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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Should work the same, as long as the drivers support it.
  2. Nope, it was a kickstarter project that my wife bought me. The developers left the project about 6 months after they shipped the quads. I can reuse the ESCs, battery maybe one motor and the controller. Frame is toast and I don't trust the flight computer any farther than I can throw my car. It was always flakey. This dropped out of the sky from about 15 feet or so, but the motors were full throttle right up to impact... I had fun with it, and plan to eventually replace it. Most adults have expensive hobbies, even more than this. Just add up how much cigarettes or beer costs for the year! I'm also looking at a 3D printer, which will be quite a bit more than the quad cost. I have a good job, that's what they're for, to pay for the hobbies!
  3. Been through a few 6.somethings and a 7.2 in AK. Thought the hangar doors were going to jump their tracks on the 7.2 one!
  4. Heh. Radio came loose in flight...
  5. The cable t31m0 linked to is an active usb extension cable. It has a powered 1 port hub inside to get past the cable length problem. I think the standard lumit is 11 feet.
  6. Never never NEVER! Run an open access point in your home. The whole "plausible deniability" thing won't work. When the swat team breaks down the door, they can, and will confiscate everything that's capable of obtaining an ip address and storing data. They then will comb through everything they can to find out if it was you looking at kiddy porn, or the creepy dude next door. This could take months depending on how backlogged the PDs IT deparrment is. Also, there's no such thing as anonomy on the internet.
  7. They just released a new image that is supposet to work out of the box with the new pi.
  8. Which infusion are you talking about? All my buttons are white over black!
  9. root@Pineapple:/# iptables -A POSTROUTING -t mangle -o br-lan ! -s -j TEE --gateway iptables v1.4.10: unknown option `--gateway' Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information. Looks like the tee command is broken. I think it's a mismatch between iptables and the kernel, but not 100% sure. Maybe Seb can compile this for us instead? https://code.google.com/p/port-mirroring/
  10. No problem. Once you do the firmware update with the little sd card it should format the card to be used for the pineapple, at least I think it does. It's been too long since I got mine.
  11. Or you can install Kali and remove the parts you don't want/need. I won't touch Ubuntu anymore, straight Debian based distros from now on.
  12. Do you need a bigger one? The 2gb one that comes with the pineapple should work for a couple days of logs.
  13. You used the microusb contraceptive adapter on the iPhone adapter, or just a regular microusb cable?
  14. Is this the big blue battery? If so the led will eventually turn green when it's done charging. Takes a few hours. Nope. Not sure about this one.
  15. Looks like they were built custom for viasat. There's very little info on the web about them. May be able to reflash dd-wrt on them, but I don't think anybody has been successful. http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=871408
  16. That's what the microsd card is for! Most of the MK5 infusions are coded to work with internal flash, or the sd card, not a usb drive. I have a 16Gb card in mine now, and don't use a quarter of the space.
  17. I think you're supposed to use the micro usb adapter with the lightning to micro usb adapter. Not in this case. The lightning adapter is just for passing power to the iPhone, and that's it.
  18. You install the infusions from your wifi, they will still be there later. Or you tether the pineapple to your laptop and install them that way.
  19. P Touch labels are the way to go. I usually just label the cables with the port number of the patch panel unless it's something special, runs to other patch panels, or access points mounted to a ceiling or wall.
  20. What power adapter are you using?
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