for a read only stick, he has a stick that decided to become read only.
  12. Usually once they go read only, they're toast.
  13. barry99705


    http://www.amazon.com/pfSense-2-Cookbook-Matt-Williamson-ebook/dp/B0055Y79EG/ref=sr_1_2?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1412078373&sr=1-2&keywords=pfsense Is a pretty good beginner book to get the basics, and not so basics going, step by step pictures as well.
  14. It was both. Passive for the whole network, we watch the connections. We also had the ability to look up someone's ass if needed. Basically the desktop was DVR'd. Then someone would fast forward through the day.
  15. barry99705


    My firewall is a little overpowered...
  16. This account has been suspended due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy against spam, gaming, misleading content, or other Terms of Service violations. Most likely they banned the account because of "hacking" videos.
  17. I met him a half dozen years ago at a defcon bbq. He may have been a genius back in the day, but the years (and probably drugs) haven't been kind to him. He's a cool dude to talk to though.
  18. Signal strength should never be factored in. It's too ambiguous of a factor. Environmental settings will change it. Even the equipment used will affect it. No two radios transmit at the exact same power. They get close, and that's all that's needed. Same with recieve sensitivity.
  19. Well since we had to capture the animal, yes it is still called triangulation. You're still triangulating their location. This is also called fox and hound in the ham community.
  20. No, it was installed on suspected users machines. Usually there's already suspicions or other reasons to install that kind of logging software. Normally we just do high level logging of sites browsed logged to individual ip addresses or machine names depending on the client.
  21. No, you can still find a moving target, it just takes longer, though it does help if they are stationary every now and then. I've helped track down animals with radio tracking collars on them with a single receiver.
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