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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. We were screwing around with the smart tv in the bar at Shmoocon four or five years ago. We got it to turn off but that's about it.
  2. This thread is so full of fail it really needs to go away.
  3. Kismet is a command line only app. You'll have to ssh in to install it.
  4. Pretty sure you need to configure internet sharing on your ethernet(wired) card, not the one connected to the internet.
  5. That's about right with the built in wifi adapter. There's a huge ass bitchfest thread here about that. https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/32013-pineapple-ap-is-incredibly-slowinconsistent/
  6. Okay, I'll bite. Show us your network settings. Wait. Yea, something is broken. I can ssh into the pineapple and ping anything but wifipineapple.com. Also seeing the page the pineapple checks to get the external ip is missing from the wifipineapple site as well.
  7. Pretty sure wlan0-1 is the virtual adapter for secure configuration.
  8. Or just pull the sd card out and use a usb adapter.
  9. Well sure, just like your location data, search data, and everything else you do.
  10. That and Broadcom wireless sucks dead donkey balls.
  11. No one does a pentest without a firewall set up on their machine, right? That would just be stupid.
  12. Okay, I'll be serious now. Actually I was mostly serious the last post too, but that's for another time. For our client like this, they are pay as you go. They give us a check when we finish, or we won't be back, period. As far as I know, one of our past clients hasn't had working email for almost a year now. Their server freaked out, but because they were really past due, my boss said, nope. We've also repossessed servers from non-paying clients. Oddly enough, it seems to be the Dr's offices that are the worst about paying on time.
  13. No, that would have been the pc I swapped out from a Mexican restaurant kitchen!
  14. The only torrents I use come from either Kali.org, or vmware's vm repository.
  15. That's oil on the bottom of the computer case. This was pulled out of the air in a machine shop. Makes you wonder what everybody's lungs look like.
  16. Virtual access points. Same way my Ebiquity AP is running 4 different ssids now.
  17. The secure ap is for you to connect for configuration. The "clients" should never connect to that connection.
  18. You should take another picture when you're not jumping up and down shouting "IT WORKS MUUUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!".
  19. Unless you have a business account it's probably against the isp's tos. Personally, I wouldn't run a Web server out of my house, too much crap to keep up with security wise.
  20. It's most likely toast. The encrypted files won't recover properly unless the drive is decrypted first, which can't happen if it has bad sectors.
  21. No problem. I've had crap like that happen before. This update is just a USB security update. Nothing really show stopping.
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