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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. You can also upload kismet files to wigle.
  2. Wow, you're leaving real early!
  3. F-22 P-51 F-16 Took this at the Dayton Air Show a few years ago. These were the first aircraft I worked on. This was the last aircraft I worked on before I got out.
  4. This help? http://www.ajpdsoft.com/modules.php?traducir=es-en&name=News&file=article&sid=616
  5. Connect the pineapple to your wifi through client mode. Internet connection sharing with Macs is funky. It works, but sometimes it doesn't work, more often it doesn't work...
  6. There's a setting in the karma settings window that let's you change the log location. Mine goes to /sd/logs .
  7. I've never seen karma try to spoof an encrypted network with an unencrypted network.
  8. Just tested what I had. Somewhere I have a linksys one, but it's probably the same one you have. Goofy little door flip out for the cable that won't hold the cable longer than it takes to turn the laptop around to use?
  9. Darren showed how to turn the pineapple into a client on one of the podcasts a couple months ago. Been meaning to look it up so I could link it to that discussion. This should point you in the right direction, at the 7:40 mark or so. http://hak5.org/episodes/hak5-1517
  10. That's a 5 year old package. Pretty good chance it no longer works with current kernels.
  11. Check your apt sources. I've had to edit mine every time I install Kali from dvd. For some reason not all of them are there.
  12. Something's not right then. You should be getting something in the range. Unless you've changed something.
  13. If you connect to your pineapple's wifi, what ip does your laptop get?? If I run a scan on my network with the pineapple on it I can see the pineapple has ports 22, 53, and 80 open.
  14. It's not that the connector is better, it's that it's directly soldered to the board instead of using a small pigtail internally.
  15. Cooper's not though. One of my coworkers actually had the police called on him once for working on his laptop in his company car. Depending on who you ask, he either looks like a white Amish dude, or a white Jewish dude. White guy, big bushy beard. Now at the time our cars has a big company logo on the back window, something your average terrorist isn't going to have. He happened to be in the territory of one of our police clients, so when they rolled up on him they had a pretty good laugh.
  16. https://www.google.com/search?q=pyrit&gws_rd=ssl#q=pyrit+gpu&safe=off
  17. Oh! I see now. There's no way in hell I'd share my WiFi, even if it is separate from your network.
  18. Georgia just released her new Pentesting book.
  19. Weird, I still get 50/5mbps either way. Actually just a tad better!
  20. http://eshop.macsales.com/shop/drive_bracket/datadoubler/
  21. I have my provider put my modem in bridge mode. It then forwards the external ip address to my pfsense box. From there I have two networks. One is my home network, which is shared with my wife's office. The other is my testing network which is in the same network space as the pineapple. I even have the gateway address set at .22. The pfsense box will allow traffic from internal to testing, but not the other way. It's much easier to work on the pineapple from my 23" monitors than my little 15" laptop. I don't have the firewall send notifications because if it's not working, it won't be able to send them anyway. For client sites we use various network monitoring applications to keep track of the servers and firewalls.
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