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  1. I am looking at bigger antennas for my HackRF one. I would like the versalitality of the ANT500 but have more power. Have any advice or suggestionn?
  2. The more I watch the clock the more I want one. I hope you will be bringing to defcon to sell :)
  3. It seemed like on SET it was setting them up to be hosted on somewhere. Is there a "for dummies" as far as making one for the WWW folder on pineapple and proper settings on it for it to work?
  4. I have have been watching some of the videos and it seems secretive on where the phishing site's can be gotten. Is there a tool out there that makes making them easy? Or a good video on a tutorial of it? And is there a place I'm just missing that has some already done?
  5. I was using stock adapter. Using a different adapter gave same results. A big thanks to Darren and Sara for the help!
  6. Thanks I gave it a try still no luck. root@Pineapple:~# ifconfig wlan1 up ifconfig: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Connection timed out root@Pineapple:~# ifconfig wlan1 down root@Pineapple:~# ifconfig wlan1 up ifconfig: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Connection timed out root@Pineapple:~# I guess it is a hardware problem. I will update forum to let you know how it goes.
  7. I have a wifi pineapple i finally got around to using. I updated it with current firmware. And when you click wlan1 it unchecks. I am trying to get client mode to work but it appears it does not work. So first I tried a rest via switches... and nothing same cannot use wlan1 Next tried the ssh: rm /etc/config/wireless && wifi detect > /etc/config/wireless && reboot ... and still nothing. I read past thread asking for : dmesg lsusb ifconfig -a cat /etc/config/wireless Its here: http://pastebin.com/g1b7aXx6 In it there is no mention of wlan1 Any help would be appriciated
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