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Everything posted by newbi3

  1. If you are using linux just run from the terminal: "ssh root@" if you are using windows download putty and fill out the forms it asks for and click "connect" or "login"
  2. over ssh just use the "less", "cat", "nano", or "vi" commands to view the files
  3. pretty much all of the infusions you download are just front ends for linux commands being ran in the background. So yes you could run jammer by running the command that it runs when you start it. (Look through the code in /pineapple/components/infusions/<infusion name>/)
  4. go to the configuration tile and go to "cron configuration" remove the thing in there and save it. After that re-start smser and see if it works
  5. I'm not sure if anyone else caught this or not... Look at the banner "mark" and "5" are red...
  6. No the wifi command will bring it up automatically for you
  7. The custom commands are just linux commands, you can put what ever you want there. In your case you are going to want to turn wifi off or shutdown the pineapple. Hope this helps you :D
  8. It looks very good puts everything right there for you :D
  9. I was able to get it to start but then my pages would not load so i stopped it and restarted it and now it wont even start
  10. I searched for the Dragino MS14 on amazon and came up with a dragon nipple piercing instead lol http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Dragino+MS14
  11. I got the Motorola Lapdock 100 on Amazon for $60. It is pretty cool but I'm not sure I would ever use it for dual monitors, its just a better solution than tunneling x11 traffic over ssh or VNCing into my device.
  12. Release an infusion in the pineapple bar! I'd love to see this.
  13. Yes it is cheating. If you can take 1 practice test right before you go to take your actual test do it just for an idea of what it will be like. DON'T CONSIDER IT STUDY MATERIAL!
  14. I would fly up there if I had a little more time to buy a ticket... I will watch the live stream though :D
  15. I was motivated to learn python from taking a python programming class (which I learned nothing from besides syntax). Python has great documentation it is very easy to read and navigate http://docs.python.org/3/. To learn the syntax if you don't want to spend any money I would suggest just going on youtube and finding a video not made by a 9 year old kid but someone who has years experience (they do exist!). And last but not least, as when learning any language start a project so you have something to continue writting without getting bored instantly. It doesnt have to be complex it could be a sentence generator or rock paper scissors game! Good luck I love python so if you need any help let me know :D
  16. After seeing your post about purchasing a booter I think that you are trying to do this for an illegitimate reason...
  17. Evilportal. Depending on what you do it just requires the user to open their browser which they have to do at some point if they want internet access.
  18. Can you remove that line from your AP's and post the karma output again with the same probe requests. I want to see what is different.
  19. Could you post the output of the log file for me. This is found under the "logs" tab.
  20. There is a current stable release out its 2.8.1. And as far as the infusions that are not out yet for 3.x.x please be patient while they are under development. Some of the original authors of infusions have not been able to stick around for the re-write being to busy with school/work/kids and their infusions are now being developed by someone else. Give it time you will see the infusions you love back on the pineapple :D To briefly cover 3.0.1 I know nothing of a release date yet but I can tell you that it will come eventually. It's not that these bugs are being ignored its just that the devs want to fix them all in one release. Also, remember one of the great things about 3.x.x is that system infusions can be updated from the pineapple bar now so bugs can be fixed without having to do a firmware update in some situations.
  21. Give me a little bit more info. What is your gateway, service provide, phone model? Make sure you are using a gmail account with ONLY standard password authentication!
  22. Research how to by-pass captive portals and if you have a pineapple you can install the evil portal infusion and test by-passing it on there. I hope this sets you in the right direction and good luck!
  23. I just wrote something similar to this yesterday for a much different purpose and I used the requests library. I suggest you check it out! http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/
  24. make sure you specify the IP address of your default gateway and not the pineapple while running the wp4 script
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