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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Yea, that was for the old versions that started out as Fon routers. They were incredibly cheap at the time, which caused a few of the dd-wrt devs to spend time on porting it to them. The new one isn't capable. Well, you probably could, but nothing would work. It's a custom board designed specifically for the hak5 guys.
  2. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_update/cannont-install-kb2864202/8e4cd4b3-05cc-44c5-b55f-39ef164a3fdb Maybe. If not open up windows update, right click on the update and click hide update.
  3. http://www.aliexpress.com/w/wholesale-mini-pci%25252de-to-usb-adapter.html
  4. I don't think such a beast exists. I can find several single to usb, but no multiple.
  5. All that is doing is spitting video over the cell network. My phone can do that... Q: Is there any way to control my drone / UAV with this? A: No. This is a FPV system only. It allows you to see what the drone is seeing in real-time with virtually unlimited range. While telemetry data is also being transmitted from the UAV to the groundstation app, controlling the UAV through the groundstation app is currently not available. Also, HOLY FUCKBALLS this will get expensive real damn quick. Q: How much data is usually been transmitted per hour? A: With good HD quality at 30fps you will run through 5GB of data within one hour. Q: Which drone / UAV is included? A: The Sky Drone FPV set is a FPV (first person view) system only. Therefore, it only includes the camera, controller, usb hub, 3G/4G/LTE modem, cabling for such and the Sky Drone FPV software as well as access to the groundstation app for BlackBerry, Android and iOS.
  6. If that's the case, then all you really need to be able to do is update gps waypoints to your autopilot over the cell network. I wouldn't try to directly fly an aircraft over the internet. Lag sucks playing call of duty, it could be deadly with an rc aircraft. Having been hit with parts of an rc plane that broke up in flight, just the fuel tank hit me, the gas engine missed by about 10 feet, and bounced off a house, I could see this as just more fuel to the over regulation of rc aircraft.
  7. That's actually on the keyboard attached to a server...
  8. If you have special characters or spaces in your password, you'll have to go into the command line config to add it.
  9. Thanks dude. Totally forgot about that command.
  10. How do you see how much free space you have when the whole drive is encrypted in linux? Disk utility just shows the whole drive as full.
  11. How is that going to help? Running a VPN from the pineapple, or from your computer makes no difference from the isp's point of view. All it's going to do is slow down your connection speed. The pineapple can run openvpn, but the encryption/decryption is going to slow it down. A lot.
  12. Usually when the FCC and FAA guys come knocking on your door.
  13. There are all kinds of reasons this is a bad idea.
  14. http://2014.hackitoergosum.org/bittorrentsync-security-privacy-analysis-hackito-session-results/
  15. Configure a different ssh port, or just not tell it to use port 666, it will default to 22. You do have port 22 open on the wan side right?
  16. http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/networking/network.interfaces
  17. That was my old fix. Don't do it. You'll break the pineapple. Had to break out the serial cable on my mkIV.
  18. The reason I say they're the "best", is they do unlimited reversions, which is nice if you made a change to a document four versions ago that you really didn't want to do. They also are open about their hardware. They show you exactly what they use for their storage servers, and even where to get the custom enclosures made for you. https://www.backblaze.com/blog/backblaze-storage-pod-4/ Are they really the best? Beats me. I don't really like any "cloud" services other than web pages. If it's that important, put it on a couple thumb drives.
  19. They use cloud storage for off site backups, we are in a tornado prone area. The files are encrypted on the local drive, then they get backed up.
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