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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Which version of windows? It's not the sd card by the way.
  2. My cheeks hurt after that night. Wait, that doesn't' sound right.
  3. DerbyCon is on my birthday. My wife missed my birthday for the last 4 years!
  4. Nope, I do it all the time. I just use the easy mode though.
  5. There's always a group of us hanging out at Derbycon if you're in the states.
  6. It's actually really really close. It's the A standard, just the end is on backwards.... Everyone used the B standard now, unless you're making a crossover cable, which isn't needed with gigabit.
  7. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/virtualbox/downloads/index.html
  8. Truecrypt is still for the most part secure. It's just no longer maintained. http://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2015/04/truecrypt-report.html No one has ever cracked a truecrypt container that I know of. Yes, there are memory exploits, but that will work with any encryption scheme. Personally I use dm-crypt luks full disk containers. It only works in linux at the moment, but that's okay with me.
  9. Usually it's the center conductor that breaks, so it's better to have it on the antenna, which is easily replaced, than on the radio, which is a bitch to resolder.
  10. So I had to install a new security camera today. Used the existing network cable that went to the dead camera, but had to replace the end, the new camera is now an outside camera, which has the weatherproof network jack. We get the thing mounted, about 40 feet up on the side of the building and go back to the server room to set it up on the dvr. Problem is it's not showing up on the network. So we start tracing out the cable and find they previous installer put a poe switch in a box on the wall, which is now behind some industrial shelving... So we open up the box and fine one port is dead, sorta. The poe light is lit, but it's not passing traffic. The other guy helping with the install goes and pulls the plug on the camera and the poe light turns off, yep, that's it. So he plugs it back in and the poe light comes back on, but no data. We both scratch out heads for a minute, then he pulls the cable out of the switch and it's wired like this. We didn't pull the old camera, but I'm going to assume it's wired the same way, it's the only way it would work. Not sure who showed that dude how to crimp a cable, but this isn't right.
  11. You can always get one and see how well it works with ir leds. Not like they're terribly expensive.
  12. Probably not very well. Imagine taking pictures with your cell phone in the dark without a flash. Same camera module as the front camera in most cell phones.
  13. What you're looking for now is called a bore scope. You can find them pretty cheap. http://www.amazon.com/Million-Waterproof-Borescope-Endoscope-Inspection/dp/B00JERRES6/ref=sr_1_1?s=industrial&ie=UTF8&qid=1432346085&sr=1-1&keywords=borescope+hd
  14. I've only seen Darren really drunk once. It was at shmoocon. He was drinking vodka, everyone else was drinking water out of vodka bottles. That was pretty funny. As Cooper said, they have a pretty cool job.
  15. I don't see why. Dash cams aren't illegal. You might have problems with the screen depending on what state you live in.
  16. Exactly. For me "them" is that average tweaker that wants to sell a stolen laptop. I have VPN settings to my clients on my laptop, so encryption is good enough to keep the average Joe out. They'll either kill the keys trying to use a few easy passwords, or just sell the laptop as is.
  17. One of my coworkers had his laptop stolen from a client site, that's why I encrypt my laptop. I've also painted the screws that go to the hard drive with glitter nail polish. Once it dries you take a good macro picture of it. If you suspect any tampering you take another picture and see if the glitter is the same. No way to replicate the pattern, so hardware tampering is out. I run linux, so at the moment viruses are out as well. Pretty sure I'm going to see that hardware keylogger hanging off my laptop, so that's out. Also using luks nuke, with several "easy" passwords, so if someone were to start trying to brute the password it wouldn't take long for it to wipe the keys off the drive which effectively secure wipes the drive. Even if they make an image of the drive, it never does anything differently when one of these passwords are used, so it all comes down to how long I can tolerate being beaten with a $5 wrench.
  18. If a TLA wants into your laptop/computer, full disk encryption most likely won't keep them out for long. Unless you're being arrested by one, then pretty much any full disk encryption will keep 99.99% of folks out of your stuff. You can never encrypt a drive so it can't be broken into. It might take a long time, but eventually it can be brute forced. Someone will find a flaw, or computers will just get fast enough. Besides, xkcd said it best.
  19. resell the ones you don't want, make your money back. http://www.ebay.com/itm/5-WATCHGUARD-POLICE-EMERGENCY-VEHICLE-CAMERAS-SCREENS-READ-/161418044460?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item259543e42c
  20. You add your other network adapters under the configuration, networking tab on your esxi device. Then you can set which network adapter your vm uses under it's configuration.
  21. The model number is on the manual, these are stupid old, use bnc connected 640X480 cameras. Just search Amazon for mobil dvr, you'll get a half dozen hits that should work. I know the dash cameras in police cruisers usually record to a sd card and then upload over wifi when they get back to the station. Almost no one streams over 3 or 4g, it costs too much.
  22. Try using a mirror instead of Ubuntu's repo. Could be a local area dns issue. Can you open http://us.archive.ubuntu.com in a browser?
  23. They actually make mobile DVRs. I have an older one sitting on a shelf. It has a network port, but I've never been able to get it to work.
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