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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Toughbooks are awesome. Used to have one that I used for wardriving. The nice thing about the military grade laptops is they can dim the screens down to "night vision goggles" safe. Really helps when driving at night, most normal laptops are still too bright at their lowest setting. As for non-mac like, proper ICS is a good example. Even running kismet natively is a pain in the ass to set up now.
  2. I've used these and they work really well, cheap too! As well as this.
  3. Until you want to do something non-mac like with it. Apple has really gone the way of Microsoft in the last 10 years or so.
  4. sma to n female adapter, n to n adapter, some home made collinear antenna I made. I don't remember what the db of it is anymore, probably not much better than the supplied antenna.
  5. $6000 in 2008!!!! Holy shit. We were doing something similar in 2006 with off the shelf linksys wrt54g routers! In fact one of the top 20 users on the wigle database who lives in Denmark put a few in his brother's taxi cabs! http://www.netstumbler.org/off-topic/the-headless-wardriver-0-2-t19462.html
  6. You did check both boxes right? What browser are you using?Oh wait. Chrome. Do you have any plugins like noscript running? Try it with internet exploder.
  7. Pretty sure you can download your personal uploads with the jigle client. It plots the location of the highest signal. Most people are wardriving from cars, so that's why they mostly show up on the street.
  8. The biggest problem with drones is when they never turn around and desert you.
  9. Man. They're never gonna give up on new drones.
  10. The dip switch settings are saved into a sql table it looks like. Located at /etc/pineapple/mk5.db
  11. Here's a good set to start with. http://www.renderlab.net/projects/WPA-tables/ A good start would be to just grab a few dozen words from the dictionary file and test it against your access point. Then add the password to your dictionary and do it again.
  12. It depends. Some people use huge dictionaries to try to get everything, others try to tailor the list to the specific network. It's also going to be slooooow on the pineapple.
  13. Change the ssid to linksys, att-wifi, guest-wifi, crap like that.
  14. Unique wifi networks in DB: 134,416,539 Unique networks w/ location: 132,748,862 Unique wifi locations in DB: 2,147,483,647 Networks with WPA2: 51,884,201 (38.5%) Networks with WPA: 14,531,452 (10.8%) Networks with WEP: 24,478,931 (18.2%) Networks without crypto: 89,527,723 (66.6%) Networks crypto unknown: 20,301,486 (15.1%) Networks with default SSID: 4,543,738 (3.3%) You're right, 66% of all networks found in Wigle is pretty limited.
  15. I don't think mobile browsers will auto play sound.
  16. Holy crap! I didn't know your schools were that different than ours. Kinda makes more sense than 12 years of school then a kick in the pants with a "good luck"!
  17. I bounce between google dns and open dns.
  18. Yea, that can throw people for a loop. I've actually run into production environments where the gateway is in the middle of the range. No clue why, that's the way it was when I got there. I've also seen a lot of them at 254.
  19. If it's the same size as my maxpedition versapac, which it looks like it is, the Hp mini(10.5"X6.5"X1") is about the largest netbook I'd put in it. That's what I used to carry in mine.
  20. See if you can get it to boot with a gparted live cd. You can then extend the linux partitions to fill up the free space. You might even be able to do it from one of your already installed linux distros, but you will only be able to mess with the other operating systems, not the one you're booted from.
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