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Found 21 results

  1. Hello! This firmware marks a massive release for the WiFi Pineapple Mark VII, with a huge set of feature additions, bug fixes and improvements to many aspects of the project and it's user experience. From reliability fixes in PineAP and Recon to the addition of the Package browser and a WPA/2 Evil AP or out of the box support for supported 802.11ac adapters, there is sure to be something in this version for you. As always, you can grab the update OTA by giving your WiFi Pineapple an internet connection and navigating to Settings -> Software Update in the Web UI. A huge thank you to the beta testers for this release who provided great feedback and bug reports, you are invaluable and much appreciated! To further join the discussion, feel free to join the Discord chat. You can catch the full changelog below, and highlights of the new firmware in the second reply to this topic. Changelog 1.1.1: General Update the Pineapple Python library. Setup Fix a UX issue where the Filter description doesn't show until a mode is selected. Recon Fix an issue where some partial handshake captures would not have enough data to be crackable. Settings Remove the Nightly Update channel. Changelog 1.1.0: General Add a setup walkthrough dialog when attaching an AC-capable USB radio to the WiFi Pineapple. Improve the displaying of dates from the future in some UI pages. Move warnings into an "Informational Messages" dialog. This new dialog adds more information about system messages, and provides convenient links directly to the relevant setting. Removed bluelog and other bluetooth related tools from firmware. Note: You can now install these packages and more with ease using the Package Manager. Swap PineAP and Recon location in sidebar. Enable SSH earlier in Setup process. Removed polling for Reset button. Add password reset functionality. Notifications Notifications are now previewed in the title bar. Notifications can now be reported as "success", with a green color. Changed to a better download icon. Decrease clutter in title bar for mobile displays. Fix an issue where some kernel modules would cause the device to reboot. Setup Add Sweden to WiFi Country Code list. Fix typo in Client Filters page. Added GIFs to indicate how to proceed with verification. Added the ability to fine-tune filters during setup. Generally improved layout of various setup elements. Dashboard Improved connection error message for "Get News". Campaigns Fix an issue where some reports will use the first Recon scan, instead of the latest. Fix an issue where reports would not be removable. PineAP Fix a crash. Fix an issue where extended Recon scans would lead to a memory leak. Add Sweden to WiFi Country Code list. Fix a hang introduced in the beta which would cause Recon and Filters to show an incorrect status. Change "WPA & Open" tab to "Access Points". Change "Authenticated AP" card title to "Evil WPA AP". Add "View Handshakes" button to Evil WPA AP card. Evil WPA AP handshakes now only send one notification per client. Fix an issue where empty SSIDs would be added to the SSID Pool. Add a new tab for Management and Open APs. Fix an issue where the "Handshakes Captured" counter wouldn't be accurate. Add Evil Twin WPA Access Point. Recon Add a dialog to clarify what a handshake capture does, when clicking "Start Handshake Capture". Fix an issue where handshakes in custom locations couldn't be downloaded. Scan settings are now loaded from the current scan across devices. Added the ability to specify save location for Recon scans. Added the ability to specify save location for Handshakes. Fix an issue introduced in Beta 1 where handshakes could not be deleted. Fixed an issue where the table would become unsorted during a scan. Added graphs for wireless landscape and channel distribution. Moved Settings into a new card, with search functionality. Added the ability to select which radio is used for Recon scanning. Supported devices are listed at docs.hak5.org Add dual-band scanning support for supported adapters. Add the ability to download handshakes in hashcat format. Improved the user experience for cloning access points. Cloning options can now be fine tuned from inside Recon. Add the ability to clone WPA/2 access points. Fixed an issue where BSSIDs would not be highlightable in some browsers. Fixed an issue where a handshake capture button might show for open APs. Massively improved scanning performance by rewriting result de-duplication logic. Massively improved WPA/2 Handshake capture performance. Changed how partial and full handshakes are written to disk. Fixed a rare crash when scanning in client-heavy landscapes. Handshake MAC addresses are now censored when censorship mode is enabled. Handshake MAC addresses now use colon seperators. Logging Improve default colours for log entries in dark theme. Improve column width for the System Log. Improve parsing of System Log. Added the ability to specify PineAP log save location. Added pagination and search functionality to the PineAP Log. Create a new system module for logging. Add ability to download and search the device system log. Modules Add hot-link support for Available Modules, Package Manager, and Develop tabs. Move search box into table footer. Add a new tab for package management. Add the ability to search and download a wide variety of packages. Improve user experience when the device is offline. Settings General Improve user experience when the device is offline. Added a scrollbar for longer changelogs such as this one. Networking Add a placeholder for when the Pineapple hasn't receieved a Client Mode IP address yet. Add signal strength to discovered Client Mode networks. Rewrote Client Mode handling to improve reliability of connection. Improved reliability of automatic route setting when handling USB Ethernet, ICS, or Client Mode connections. Disconnect button is now disabled after being clicked once. Thanks, foxtrot
  2. Hi! Alongside our WiFi Pineapple and LAN Turtle firmware release, we're happy to announce firmware 3.0 for the Packet Squirrel. This update, like the LAN Turtle's, features an up-to-date kernel, firmware base and packages, including nmap, tcpdump and OpenVPN. Change Log 3.2: General Fix an issue affecting package installation and signature verification. Misc Work around a kernel bug causing packet filtering to fail in some tools. Thank you @adde88! Remove PHP from the firmware. Change Log 3.1: General Fix an issue where NTFS and VFAT formatted USB storage devices would not be detected properly. Misc Fix an issue where the C2 Client would not auto-start. Change Log 3.0: General Update base firmware from OpenWRT 15.05 to 19.07. Update kernel from 3.18.84 to 4.14.133. Packages OpenVPN package now supports LZ4-V2 compression. To update your Packet Squirrel, grab the latest firmware from the Hak5 Download Portal and follow the Upgrade Instructions. ♥ - The Hak5 Development Team
  3. Hello! We're happy to announce the release of 1.0.1 for the WiFi Pineapple Mark VII. Based on your invaluable feedback (especially the Beta channel testers, thank you!) - numerous improvements to PineAP, Recon, Settings and more have been made. Be sure to check out the changes below and grab the new release by giving your WiFi Pineapple Mark VII an internet connection and going to "Settings > Check for Updates". Changelog: Setup Improve screen real-estate on smaller mobile screens. Button delay now says 4 seconds, to match the recovery wizard. PineAP Dramatically reduce the CPU percentage used by PineAP during idle and during scans. Logging options can now be persistently stored in the browser. Tweak the appearance of the logging options side bar. A spinner now shows when PineAP is saving the users configuration. Fixed an issue where the PineAP Source MAC option was not saving. Fixed an issue where the PineAP Autostart functionality would not work correctly. Fixed an issue where the PineAP Autostart toggle would not report a correct status. Fixed a rare issue where PineAP would not start after being disabled. Improved the settings save time. Recon Recon Table Columns can now be toggled to show or hide. Added an OUI column to the Recon Table. Scan duration choice is now remembered when you navigate away from Recon. Fixed an issue introduced in Beta 2, where Recon would sometimes show an error if PineAP was not running. Result cards are now clickable, instead of using a button to open the bigger view. Result cards for Clients now render the timestamp in human-readable format. Modules Fixed an issue introduced in Beta 3 where modules would not start due to a missing SSL dependency. Modules can now use PNG icons as well as SVGs. Settings Add censorship mode. Keyboard shortcuts can now be enabled or disabled from the Advanced Settings tab. Software Update will now accurately display when the selected update channel is closed. Small text changes to Software Update. Fixed an issue where Client Mode may not report an error correctly. Improve reliability of Client Mode. Client Mode settings are now saved automatically, and will re-connect on boot automatically. Add an option to reinstall the current firmware if no update is found. Greatly improve Network page for smaller mobile screens. Greatly improve Settings page for smaller mobile screens. Cloud C2 Improved the reliability of Recon scans. Misc Fix an issue where the Web Terminal would not connect when connected to the WiFi Pineapple via WAN. Updated the Python library for WiFi Pineapple Mark 7 modules. Fixed a rare issue where the internet connectivity check would fail despite having internet. Add support for USB Ethernet adapters using the ASIX AX88179 chipset. Add support for USB Ethernet adapters using the Realtek RTL8152 chipset. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated, and you're encouraged to join the community to discuss!
  4. Hi! We're happy to announce the release of firmware version 6 for the LAN Turtle. Alongside the updates for the WiFi Pineapple and the Packet Squirrel, this release brings a multitude of package updates, and provides an up-to-date kernel and base firmware. 6.2 Change Log: General Fix an issue affecting package installation and signature verification. Fix an issue where the module status would report incorrectly in the Turtle shell. AutoSSH Fix an issue where single quotes would be displayed in the user input box. Misc Work around a kernel bug causing packet filtering to fail in some tools. Thank you @adde88! Remove PHP from the firmware. 6.1 Change Log: General Fix an issue where modules would not be listed when attempting to download them from the LAN Turtle module repository. 6.0 Change Log: General Update base firmware from OpenWRT 15.05 to 19.07. Improve 3G connectivity for 3G LAN Turtle. Modules Fix install issues with QuickCreds. ♥ - The Hak5 Development Team
  5. Hello everyone! We're extremely excited to have announced the all-new Key Croc, and this update brings some improvements to the launch firmware as well as introducing support for the Hak5 Cloud C2. Change Log (1.2): General Fix non-ASCII logging Improved automatic VID/PID cloning Improved support for various ATTACKMODES Enable NTP Cloud C2 Add Support for the Hak5 Cloud C2 Misc Remove unneeded packages Improve LED status indication Update DuckyScript 2.0 lang files for US and GB Add fallback Arming Mode Framework now validates payload syntax at startup with LED feedback. Add INSTALL_EXTRAS script Add KEY_DEBUGGER script Add CHECK_PAYLOADS script Add RELOAD_PAYLOADS script You can download the firmware from the Hak5 Download Center. Instructions for updating your Key Croc can be found in the docs.
  6. Hi Since the last update of the Tetra was 1.1.2 back nearly 1 year ago to the day, I am wondering if we can expect a major update any time soon.
  7. Updated QuickCreds for v1.1 https://github.com/hak5/bashbunny-payloads/tree/master/payloads/library/credentials/QuickCreds
  8. Im having some issues updating the bash bunny to the most recent firmware. I am currently on the base firmware from when I have purchased the device and have run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade after getting internet with my linux machine. I then download the firmware .tar file from the downloads area and copy the file to the / directory of the bash bunny. I then safely eject the device in arming mode and plug it back in expecting to see a red blinking light. Unfortunately it does nothing and boots to the regular storage mode and nothing has changed. I have searched the forums for help but I can't seem to figure out why this is happening. Can someone help me out with this issue?
  9. Apparently I've tried to update to 1.1 incorrectly. It has a solid green on startup then it turns blank. After three times it goes into recovery mode I am assuming. Then once there it blinks red for a while. Then it turns blank again. I've waited ten minutes tried to replug it in assuming something went wrong it it was done. But it never blinks or goes solid green or blue after the red blinking. But just now It was blinking red then started to alternate red to blue. Now it's blank again, I will wait another fifteen minutes before I try anything else. What exactly is going on? I am assuming it's either trying to recover then flash. I moved the upgrade contents to the root file system. I don't know exactly what went wrong. Easier way to understand the problem: Plug In > Solid Green > Blank LED ........ Ten minutes has passed.... Replug In > Solid Green > Blank LED ....... Ten minutes has passed.... Replug In > Solid Green Blank LED ...... Ten minutes has passed.... Replug In > Blinking Red > Couple of Minutes Passed > Blinking Red . Blinking Blue . Blinking Red > Couple of Minutes Passed > Blinking Red > Couple of Minutes Passed > BLANK LED!!!! Ten minutes has passed... Replug In > Solid Green > Blank LED Every time it tries to recover then it will try to boot three times and try to recover again. It will never fully boot up nor will Kali recognize the file system or that it's plugged in.
  10. Hey there, guys. Got my ducky in the mail today, and I'd love to get started, but I can't get the damn thing to work for the life of me. I accidentally deleted the inject.bin, and cannot find a single copy of it online. I figured this might be remedied by updating the firmware, but it wasn't (I used duck_v2.1.hex, the tutorial didn't say which of the 19 in \images\ to use). Plugging it in yields a red light. Just not sure how to proceed.
  11. Hi there, I'm new here and I wanted to share a basic script that i wrote. It just opens up your webbrowser and navigates to the site http://fakeupdate.net/. On this site you can find many fake installtion videos, in this case i'm using the Windows 98 one. This script is just a basic one, for other beginners like me... Here's the code: REM FakeUpdate v.1.0 REM This basic Script just opens the website fakeupdate.net, where you can find videos of os installtions... REM Author: fachsimpeln WINDOWS d DELAY 500 WINDOWS r DELAY 500 STRING http://www.fakeupdate.net/windows98/index.html ENTER DELAY 1000 F11 I hope you like it, fachsimpeln
  12. Good Morning all, I have upgraded to the new Codename Buffalo Bulldozer release and have been running into some issues using PineAP. With the settings as Allow Associations, Log Probes, Log Associations, PineAP Daemon: Enabled, Capture SSIDs to Pool, Beacon Response and Beacon Response Interval set to Aggressive I have not been able to get clients to connect as before with the previous release, before these settings would work flawlessly and any device not connected to wifi but beaconing would be added to the SSID Pool and connected as a client. Now I am unable to get any automatic associations, matter of fact for the last two days I have been working with the new firmware I have yet to get any ( I have three devices set up probing right next to the Pineapple). It doesn't even seem to be reading the Probes but sporadically and even then its two at max. Just wondering if anyone else is having these issues? Also the Save active config as default dose not seem to be working as before, with the same settings annotated above every time I start up the NANO PineAP is Disabled... The previous version fired right up into the settings I needed. Thanks in advance for the support Oh and not to pile too much into one post but I have had the Recon hang at 100% again, I hope these issues are user error lol since the release directly addressed this issue.
  13. I have seen speculation on top of speculation, as well as some confirmation from the makers. SOOOO, with that... 1. Are we getting the new firmware? 2. When might we see anything regarding this release? Please, no speculation in this thread and no re-quotes of various people saying things in different threads as I have seen it all.... Would love someone who ACTUALLY knows to respond and give your many customers that have your device some sort of update on the new firmware. Thank you A long time customer.
  14. Deathwalker


    Hi, When you update it, verything is reset? Any good backup/import/export for it? Cheers
  15. After reading countless threads about SSLSTRIP not working on systems such as Safari, Firefox, and Chrome I wanted to inquire about something that was released at Defcon Asia... SSLSTRIP 2 and DNS2PROXY https://github.com/LeonardoNve/sslstrip2 This is a new version of Moxie´s SSLstrip with the new feature to avoid HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) protection mechanism. This version changes HTTPS to HTTP as the original one plus the hostname at html code to avoid HSTS. Check my slides at BlackHat ASIA 2014 OFFENSIVE: EXPLOITING DNS SERVERS CHANGES for more information. For this to work you also need a DNS server that reverse the changes made by the proxy, you can find it athttps://github.com/LeonardoNve/dns2proxy. Demo video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGBjxfizy48 The DNS Proxy I am having a really hard time following the instructions, I've tried to contact the developer for clarification but no luck. Anyone else care to chime in on how to setup dns2proxy? - > Also is there anyone willing to take on the challenge on adding this as an infusion to the pineapple? My understanding is this would allow you to compromise all browsers such as Safari, Chrome, and Firefox? The demo video interestingly enough shows quite vividly proof of concept -- just trying to figure out how to do this? I'm running a few Kali Linux machines, can someone clarify how I'm supposed to setup the DNS proxy? To the ENTIRE Hak5 Team; Thankyou for working on a device that is truly amazing and endless with opportunity. We are only limited by our creativity when it comes to deployment with this awesome device. I took it upon myself to invest in all the bells and whistles that came with the Mark 5. Lets talk about build quality - FIRST CLASS! This thing is scary - To the untrained eye you wouldn't have ANY idea what it is... To the trained idea, the only term that comes to mind is pwned and operated. PineAP: ... so thats what Dogma does -- and thats why karma doesn't work as expected anymore :D -- Soooo many questions on this forum could be answered by watching this regarding Karma.. Chris Haralson https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK15ED34btB3NZznGIXQuwA This guys videos and guides are first class - aimed at people with my skill sets I really couldn't ask for anything to be clearer. I am anxiously awaiting your future guides and videos.. (*I check back everyday*). My office :D And a snazzy little pic of some pineapples....
  16. When I go into the Pineapple Bar it acts like it is loading a list of possible infusions but nothing is shown under User Infusions. I just got my Mark V today and have the firmware updated to v 2.1.1. Has anyone run into this issue before? I have verified that it does actually connect out to the internet through my Windows connection (since it downloaded and installed the new firmware) and have tried restarting it. Thanks
  17. Hi, I've just received my WiFi Pineapple and have been running into some issues, of which I've partially fixed by using the manual and this forum. But I have been noticing some odd issues with the wireless interfaces in the web management interface. They either don't enable (start up) or stay up. For instance I have successfully connected to a wireless router on wlan1 (Which is the only interface in the Network tab), but the connection information states I'm not connected. Furthermore the network tab will often show that wlan1 is not enabled (Even though there is an active connection) and upon enabling the interface it will swap wlan0 to enabled. I can still download infusions and get an active internet connection whilst wlan1 states it's not enabled. I find that rather strange. Another thing that should be noted is that before doing the firmware update I had a wireless connection to the web interface for initial setup however this tends to disappear or not be available at boot. Just to list some questions relating to this post: Is this a problem with the newest firmware? Can this be fixed? Why doesn't the wireless access point/connection start at boot? As I don't full understand this part of the unit, do I have to change something to make it active? Thanks, -Skye
  18. What's up gang! OK, I call upon the wizards. I offer bandwidth to sacrifice! (Corny joke..) OK so here is the skinny: I have a computer at work. It's been a problem child since the opening (few years at least). Windows 7 32bit, Enterprise, on our server. It's been stuck on an update that I have officially ran out of options except a "Windows Repair". ** Security Update for WIndows 7 (KB2864202) ** - I've tried using Windows Update Troubleshooter. Nothing. - I've done SFC. Nothing. - I've tried installing VIA the stand-alone installer and downloading the update itself and installing. Nothing. - I've renamed the SoftwareDistribution folder to softwaredistribution.old. Nothing - I've ran chkdsk /f /r - Apparently the /f & the /r tags are DOA in windows 7..? at the time of writing this, I'm running a Defraggler scan , I read somewhere that sholves the issue. I've also seen a lot of articles referencing this update with Windows Vista (which is unsetling) Any thoughts?
  19. Hey gang! Wanted to share this cool little script I ran into for updating your Facebook Status with Bash! B) For Linux and (Get ready) Mac OS X http://360percents.com/posts/bash-script-to-update-facebook-status-linux-mac-os-x/
  20. I am unable to update my Pineapple Mark IV from firmware version 2.4.1 to the current latest, 2.8.1. I have done much research into the issue and am out of ideas. To begin with, when I attempt to update via the Update section of the Pineapple web interface, I receive the famous "Error, MD5Sum does not match!" message, despite the fact that I have manually ran md5sum from the command line and confirmed the hashes do match. I then scpd "upgrade-2.8.1.bin" to the device. As I only have 672.0K free (of 896K total) on rootfs on the device, I have followed Darren's tutorial and added a swap partition / mass storage via an 8 GB USB stick (I have 2 GB added for swap and 6 GB for storage). The upgrade-2.8.1.bin file is 720K, larger than my default available space on the device, so I scp it to the /usb directory, which, per /etc/opkg.conf, has my 6 GB USB storage partition mapped to it. I then attempt to sysupgrade -n /usb/upgrade-2.8.1.bin, but upon doing so, it appears that part of the firmware upgrade process involves umounting my additional storage partition mapped to /usb, so when it gets to the "switching to randisk, performing system upgrade" section, I receive a "can't open /usb/upgrade-2.8.1.bin: no such file or directory" message, and the device simply reboots. The only additional package I ever added to my Pineapple was the sitesurvey module from the Pineapple Bar, which I have clicked "remove" on, yet still appears in the web interface. If anyone has any ideas how I can upgrade my device under these conditions, I would truly appreciate it.
  21. Hello, I have a Wifi Pineapple Mark II, running on a MR3201A-38NQ router (an OpenMesh Mini router). I wonder if it can be reflashed to Mark III? It has been confirmed in HakShop's Item FAQ page that it can be updated (Mk II > Mk III), (http://hakshop.myshopify.com/pages/item-faq , Q: "Can I flash my Wifi Pineapple II or III to the Mark IV firmware?"), and a link to the forum is provided. However, I couldn't find any post in the forum with a step-by-step explanation. So, maybe you guys could help me where can I find the instructions to do so, and which modules I can use? E.g., which modules from the Kamikaze repository (http://downloads.openwrt.org/kamikaze/8.09.2/atheros/packages/) or the other ones, like sslstrip, jasager etc. can be used? I'm a relative newbie on this topic, so any set of clear and understandable instructions would be appreciated, and I wouldn't like to brick my Wifi Pineapple. While searching for the solution to this issue, I found the following files on the web : https://code.google.com/p/awh/source/browse/#svn%2Ffirmware%2Fv3.0-091101 . How do you think, maybe I could use them to flash my router? Also, before flashing, I would like to back up my Mk II data and configuration. Can it be dumped to the disk on Windows XP with the use of Win SCP and with linux file attributes preserved?
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