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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Do a google search for ubuntu and your laptop model. Should get you started.
  2. Get rid of the bullet thingies and use nylock nuts.
  3. Then you're only going to catch the slowest(dumb) fish.
  4. Nice! Carbon props! Keep your fingers away from them!!!!!!
  5. I think it's not that he doesn't trust his network, it's that he doesn't trust his TV manufacturer enough to put their TV on his network. On my network I have to unblock Taiwan whenever I update my TV or blue-ray players. Once that's done, the blocks go back up.
  6. Pretty sure we can't just change providers, since that second one was the OPM breach. Unless we move to Canada or something.
  7. Yea, that's cool and all, but then you're getting out of the original purpose of the pineapple. It's supposed to be a fairly cheap box you can leave at a target location and if you never get it back, oh well.
  8. Yea, I just installed one of the Intel compute sticks at a client site. They're using it attached to a home theater system to watch high school soccer matches that use a weird video format that most smart tvs won't play. Pretty slick, and they're only about $150 US. What I don't know is how long will one run off battery? Haven't tried that yet, I also don't know what kind of linux support they have or the wireless chipset it has. Oh, it's also slow as fuck. I do know the wifi and bluetooth run off the same radio, so you're not going to be doing wifi stuff while connected to a bluetooth mouse and keyboard. It only has one usb port, so you'll need a hub to attach supported wifi adapters for any kind of monitoring, injection, or other wifi fun. Also a lot of the negative posts are from people who buy the pineapple not really knowing the function of it. They seem to expect it to hack all the wifi all the time. Nothing can do this.
  9. Somebody doesn't know that the pineapple is actually for.
  10. The problem is if they set the rogue up properly, then the mac address will be the same as the legit ap. You're not going to be able to tell the difference between the real ap and the rogue just from that.
  11. It's a lot harder to do than it sounds. The easiest way is to turn off your known good ap and locate the still transmitting rogue. Or changing the ssid temporarily.
  12. The phone has to show up as a drive letter for anything to work. Most android phones now don't do this.
  13. One of my coworkers had the police called on him once. He was sitting in his work car, big company sticker covering the whole back window, working remotely on his laptop. Police show up saying someone called in a terrorist looking person sitting outside a government building. He's a skinny white dude with glasses and a big bushy beard, think amish, that's what his beard looks like. Depending on the day, he either looks like a jewish rabbi, or an amish, or sometimes even jesus. You can probably come up with all the non-pc jokes we give him, that's how we roll. Anyway the cops and him had a pretty good laugh about it. It was their building he was sitting outside of, and they're one of our clients.
  14. He can't help it. He's in Canada!
  15. Heh. Love typing ls, and get the dos WTF you talking about Willis reply.
  16. There are a few posts about tango mode, which is what the plug was built for, but not alot really got off the ground with it.
  17. Heh, don't mention Windows 10 to Mr_Protocol! He's been having video driver issues since the upgrade.
  18. I think he means the pineapple plug.
  19. Heh, I run windows in a vm with a linux host...
  20. I have a B+ running the pi thin client distribution in my kitchen. Have it rdp into a headless windows box that runs my weather station. We use it to control our sonos system and run the chrome kindle app for cookbooks.
  21. If you're using a virtual machine, then it doesn't matter what the host os is.
  22. Windows 8, the flop in the flip/flop good/bad windows release schedule.
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