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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. I find it weird that it didn't come with one of those usb adapters. I have a clone of one of this radio and it came with a dual powered usb cable.
  2. They are on my wish list for the house to barn wifi link. Currently I'm using a pineapple mk3 flashed back to the alfa firmware with a big ass panel antenna in the barn for a link. I'm all for making your own, but at this price for a known good implimentation, it's kind of a no-brainer.
  3. Get two of these and be done with it. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B014S1JJVM/ref=mp_s_a_1_18?qid=1445891710&sr=8-18&pi=SL75_QL70&keywords=ubiquiti
  4. I use a cluster of fitbits I've pw0ned over the last year to do it. No, not really, would be funny though.
  5. You're going to have to reconfigure the VPN for every site, so you may as well just use the regular openVPN module. For the site to site to work, both sides need the network info for the other side as well as the wan ip addresses.
  6. Depends on the person. I don't mind driving, it used to be an 8 to 12 hour drive to the next biggest city for me.
  7. My point was that antennas are tuned to whatever frequency you want to use. The reason the one that comes with the hakrf works with so many frequencies is because you can change the length.
  8. Ahhh, no. The tube just keeps the antenna out of the weather.
  9. Ahh, nvidia video, that's probably part of your instability issues right there. Might work with Ubuntu, and just install whatever software you need.
  10. Heh, Knoppix. That's funny. It hasn't been updated in forever. BTW, what laptop are you using?
  11. I keep multiple infusions on my ducky. They're named by what they do. I just plug it into my phone before deployment and copy one into inject.bin.
  12. Helps with aim if you can't physically see the target. Same with dish antennas and wifi. I've done a few installs that the other end of the link was a bit over 12 miles. We had to use a map and compass to get the angles and directions right.
  13. Ahh! Good to know. Too bad. It no longer supports older Ati video cards. Not a Kali issue, but a Linux kernel issue. My older hp laptop's fan runs at 100% with kali2.
  14. I think they changed the link, try changing http://security.kali.org/kali-security/dists/kali/updates/non-free/binary-amd64/Packages to http://security.kali.org/kali-security/dists/kali-current/updates/main/binary-amd64/ I'm not a pentester at all, so most of the stuff I almost never use, but I really like the dmcrypt nuke patches. I'm also a network engineer, so a lot of the other stuff I do use. Like I said, installing gnome-fallback fixes most of your issues, the random freezing thing is probably a driver issue, must be an older video card. I get no freeze ups. It's still gnome3, so you have to do a few tweeks to get desktop icons to actually show up, by default they're hidden, for some dumb ass reason. The thing that I don't like the most is trying to get 32bit software to work. Huge pain in the ass.
  15. Install gnome-fallback on kali 2. It's my daily driver for work.
  16. It's really going to depend on what frequency you want to use.
  17. Walk outside and point it down the street. You'll see stuff the omni won't. You're just too close to your ap. Even directionals see behind themselves to a certain extent.
  18. The one beside the dip switches if you want to listen to things far away.
  19. May as well just use curl. You'll get the same garbage either way.
  20. Did you enable rdp on the win10 box? If you did, and still have issues, make sure it accepts connections from all versions of rdp.
  21. Makes sense. The driver wasn't built in. It is an Apple product, they only want to play nice with their own hardware.
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