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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. I used to have a better one that I used all the time on the old Netstumbler forums, but forgot to back it up before I killed off my dotmac account. I stole this one off some random website...
  2. Unless you're using carrier grade wireless equipment, wifi gear really can't hurt you. I'm not including amps with directional antennas, that's a whole different story.
  3. I'm just port forwarding to my kali vm to home. It does make working with it at home fun though. Have to change the scripts, but I ssh'd in locally and made backups for home, and away. I can just go in, rename them and reboot.
  4. Pretty sure kismet drones can log their gps coordinates. The biggest problem is going to be timing. The clocks on your wireless location devices have to be synchronized, and very accurate. If the timing is off, then the location from the triangulation is going to be off. That's usually part of why commercial systems cost so damn much.
  5. So you can take off a couple weeks and go to them all.
  6. Anybody figure out what's broken in the script? I looked at it, but I'm not sure what it is. Just thought of something else that would be cool. Have it automap the network it's attached to.
  7. Might be hardcoded in the script. I'll look into it when mine comes in. Bit the bullet and ordered one, might be here tomorrow or friday.
  8. Mine works just fine in client mode. It could be your power adapter. I've no clue where my pineapple adapter went. I'm running off a linksys wrt-54gl wall wart.
  9. I know for sure a 16Gb card works. I put the one that came with my Note2 in mine.
  10. There's a couple threads on this already. I'll see what I can dig up. Holy crap the forum search sucks. 3mrgnc3 is right though, it depends on the local environment. I regularly get client associations from over 600 feet, but that's mostly free air. It is through a pretty heavy solid brick wall though. I see cars connect as they drive past and the road is that far away.
  11. I'm thinking the same thing.
  12. I also tried it on my Newton 2100, didn't work there either...
  13. Does your connection between the pineapple and your laptop change ip address when you enable ics? I think I remember someone else noticing Windows 8 does that.
  14. Right, but without seeing what your laptop is showing you, we really can't help you. Just a WAG, but make sure your firewall is turned off.
  15. Most likely a PHP thing. The browsers on these things aren't the most robust.
  16. Show us your steps, preferably with screenshots. Or barring that, cut and paste the commands and output into code boxes.
  17. The only handheld gaming device I have is a PSP. It doesn't support wpa2...
  18. Google "windows hosts file". That should point you in the right direction.
  19. https://github.com/midnitesnake/USB-Rubber-Ducky/tree/master/Firmware/Images
  20. Uhhm, duckslurp is for windows. None of it's commands will work on a mac. Locations are different, commands are different, the files where the info is stored on the computer are different.
  21. There's your answer right there. Most of the people saying it's crap didn't know what the hell they were doing with it.
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