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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Heh. Kali has an image for it. https://www.offensive-security.com/kali-linux-vmware-arm-image-download/
  2. One more thing to take into consideration. 900mhz can't carry as much data as 2.5 or 5ghz. You're going back to serial connection(modem) speeds.
  3. The reason they use 900mhz is because it's not attenuated as much by walls as 2.4ghz. It's also not looked at quite as much as 2.4 or 5ghz, so it's kinda using security by obscurity. You're not going to push wifi through a bunch of walls while staying in the legal limit for power.
  4. Just get one of those cheap ass Android tablets and disable WiFi and Bluetooth. You could also go with one of the old sharp zaurus c-3000's. They can run Debian.
  5. You can get the lists from i-blocklist.com. I use their lists for my firewall.
  6. But then you'd need an adapter to plug it into your computer.
  7. I get lat/lon in my gpsxml files. Try installing kismet-client and seeing if the gui shows your position. Also my file names match up. Try clearing out all the logs and starting over. Not sure if that will help or not, but it won't hurt.
  8. Whatever dude. You've been asked how much the thing is going to cost, you keep tap dancing around the answer. We see it's a real device. As for Chicago, big whoop. I'm from Alaska, where people aren't at the top of the food chain and almost everyone carries.
  9. You won't damage the MK-V if the power gets too low, it will just quit working.
  10. That's why they make those stupid pico projectors. You just tape one to the top of your laptop screen and shine it on you.
  11. Yea, it's an older hp desktop with three pcie network cards running pfsense. The links are Google images links. It's what you get when you do a shareable link. Think I'll stick with Picasa web albums.
  12. it's still custom hardware. That's not going to change.
  13. OnePlus will enable that only after you've bought an iPhone6+ and post a video of you running it over with a monster truck.
  14. That's why optics were invented. None of the current HMDs are that far from your eyes.
  15. Read the last four or five posts.
  16. Same number as regular sides...
  17. Did you apt-get vmware or install it from vmware? I run player a few times a week in kali with no issues. I did find that when kali updates the kernel, player can't upgrade it's kernel extensions. It doesn't know what kali linux is, so you just have to reinstall player over and it works after that.
  18. The keylogger is wireless, the computer doesn't need to be. With some of my clients it took me a minute or two to even find the damn computer. They stick them under the desk, or behind the desk. Under piles of crap, in desk drawers that weren't made for them.... Pretty sure at least 90% of computer users don't look at the back of their computer ever. With your rootkit you need to be able to log into the machine to install your driver or whatever. These things are completely passive. Windows see them as usb keyboards.
  19. Heh, speaking of home routers... My wife called me up yesterday afternoon and said the firewall won't boot. So I stop by and sure enough, no workie. Figured the power supply crapped out, so we run over to WorstBuyâ„¢ and pick up a new power supply. Put in the new power supply and holy shit fire!! I quickly unplugged the power cord and reveled in the burnt plastic smell. Figured what the hell was that, and plugged the power cord back in. No fire, yay! The computer fired(heh) back up and booted just fine. Looks like the front usb cable shorted somehow, don't really care, so I just unplugged it. Since we can't do the cool picture tag with https(someone should fix that), here's the link to the carnage. https://goo.gl/photos/FcdtFxrpWyByUAVb8
  20. It will reset on firmware updates no matter what. I have to call TWC at least once a year to get them to put my modem back in bridge mode. Well once you hit the go button after you check the bridge mode box you lose access to it. It's usually best to let the provider do it.
  21. You'll need to have the isp put their router in bridge mode. Basically it will just hand your internet ip address to your personal router. All it's job to do in life is to make the connection to the internet. Dual nating will cause all kinds of problems.
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