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  1. So my original question was similar to what IDNeon said. But also I was wondering if I went to a company and they said something like "All of our servers are in AWS and every employee here basically has laptops that they just use to get to the servers on AWS." Would I even need to sneak into the company to plant wifi pineapples and such or could I just stay in my lab and attack amazon over the internet? https://aws.amazon.com/security/penetration-testing/ I believe that is what you would fill out.
  2. So is this a reason that hak5 is changing there store around and not selling things they used to? Basically technology is moving on and the old devices are not as "good".
  3. This is the device I used. http://www.welivesecurity.com/2013/10/24/new-fingerprint-id-system-scans-for-living-blood-and-is-solution-to-cybercrime-makers-claim/ Also if someone broke into the servers because fingerprint data is not stored on them there is nothing they could get. The reader reads the fingerprint and assigns a set of numbers to it. The numbers are what is stored in the server and you can not recreate a fingerprint from it. https://ebblink.com/ Here is there website they have switched gears a little and are focused on 2FA and secure sign on for IOT. The big thing I see with this stuff is it is way more secure than what we use now and pretty much everyone is ok with what we use now.
  4. The system I used the bio-metric data was not stored on servers or such. It would read your fingerprint and send the information to the servers and get the code assigned to it. If the servers were hacked the codes could not be turned into fingerprints or anything useful. Will just say I have never forgotten my fingerprint at home or had a case of stupid and misspelled it or lost it. Also this is a big reason you guys get paid the big bucks to make sure to secure against the "bad guys". I practice martial arts and one of the big reason I liked the finger print payment system I used was cause no one could get my wallet from me. Also the system was not set up so you could get money from it.
  5. So I am curious what is everyone's thoughts on Bio-metric password systems? Also on Bio-metric payment systems? I have used a few and I love them. The one I used had a UV light and a pulse sensor so you could not use a fake finger and it had to be alive.
  6. So I was searching hackerwarehouse.com and came across a few devices that I am hoping you guys can tell me if they are still used and when and where? These devices seem kind of outdated in my mind. Maybe I am wrong and pen testers use them all the time. The first is a networked KVM. Now I know these are used and when and where but this particular model seems old. is this model still used in Data centers or pentesting? http://hackerwarehouse.com/product/raritan-dominion-kx-ii-101-v2/ The next two products I can totally see use cases for but it seems like with Laptops and All in ones people would notice these. Unless there is some specialized place they go? http://hackerwarehouse.com/product/keygrabber/ http://hackerwarehouse.com/product/videoghost/ Anywho thanks for the info.
  7. I am assuming USB A to USB type c adapters.
  8. So the original tv hacker Macgyver is set to return on CBS tomorrow September 23rd. Who will watch the premier? I know I will. Hopefully this follows the original series in being as close as possible in tv land with science.
  9. So do you remember seeing me at rmfc this year? I was volunteering with security. Your nick looks familiar you go on irc?
  10. So who here is a furry? Anyone been to any cons? Anyone been to RMFC? Moo I am a lion.
  11. So I am curious how this works lets say I am a company that has all their servers in AWS or such. How would one go about pen testing that? Would one try and get access in the company or directly attack amazon?
  12. So how often do you use like the firewire and vga etc cables? is this a better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it situation? And yes he might not be able to use it unless he is in a stationary setting but since he uses a chromebook I thought I might ask.
  13. But if you are a mitm doesn't that meen you can also see the traffic? How does that differ from what the lan tap can do with seeing the traffic?
  14. So I know it isnt a laptop and it doesnt fit the same workload but have you thought about the ASUS Chromebit? I got mine a week ago and love it. For me with everyday carry stuff I tend to stick to pockets or at most fanny pack. I only use my messenger bag to carry my laptop and that is really only for point A to point B reasons.
  15. So I am curious what is everyone's EDC here? Also I am wondering what people carry at defcon and such for EDC? I see lots of backpacks in the videos there. EDC stands for everyday carry, everyday carry is what it sounds like what you carry everyday. My EDC is as follows. Smartphone cheap pay as you go htc phone Wallet and keys "hopefully in the next few years I can get rid of these as phone and bio-metrics and such become the ways to pay and unlock things. Kubotan "I carry this more so cause I am a martial artist and not so much that I believe it will help me in a self defense situation" USB flash drive I believe 8 gigs but not sure I rarely if ever use the thing pen and notepad flashlight micro USB charger for phone Cant wait to see yours. Thanks
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