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Everything posted by newbi3

  1. Thanks for all of the info! I just have a couple of questions: 1. Did you get a reply at all from smser saying anything at all? (example: I didn't understand your message) 2. Is the message that you sent to SMSer "hey" or is that what you got back from smser? Also if you could do the following steps for me: 1. Disable SMSer 2. From your phone send a message to your gmail account (just like you would for smser) 3. Manually go into your gmail account and read the message. 4. Answer this: Can you read the message you sent to it?
  2. Its still a work in progress, right now i just have a proxy working I am trying to minipulate the packet still. I haven't had much time to work on personal projects with my work schedule recently but I surely have not forgotten this!
  3. Python is a language that can be used for basic applications as well as doing more advanced applications. Also python is a multi platform language which is particularly beneficial for today since a lot of companies now have mixed eco systems and want there applications to work on what ever it is they are going to end up running it on.
  4. Remove the # infront of RedirectURL Give it a try. If it doesnt just use the style tags on your web page.
  5. I sounds to me like its a problem with your code... Please post it here wrapped in the code tags
  6. From the way you are explaining the error it sounds like you have the wrong credentials for your gmail account. There was a bug in version 2.1 that would crash SMSer if the wrong credentials were given. Also make sure that the only authentication you have for your gmail account is password. SMSer can not do 2 factor authentication for gmail! UPDATE: Version 2.2 is available for update! This version includes bug fixes, debugging features, and interface tweaks. Please update as soon as you can :D
  7. While I was building the infusion I was sucessfuly able to do what you are trying to do. Please post your code and remember to wrap it in the code tags
  8. You can complie python programs into stand alone binaries very easily if thats the only thing keeping you from doing it in python. Check out py2exe and pyinstaller. I personally prefer pyinstaller but thats just becuase I know how to use it best. http://www.py2exe.org/ http://www.pyinstaller.org/ If you don't want to go with python then maybe go with C# or Java. The best option in my opinion would be PHP and mySQL if you have a web server you could run it on this way it wouldnt have to be a local program and could be accessed anywhere inside your network.
  9. In my genetics class we have been making really long ass punit squares that are 4x4 through 64x64. It takes so long to solve those so I thought why not just have my computer do it for me? Since that chapter is over (I think) I am releasing the code online for anyone else who may be in a genetics class... Here is the code: #!/usr/bin/python2.7 # Newbi3 # 2/3/14 # # This program will calculate the possibilities for different traits import os import time import sys # A list of traits from each parrent parent1 = [] parent2 = [] def main(): ''' This function will launch the program ''' while 1: getParentsTraits() if checkTraitLengths(): print "Calculating results..." break else: print "You need an equal amount of traits for each parent!" print "Try again!" offSpringTraits = calculateResults() for i in range(0, len(offSpringTraits)): sys.stdout.write(offSpringTraits[i]) saveToFile(offSpringTraits) def getParentsTraits(): ''' This function will get a list of traits for each parent from the user ''' global parent1, parent2 print "Enter the allele of parent 1 seperated by spaces below" parent1 = raw_input("Parent 1 traits> ").split(" ") print "Enter the allele of parent 2 seperated by spaces below" parent2 = raw_input("Parent 2 traits> ").split(" ") def checkTraitLengths(): ''' This function will check to make sure there are an equal amount of traits for each parent ''' if len(parent1) == len(parent2): return True else: return False def calculateResults(): ''' This function will calculate the results ''' offSpringTraits = [] for i in range(0, len(parent1)): offSpringTraits.append("\t[ " + parent1[i] + " ]") for a in range(0, len(parent1)): offSpringTraits.append("\n") offSpringTraits.append("\n[" + parent2[a] + "]\t") for b in range(0, len(parent1)): offSpringTraits.append(" " + formatAlleles(list(parent1[b] + parent2[a])) + " |\t") return offSpringTraits def formatAlleles(traits): ''' This function will format the alleles ''' formatted = [] for a in range(0, len(traits)): if traits[a] != "": t1 = traits[a] for b in range(0, len(traits)): t2 = traits[b] if a != b and t2.lower() == t1.lower(): formatted.append(t1) formatted.append(t2) traits[a] = "" return ''.join(formatted) def saveToFile(results): ''' This function will save the results to a text file ''' save = False while 1: toSave = raw_input("\n\nWould you like to save this table? (yes/no): ") if toSave.split(" ") == "": print "Please say yes or no" continue else: if toSave == "yes": save = True break if save: while 1: name = raw_input("Please type the name of the file: ") if name.split(" ") == "": print "The name can not be empty!" continue else: break f = open(name, "w") for i in range(0, len(results)): f.write(results[i]) f.close() print "Saved file as " + name print "Good Bye." main()
  10. Here is a video I made as well. The quality isn't as good but it shows how to get it working.
  11. Are you talking about sql injection?
  12. I'm not sure. However, it should be possible to inject more status's into their newsfeed so you could increase it over time that way
  13. I remembered in an episode of hak5 a long time ago Darren was joking around and said something about changing everyones posts on facebook to something about a zombie apocalypse starting so I decided that would be pretty funny and starting looking at the html from my facebook feed. Every single post looks like this: <div class="mbs _5pbx userContent" data-ft="{"tn":"K"}">We are taking over @atticusclothing on instagram right now! Check it out and see what practice is llike before tour!</div> The above it a post made by August Burns Red and here is a post from Wendy's <div class="mbs _5pbx userContent" data-ft="{"tn":"K"}">Enter for a chance to win Spotify Premium, and drop ads like they’re hot, Spicy Chipotle Sandwiches! </div> They look completely Identical so by creating a simple etterfilter you should be able to replace everything on someones facebook feed with "OMG ZOMBIES ARE EATING MY NEIGHBORS" Ill be posting more when I get this working :) UPDATE: I have realized I hate etterfilter so to accomplish this same thing I am creating a simple HTTP proxy that will do the same thing
  14. You might also want to look into Kris's tutorials https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf93fPKwotph47H3_KDcRyg
  15. make sure you have an internet connection
  16. This is the forum for the mk4 but that aside try to send an email from your gmail account to number@gateway. Also post the output of the logs
  17. For one of my jobs I work as a sub contractor for technicians and today I was fixing up a desktop and this lady told me that she thought her hard drive was failing in her laptop becuase she couldn't turn it on. She had been dealing with this issue for a few days now and didn't know what to do... The battery was dead. That the only problem. All she had to do was charge the battery. Anyone else got a funny IT story?
  18. Ok I'm going to release an update which will give you the tools I need to debug the issue be looking for that it will be version 2.2
  19. who is your carrier?
  20. SMSer 2.0 Has been released! Please download, it includes patches for LED control and custom command 3 not working as well as new features like enabling/disabling SSL Strip and getting the status of karma, dns spoof, and SSL Strip. Also a beta feature is 2 factor authentication for the login page of the wifi pineapple!
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