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  1. A great friend owns and operates a online tv station that MIGHT get hit by net neutrality throttling. I mentioned that you guys are the best when it comes to figuring out rational ways around things AND have products to sell. His normal audience is about 30,000 people ( I think) all of which would be interested in stuff you sell. let me know who to email so I can hook you guys up. I don't want to say the name of the company on this forum BUT you will know it when I send the email
  2. done all the usual reset to factory stuff. Power off dips 1u2d3d4u5up Power back on. wait for 15 minutes. dips to all UP then Power back on and configuration stays in memory???? the LED's are doing this all the time. I have flashed the beta 3 to firmware about a year ago? ANY ideas how to REALLY factory reset please? green on blue on red constantly flashing
  3. Hi all so I have tried several times to get recon working and it returns no results. It's populating the ssid list and when I run fern on another machine with a lesser antenna at the same location I see hundreds??? what am I doing wrong? thanks
  4. Hey Barry thanks for the reply AND I got the damn thing working. Seems it didn't like the wp6.sh on the PV for some reason. The MOMENT I used the wp5.sh I was back in business. with the wp6.sh it seemed to loop on the detection phase. I suppose because it wasn't using USB. Still it's working fine now. Thanks for all your GREAT help.
  5. downloaded wp6.sh made executable runs BUT think I have this wired up wrong? the pineV is connected on ETH0 via the rj45 the wlan0 is on an alpha awus036nha my PARROTOS pc is connected to xfinitywifi using wlan0 I boot into PARROTOS and connect to xfinitywifi and successfully browse to cnn.com to test it using the firefox browser. I run ./wp6.sh and take the guided option BUT don't really get which interface is for the INTERNET? is it ETH0 or Wlan0 the youtube videos I have found seem to have a different wp6.sh if someone can point me at a youtube that covers this I would be grateful Just doing a bit of research to see if I could find out what I was doing wrong and this guy has EXACTLY the same problem ???
  6. Hi all I seem to remember that the Pineapple V 's mac address can be changed everytime it boots up but I can't remember HOW? ALSO can I run wp6.sh against it? I loaded up the nano gui front end onto it and it seems to be working fine BUT not sure the difference between wp5.sh and wp6.ch? thanks all
  7. @datajumper thanks so much for taking the time, I'm going to try it out as soon as I reassemble the system. Great post really clear.
  8. check dip switches I THINK THEY ARE: default configuration up, up, up, up, up (from left to right) make sure you are flashing the unit properly BUT here is a prior thread that seems similar to yours https://www.wifipineapple.com/bugs/161
  9. Hi there I have an awus036nh and I wanted to change the country code on it. Is there some reason why the newer ones ( I bought it about 1 year ago, cannot have the country code changes in Parrot OS or Kali? I "thought" I used to be able to set the country code to GY or BO but it doesn't seem to work anymore. thanks for any help at all
  10. my suggestion go back to first principals. Solid Blue light means the unit is ready, it flashes for Wlan0 when traffic goes through it, green light is just to show power and the Red light is for Wlan1 Red - WLAN1 (RTL8187) (Antenna by dip switches) so check dip switches
  11. odeon

    tethering advice

    thanks bON3z didn't even know that some plans don't allow tethering. Learning a lot these days. thanks for taking the time
  12. odeon

    tethering advice

    GREAT point sorry. I am in the USA. to be honest I didn't even know you could get non sim card phones. Either is fine by me. cheapest possible as this is just a test scenario thing. I don't want to sign any contracts. I figured that this would be so common for the group that there would be some kind of consensus as to a cheap 4g disposable phone that can be easily tethered to a linux pc and thus to a pineappleV to provide the net connectivity. I see you are in Ireland. In the states we can buy all sorts of cheap 4g phones with pre paid plans. I was just wondering if there is a pre paid preference as to plan and phone, I don't need a top of the range smart phone as I won't be using it. All I want is something that could act as a hotspot and a little phone usage. thanks for ANY help you can offer.
  13. hi all want to get a 4g phone for tethering to my Ubuntu 16.10 pc and to share the connection with my PineV. I want to get the no contract month to month paying cash. SO what is the best plan and cheapest phone that will get the job done. I don't normally carry a phone and so this will be it's only real use, I don't care about music/photos etc I live in a city so pretty much all the carriers are supported. I figure you all have a better idea than me. thanks in advance.
  14. ok thanks Sebkinne just thought I'd check if there was any other hints or tips. thanks for the reply and the guidance.
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