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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Cheap and easy would be an ubertooth one with spectools in linux. Very basic, but gives you an idea on the current 2.5Ghz spectrum in the area.
  2. Having a 3d printer is really cool. I'm currently printing out parts to make a small desktop cnc router, will be about 2 foot square, maybe. Might go a bit bigger, haven't decided yet. The one thing that can happen with printers though is your part may come loose from the bed and stay stuck to the print head. Then you end up with this when you get home... That's the end of life for this print head... From the top. New part will be here today!
  3. Is your home router's address really
  4. Well for one, you can't install linux on a phone, unless it's in a vm, or it's an old Nokia, they run debian.
  5. Have you ever used Ubuntu Touch? It's about as useful as cinder blocks for water wings.
  6. Type factory reset in the search bar at the top right of the page. It's an amazing invention.
  7. Taa Daa! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rootmetrics&hl=en
  8. Because some dumbasses tried running pineapples at defcon and got owned hard. Now you have to physically have the device in hand to reflash.
  9. That I didn't know! Technically the monitor computer should not be connected to the monitored network, so exploitation is pretty low. That's how I have it set up at a couple locations. Security onion computer is connected to a mirror port on a switch, it's controller computer(decommissioned laptop) is directly connected to a second network port on the computer.
  10. No, the pineapple should always be, your laptop should be
  11. That's kind of the whole point of monitor mode. The tap just keeps you from accidentally starting up in normal mode.
  12. Unless someone is looking for it, the switch wouldn't be discovered anymore than the throwing star. It would be basically be working like a real network tap device.
  13. The tap will drop a network to 100mbps, and you'd need a third network port on the pi to be able to reach it. The first two would be connected to the tap. You could also get a 5 port managed gigabit switch and set up port mirroring. That was you only need two network ports on the pi. One management port, not connected to the network, straight to your management computer, the other set to monitor mode(no ip) to the small switch.
  14. Heh. Wow, that escalated quickly. Every os has its pros and cons. I was anot Apple certified hardware and os tech for years. I gave up on them a couple years after they went intel. Jobs started getting too big for his britches this king he knew better than everybody else. I still support macs, but I won't spend another dollar on their hardware.
  15. ICS on a Mac is useless for the pineapple. Until Apple gets their collective heads out of their asses and stops hardcoding the ICS network, it's going to continue to not work.
  16. You misunderstood that part. IF there's already an open free-wifi ap close by, you don't need to create it. Just start pineap, turn on collect and broadcast and allow connections. As long as your signal is stronger than the real free-wifi signal, clients will autoconnect. Now you will still need some way for your pineapple to have an internet connection, you do that with internet connection sharing on your kali laptop.
  17. The sun will burn up the earth by then, or you could hit the lottery and get it the first day. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()-_+=~`[]{}|\:;"'<>,.?/ with a space. 4.0806232493378206e+113 years, 358 days, 20 hours, 27 minutes, and 58 seconds (3.991929703310228e+124 password combinations) http://calc.opensecurityresearch.com/
  18. The purpose of pineap is to catch people that have connected to open networks in the past, starbuks, crap like that. I don't think you'll be able to see the client's that connect to the open pineapple network.
  19. Set up an open connection on your victim laptop. Say Bob's free wifi. Don't give it any encryption. Now connect to your pineapple from your phone/kali/whatever you're controlling it with computer and turn on pineap, check capture beacons, check broadcast ssids in pool. Your victim laptop should connect to Bob's free wifi.
  20. They're at some tech show/convention in Vegas.
  21. You might not be close enough then. Every device is deauthable, it's part of the 802.11 spec.
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