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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Yea, I'm going to put this on the same shelf as enhancing a photo of someone's eye and revealing the person who took the photo. It almost sounds like it could be done, but really can't.
  2. This made a few laughs over at the netstumbler forums years ago. I shopped it up a bit though... The dude couldn't understand why his antenna didn't work very well... Had this hooked up to a bluetooth dongle once. I could see headsets a quarter mile down the street, my house at the time was at the top of a T.
  3. Yea. Pci or pcie. Long day yesterday. 6 hours of driving with 5 hours of pulling network cables in a 90F attic in the middle.
  4. Well, your handle is appropriate!
  5. I'm a fan of using pci-x network cards for routers. It's what we do with our clients. They usually get cooked when a lightning strike happens close by through the dsl/cable modem. Swapping out the card fixes it 90% of the time. The other 10% cooks the mobo as well... Haven't tried using usb network cards yet.
  6. You really should be using the Kali linux forums for this. It's kinda why they exist. https://forums.kali.org/showthread.php?22126-Hardware-List-Apple-OSX-EFI-amp-Kali-Linux Installing anything other than MacOS on a Mac can be kind of a pain in the ass. Apple has made installing Windows pretty straight forward, but linux can be iffy.
  7. Never go through the roof! Go out an eve if you can, with plenty of silicone. If you have to go out a roof, try to go out one of the roof vents. That way it's properly flashed and won't leak! Noise really has nothing to do with the antenna, unless it's a shitty antenna to begin with.
  8. The biggest question is for what? Antenna selection really depends on what they're going to be used for?
  9. Since I never keep money in my wallet, I forgot I had cash in my front pocket, they flipped out about that. "WHAT'S IN YOUR POCKET SIR!!" $250, you want to hold it for me? "MOVE ALONG!"
  10. My wife's x220 with the extra battery slice gets around 20 hours of battery life.
  11. You'll probably run into issues powering external usb wifi adapters with only 5v.
  12. I use one from a linksys wrt54g. 12v 1amp.
  13. Are they still putting out updates?
  14. From my experience it induces more noise into the signal and is basically useless. The only time I ever use it is to drop the power when looking for a rogue access point and I don't have my normal gear with me.
  15. My Dell XPS12 works just fine with it. The latest version even fixed the touch screen issues. Though it still quits working when bringing out of sleep, but at boot it works just fine. Haven't tried monitor mode, I use an external usb adapter for that. On my work Dell it has a second pci slot for a 3g modem, so I put an atheros based wifi card in to get around the crappy broadcom wireless crap that dell uses.
  16. Holy crap! I haven't seen that crow since I was a little kid! My step-dad did ECM in the AF.
  17. Yes, they exist, I have one in my phone. It "should" work in the pineapple, but I'm not 100% sure. I don't think we'll see any performance difference between a regular class 10 microsd or a class 10 micro sdxc on the pineapple even if they do work.
  18. Could be a bad card. I just dug around in my junk drawer and found the sd card that came with my pineapple. Threw it in and did the format thing and it showed right up, no reboot needed. Do you have an adapter you could use to put the card on your desktop/laptop to see if that sees it?
  19. I don't see the point. The ip addresses are still going to be transmitted from your house. It doesn't matter if you're making a dns request or not.
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