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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. I use a few of these with my firewalls. https://www.iblocklist.com/lists And I use these to block countries. http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/
  2. Probably has something to do with the tines. Basically just became little antennas. The nice thing is microwaves have become fairly cheap.
  3. Nope. They make so many it would be a nightmare to keep track of it all. Now I'm not saying the place you bought the pi at won't. Who knows what kinds of info say, Microcenter keeps. I know they ask for your info so they can spam you whenever you buy something there. Thing is, how would any law enforcement organization get that specific data? Would they subpoena every company that sells the Pi? Doubtful. Unless you happened to put one in the White House, then all bets are off. Now places like Apple, Dell, Hp, they keep track of who buys their computers, if you buy it directly from them. The store you buy them from might keep a record, and forward it back to the manufacturer as well.
  4. Nope. They're not wired like that at all. See the connector below the KC1 labled memory chip? That's the screen connector. It would need an adapter, they're not cheap.
  5. Mainly because there's not a lot of bandwidth there either.
  6. Unless it burns a hole in the cover. They tend to frown on that. Also most newer microwaves handle metal in them pretty well. I know guys that smelt gold and silver in them.
  7. Microwaves won't do anything other than fry the circuit board on a drive. They won't penetrate the metal case, the data on the platter will be fine. Emp's that are strong enough to wipe a drive are actually pretty hard to make.
  8. I've never seen a stun gun you can hook up to a computer. They're set at the factory and that's it.
  9. Wow, my last PDA(pre-smartphone) had better resolution than that.
  10. When you get down to it, you can't. You might be able to stay hidden for a little bit, but eventually you'll get found. If you really want to stay hidden, do this, every week or so. Use a different vendor, and different hardware every time. Also never NEVER log in from the same place twice.
  11. The thing is, the data density is so tight that you're not going to be able to recover any useful data. Look at the publish date of that article. It was 97. Ask any data recovery company if they can restore data from a zeroed drive and they'll say no.
  12. Unless you're wiping a drive made in the 80's your link isn't a concern. Pretty sure if Mr. Protocol says it can't be read, it can't be read.
  13. You should be able to ssh through the VPN connection.
  14. Can't be any worse than my fitbit.
  15. Flash memory only has so many writes. They eventually quit working. Wear leveling makes sure one part doesn't get written to more than others.
  16. Root would allow you to run a full system ad blocker. Which I'm really missing now on my note 5. It also allows you to bypass the carrier blocks to tether devices to your phone's 4g. Also allows you to delete the shit ware that comes as part of the system image.
  17. Now I need to find my Hexley avatar pic. Ahh, that's better!
  18. That's the firewall you have to change, so yes. Don't think of the turtle as a usb ethernet adapter, it's a router, with only two ports, ethernet wan and usb lan.
  19. Just got it to work, had to upload it to my picasa account and link to it though. Can't just upload a pic.
  20. Yea, I'm looking at getting a pack with two straps. The bag that's one size larger has two, it's probably my next one. For my day to day carry, the current one is fine, but for days like conventions where I'm actually wearing it all day, it starts to get uncomfortable. Being prior service means I have plenty of molly/alice pouches, so that's not a problem.
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