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Favorite laptop brand

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Apple (as long as it's not their first revision) They are small/powerful enough for all my work and have a good battery life and build quality. As for the OS well I can run anything I want. Sony is a close second. 

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On my second Gateway laptop now. All around decent, sturdy, and affordable. Modest battery life at 2 1/2 to 3 hours with full power, longer with adjsutments to save power. It's still going strong, had it about 3 years now and no problems with it so far. Doesn't get too hot, its quiet, and has a really nice glossy wide screen. (Movies and games look great on it). I also like the fact that my built in wireless works with most linux live disc's I have tried so far.

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Im hell happy with my Mac, Wouldn't use on as a desktop, but for a laptop havnt found much to match the cost v quality. Apart from that Asus is a nice lower end, and Dell is good for gaming.

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Apart from that Asus is a nice lower end...

Yeah, I've looked for Asus. Cause macbook are in my opinion to expensive (hey, I'm a student:p)

I think it will be a ASUS G1. Cause its fully compatible with suse 8) (and normaly also solaris :-??)

Btw you may have asked yourself, why such a stupid question? Well I need a new laptop for the next schoolyear, that's why. And after having a medion p4 (from aldi, which was a crappy latop cause my harddisk crashed and my screen was broken due to a short circuit on a usb port) and having an acer for more than 5 years. That's why I wanted your opinion.

Thanks for all your opinions.


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Ive had good experiences with Dell. . . My current laptop (Just bought it this year) is a Vostro 1700 series, and I haven't had a problem with it (sans getting my graphics card optimal with Ubuntu). My max for battery life has been 5 hours when im just surfing the web, editing text files, writing source, etc. When I play a game, it drops down to 3 hours 30 minutes.

Ive only had two laptops though, one was a crappy Toshiba. . . I wouldn't recomend Tosibha ;)

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Dell have always been good to me. Good support and warranties (i only deal with the business/enterprise support though), very robust  and I quite like the designs and features they offer for the money.

I've not spent much time with currenty Apple hardware myself, but I would like a black macbook myself. iBooks were piles of shite though.

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My two favorite laptop brands:


  • [li]Good price[/li]

[li]Easily upgradable[/li]

[li]Great support[/li]


  • [li]Great hardware[/li]

[li]Minimal internal ads(no Alienware logo slapped everywhere on the machine)[/li]

[li]Great for Gaming[/li]

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Asus Eee PC.

Why? just becouse it runs a Linux distro just out of the box.

And its VERRY portable.

And Girls are finding it a very sexy.

Thats it.


Yeah, I've also saw that one, but when I should buy the Asus Eee PC (btw I like the  "Asus Eee PC 2G Surf - Galaxy Black" even more) , then it's just for fun, just to have it:p

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I'll throw in another recommendation for the Asus EEE. It's portable, well built, easily powerful for most things, comes with Linux preinstalled if that's your bag and Windows drivers are provided if it isn't. The keyboard is better in my opinion than some have suggested, it's at least usable. The screen is a little small for any heavy duty work but is very clear and sharp despite its low resolution. Battery life isn't spectacular but it'll do the job.

It's not the ideal laptop if you're planning to edit images or video and it's probably not the best machine for doing your spreadsheets on but it runs countless emulators, plays a surprising amount of games and is great for playing media. With eeectl (Windows only, but Linux methods are available) you can clock the CPU to its rated speed and it'll play 720p video. I didn't stick with the preinstalled xandros but XP runs very well even at stock speeds. Backtrack 3 works out of the box and boots fine from a 1GB SD card.

It's not going to be storing your entire media collection with SSD sizes of 2-8GB (70x series) or 12-20GB (90x series) but a regular XP installs with ease with room to spare for your essentials. The SD card slot is SDHC compatible and with 3 USB ports there's plenty of room for card readers or external HDDs/optical drives.

Overall a nice machine for the price but it's probably not going to be your primary portable machine.

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new 9 inch screen on the asus eeepc will be pretty cool if they can keep the price down, if im going to spend 500+ on a laptop i will spend a bit more and get a full size laptop.

IBM T series notebook is something i'm looking to get right now.

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I've had decent experience with dell mainly in a corporate environment. A lot of that is due to their amazing support if you're willing to pay for it.

I had an apple briefly and loved the build quality.

My asus eee PC is the most awesome notebook I've ever owned but is nowhere near as "solid" as a macbook pro.

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I've had decent experience with dell mainly in a corporate environment. A lot of that is due to their amazing support if you're willing to pay for it.

I had an apple briefly and loved the build quality.

My asus eee PC is the most awesome notebook I've ever owned but is nowhere near as "solid" as a macbook pro.

So, do you mean "solid" as in quality of physical build or software or both?

Can the macbook pro boot a backtrack CD?

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About 4 years ago I pondered buying a laptop. I had a choice between a VAIO T series (small) and a B3VP (14") which both boasted 7 hours battery life - which is a hellalot more useful than 3 hours! The small one was £1,500 and the one I got was around £700.

I learnt a few things:

1) Gaming on a laptop is impractical

2) Carrying a laptop that wont fit in your backpack is impractical

That being said, spending £1,500 on a laptop would not have been worth it either. So i'm leaning towards recommending the Eee.

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im running on a Toshiba portege tablet, its a nice laptop, the tablet function is good but the ram and processor dont make it run well. i have used many Toshiba laptops and i find them easy to use and they look nice too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I loved my dell, now on a toshiba no one ever says anything about toshiba it came with vista and runs like a champ I've had it for a year now. vista is now stable I've only had a couple BSD and yes they're blue not red. but those were because I borked my bits :)

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