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Everything posted by newbi3

  1. http://hakshop.myshopify.com/products/toorcon-14-badge They have more in the shop now.
  2. My buddy uses blackbuntu I would use it but I am in love with mint at the moment and I have all the security tools I need installed on here.
  3. You made some good points but in the words of Darren "it makes me feel secure."
  4. The thing that bothers me isn't that root is accessible with the su command or that root has a password. What bothers me is that Mint would go ahead and set your root password as the same thing as your account password automatically. This is insecure because say your password was in the dictionary the only thing keeping you remotely safe in that situation is hopefully the anonymity of your username. If the root password is set to the same thing as your password someone can easily just brute force root. What I think is a more secure way is to disable the root users password this way no once can just brute force root and they are left trying to brute force your username and password which will take them longer. You can still login as root using sudo -i and then typing in your password. That's just me personally. I am a strong believer in the idea that root it self never needs to be the primary login for anyone.
  5. Agreed, also if you are going to use it don't rely on it. Use a better form of encryption on top of it like AES. It never hurts to have multiple layers of encryption.
  6. I would recomend not using autoit for anything of this nature for 2 main reasons. 1. Most AV's already flag autoit executables as malware because of how the are compressed. So you will be flagged instantly. 2. Autoit is designed to make administrators lifes easier by automating tasks and everyone over at the forums is pissed of that there code is being flagged as malware. I am currently working on a RAT (written in java). I wrote a tool in autoit that would remove it from my computer because I got tiered of deleting the registry entries and the file every time I needed to. Sure enough as soon as the executable (the clean autoit executable) hits the machine it is quarantined right away. And one last thing, this forum isn't about black hat activity so if you are planning on doing harm with this tool please don't bring hak5 into it.
  7. This morning I fired up my laptop and in my haze I logged in with the username root. Once I saw I was logged in as root I was thought to my self "What the hell I never set a root password!" I checked the shadow file and sure enough when you install Linux Mint it automatically sets the root password as the exact same as your actual account password. I'm not sure how many of you guys are Mint users here but here is how you disable that nano /etc/shadow search for root in the second field (right after root: and before the next ':') change the hash that is there to a "!" save the file. Now you can't log in as root with a password. You could also just change the root password. I just thought I would bring this to your attention, I can't be the only one who is disappointed in the mint team for doing something like this.
  8. I've been working on writing my own encryption algorithms and if you are just wanting to mess around with it here is a good platform for your algorithm. (I am used to writing in java so I will try to explain this in words not code). String key <- This would be the key to encrypt everything with (you can hard code it) String toEncrypt <- This is the string you are encrypting break the key into an array of the letters so for example if it was "lamekey" break it down into "l,a,m,e,k,e,y" then convert all the letters to their ASCII values. repeat that for toEncrypt. now you should have something like key = "1,2,3,4,5" and toEncrypt = "6,7,8,9,10" now just loop through and add key[x] to the value of toEncrypt[x] 1 + 6 = 7 2 + 7 = 9 3 + 8 = 11 4 + 9 = 13 5 + 10 = 15 Now here are the ASCII values for your new string. "7,9,11,13,15" now just convert each number back into a letter and then put the array back together as a single word. That is very basic encryption and it is also very weak but it is a place to start. I hope that made sense I am about to fall asleep right now
  9. He had one job... Because this happened in 2008 and we are just now hearing about it makes me agree with digip that there is something going on that they aren't telling us. Hopefully this wasn't the government trying to leak data to see where it turns up we would have a replay of operation fast and furious just this time it would be a cyber version.
  10. Wow thanks I don't know how I over looked that I saw the fax number but not the telephone
  11. Saturday the 1st I ordered a pineapple and a lan tap from the hakshop. After a day of not receiving my confirmation e-mail I went back to check if all my information was correct on the order form and apparently I had a typo in my e-mail. I tried e-mailing the hak5 crew 3 times now and I haven't gotten a response from anyone. I wasn't going to make a big deal about it thinking it would get here this week but after seeing my buddies order come in yesterday (he ordered everything on monday) and mine still not being here today I am getting pretty nervous about this and I might be out $115. Is there any possible way that I can contact the hak5 crew? What happened is totally my fault but I would like to be able to track my order and see what is going on here. Any information would be appreciated very much. Also for the hak5 crew I still have the order number I was given at checkout and the incorrect e-mail I typed and I will gladly give you guys any other authentication you need.
  12. I just had the same problem for the past 2 days thought it was just something wrong with the shop. Then I got tiered of it fired up a Windows Virtual Machine and ordered it on there and it worked fine. I guess the hakshop just doesnt like Linux or maybe its just the linux version of chrome it doesnt like. Either way use windows and it works :/
  13. Digip you made a lot of good points, thanks, and I'll check out Ballast Security!
  14. This could work in theory: What if you have a server out in the cloud looking at the connectivity of your network and if someone were to do a DoS attack on you then the server would go on the defense and attack the attacker. Since the server isn't on your LAN it would be able to do that because it is not being attacked. Now the only problem with this theory is how would you be able to get the attackers IP and send it to the server before its to late? This is just something that came to my mind after watching Eli The Computer guys video about auto replying to spammers with spam. I'm sure someone on here would have the know how to do something like this if it hasn't already been done, and if you think you know a way let me know because I would like to attempt to develop this.
  15. Just throwing this out there, do you have DHCP disabled, and how about WPS is that disabled as well? It seems like it would have been a random attack on your router.
  16. I knew hackers had a good taste in music. Here's mine System of A Down The Devil Wears Prada Underoath Slipknot 30 Seconds to Mars The Plot in You
  17. Thank you. So what I was told was right its just that my teacher told us what was true for red hat and my system is debian based.
  18. Yesterday in my network supports class we were learning about Linux run levels. According to what I was told run level 2 is a multiuser-mode with no GUI and networking disabled. Today I was curious and checked what run level the server I had sshed into was running in. It says that it is on run level 2. How? If run level 2 has no networking enabled how could I have remote access to it? And if what I was told is wrong what is the difference between run level 2 and 3?
  19. Thanks a lot for this I have been looking for a place to start for a while
  20. Today I was at school and I opened up playonlinux on my Linux mint machine to download halo. To my surprise instead of seeing a list of applications to download I saw the raw HTML of my county's "block page". This got me thinking "Hey maybe we got something here". So to continue testing I opened up ettercap to see what was going here. Now I noticed that POL pulls a description of the application from the repository also (and here is the fun part) it looks like it is pulling the installation script from the repository. I have absolutely know clue where to go from here. I have never reverse engineered something before and I am wondering where there might be some documentation on reverse engineering and if there are any vulnerabilities in other applications like this that I can read documentation on.
  21. The place where my dad works at pays their Network Admin $75 and hour and he works about 3 hours a day there and then goes off and does his other Administration jobs. (There are not more then 100 computers on that network)
  22. Yeah it is a RAT and I do have support to upload any file from the victim but I thought since I want to get in and out quickly I would go ahead and make it automatically grab it for me. As far as Anti Virus is concerned I have yet to get detect by anything, I have done multiple tests with Malware Antibytes, and I have tested it with Avira and AVG. Not only that but one of my more tech savy zombies thought they had a virus (because I popped up a message that said they were over heating when they weren't) so they ran kaspersky and it didn't detect it. I think traditional black listing AV's don't pay much attention java or I just haven't done anything to set it off yet. At the moment I have been keeping my attack spectrum very narrow incase something goes wrong I don't lose a whole bunch of zombies. But the attack is very simple, I just go around to open or WEP encrypted networks, get access, fire up ettercap and apache and I spoof websites to look like their browsers error page when it can't connect and preform a Java Rhino attack from that which downloads and executes Mmrgh then the user will usually disconnect from the network and reconnect (so I don't have to flush their cache my self) and once they reconnect I have access to that machine.
  23. I've been working on this program I call Mmrgh for about 5 months now and after this weeks episode of Hak.5 when they were talking about stealing cookies I decided to automate the process in my program. I was really surprised how easy it was to do! Chrome hasn't even attempted to put security on theirs and it looks like Firefox tried to but it was really easy to get around. Anyways here's a video of my work if you want to see it. https://www.youtube....eature=youtu.be And you guys can go ahead and add me on Facebook if you saw my name :P
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