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Everything posted by newbi3

  1. Im assuming you have a bash script that is fetching the output in the log file? Just add the date command to the echo string and it should be good!
  2. yeah I'll do another pcap because this one has a lot of other stuff in it I was doing to debug my issues.
  3. To anyone who hasn't heard of snapchat its an app where you can take a picture send it to someone and it lasts for up to 10 seconds then is gone. Last night I was doing an arp poison of my ipod as well as ran sslstrip and preformed a wireshark capture. When ever I pass the pcap file to driftnet I get no images! To see if it was just snapchat using AES or something I went to google images and browsed for about 5 minutes and loaded up random pages. Driftnet still returned nothing. Has anyone had any luck with this? I'm using kali btw.
  4. Break something else. I have a pile of broken mother boards I smash when I get mad. It clears your mind and then you're over it.
  5. I am working on my security+ and apart of it is knowing how to configure VLANs on cisco switches. I have a Catalyst 3500 series XL 48 port switch. In the console I run the following string on commands: enable show vlan configure terminal vlan 2 when I run vlan 2 I get this error: SKW-SW-1(config)#vlan 2 ^ % Invalid input detected at '^' marker. I am assuming that this means my command is invalid. In my study matiral the guy is doing this showing it step by step and it is working fine for him. For you Cisco people out there what am I doing wrong?
  6. This kind of protection is not worth it. I might be young but I can still tell a difference between pre 9/11 and today as far as freedom goes. Before 9/11 I never thought about who would be listening to my phone calls or monitoring what videos I searched for on funny junk. Today I am scared to google certain things in fear that my own government is going to profile me based off of it. Even if it is not Illegal.
  7. Just watched that a minute ago it is very inspiring.
  8. I got bored today (technically yesterday but I didn't go to sleep yet so it is still today) and decided to write a command line uno game. It is all fully functional you play against the computer and all cards work. Wilds, draw 4s, draw 2s, skips, reverses, everything. I didn't follow an official uno rule book while creating this though so you might think some things are against the rules but it all works! #!/usr/bin/python # Newbi3 # 06/09/2013 # Uno import random from time import sleep deck = [] playerHand = [] compHand = [] playedCards = [] currentColor = "" currentNumber = 0 currentCard = "" def checkWin(): ''' Checks if a player has won the game ''' if (len(compHand) == 0): print "\n\n\tYou lose!" exit() elif (len(playerHand) == 0): print "\n\n\tCongrats! You win!" exit() if (len(deck) == 0): while len(playedCards) > 0: card = random.randint(0,len(cards)-1) deck.append(playedCards[card]) playedCards.remove(playedCards[card]) def checkPlayerHand(): ''' Checks if the player has any cards to play ''' checkWin() if any(currentColor in i for i in playerHand): playerTurn() elif any(currentNumber in i for i in playerHand): playerTurn() elif any("wild" in i for i in playerHand): playerTurn() else: drawCard(1, "person") checkPlayerHand() def playerTurn(): ''' Display information to the player ''' checkWin() print "\nYou have " + str(len(playerHand)) + " card(s) in your hand." print "Your oponent has " + str(len(compHand)) + " card(s) in their hand." print str(len(deck)) + " card(s) left in the deck." print "\n\tLast card played: " + currentCard print "\tCurrent color: " + currentColor printPlayerHand = [] for i in range(0,len(playerHand), 1): printPlayerHand.append(str(i) + "[" + playerHand[i] + "]") print "\n" + ', '.join(printPlayerHand) while True: try: checkCard(input("\nThe number of the card you want to play: "), "person") break except: print "Invalid card!" def computerTurn(): ''' Handles the computers turn ''' checkWin() cardToPlay = False while cardToPlay == False: for i in range(0, len(compHand), 1): if (currentColor in compHand[i]): checkCard(i, "computer") cardToPlay = True break for i in range(0, len(compHand), 1): if (currentNumber in compHand[i]): checkCard(i, "computer") cardToPlay = True break for i in range(0, len(compHand), 1): if ("wild" in compHand[i]): checkCard(i, "computer") cardToPlay = True break drawCard(1, "computer") def drawCard(amount, player): ''' Add cards x amount to the players hand ''' global playerHand global compHand global deck if (player == "person"): for i in range(0, amount , 1): checkWin() playerHand.append(deck[0]) deck.remove(deck[0]) elif (player == "computer"): for i in range(0, amount, 1): checkWin() compHand.append(deck[0]) deck.remove(deck[0]) def playCard(card, player, wild): ''' Play the card ''' global playedCards global currentCard global playerHand global currentColor global currentNumber global compHand if (player == "person"): skip = False playedCards.append(currentCard) currentCard = playerHand[card] if (wild == False): if ("draw two" in playerHand[card]): drawCard(2, "computer") currentColor, null, null1 = playerHand[card].split(' ') currentNumber = "draw two" elif ("skip" in playerHand[card] or "reverse" in playerHand[card]): currentColor, currentNumber = playerHand[card].split(' ') skip = True else: currentColor, currentNumber = playerHand[card].split(' ') else: currentColor = "" while currentColor == "": choosenColor = raw_input("\n\tChoose a color: ") if ("blue" in choosenColor.lower() or "green" in choosenColor.lower() or "red" in choosenColor.lower() or "yellow" in choosenColor.lower()): currentColor = choosenColor.lower() currentNumber = "17" if (playerHand[card] == "wild draw 4"): drawCard(4, "computer") playerHand.remove(playerHand[card]) if (skip == False): computerTurn() else: checkPlayerHand() elif (player == "computer"): skip = False playedCards.append(currentCard) currentCard = compHand[card] if (wild == False): if ("draw two" in compHand[card]): drawCard(2, "person") currentColor, null, null1 = compHand[card].split(' ') currentNumber = "draw two" elif ("skip" in compHand[card] or "reverse" in compHand[card]): currentColor, currentNumber = compHand[card].split(' ') skip = True else: currentColor, currentNumber = compHand[card].split(' ') else: blueCards = 0 greenCards = 0 redCards = 0 yellowCards = 0 for i in range(0, len(compHand), 1): if ("blue" in compHand[i]): blueCards += 1 elif ("green" in compHand[i]): greenCards += 1 elif ("red" in compHand[i]): redCards += 1 elif ("yellow" in compHand[i]): yellowCards += 1 if (blueCards > greenCards and blueCards > redCards and blueCards > yellowCards): currentColor = "blue" elif (greenCards > blueCards and greenCards > redCards and greenCards > yellowCards): currentColor = "green" elif (redCards > blueCards and redCards > greenCards and redCards > yellowCards): currentColor = "red" elif (yellowCards > blueCards and yellowCards > greenCards and yellowCards > redCards): currentColor = "yellow" else: colors = ["blue", "green", "red", "yellow"] currentColor = colors[random.randint(0, len(colors)-1)] currentNumber = "17" if (compHand[card] == "wild draw 4"): drawCard(4, "person") print "Your opponent played a " + currentCard + " card." compHand.remove(compHand[card]) if (skip == False): checkPlayerHand() else: computerTurn() def checkCard(card, player): ''' Check if the card is a valid card to play ''' if (player == "person"): if (currentColor in playerHand[card] or currentNumber in playerHand[card]): playCard(card, player, False) elif ("wild" in playerHand[card]): playCard(card, player, True) else: print "You can not play this card!" checkPlayerHand() elif (player == "computer"): if ("wild" in compHand[card]): playCard(card, player, True) else: playCard(card, player, False) def dealCards(): ''' Deal the cards to the players ''' global deck global currentCard global currentColor global currentNumber for i in range(0,7,1): playerHand.append(deck[i]) deck.remove(deck[i]) compHand.append(deck[i]) deck.remove(deck[i]) while True: if "reverse" not in deck[0] and "skip" not in deck[0] and "wild" not in deck[0] and "draw" not in deck[0]: currentCard = deck[0] currentColor, currentNumber = deck[0].split(' ') break else: deck.append(deck[0]) deck.remove(deck[0]) def createDeck(): ''' This function creates the deck of cards for the game ''' global deck cards = ["blue 0","blue 1","blue 1","blue 2","blue 2","blue 3","blue 3", "blue 4","blue 4","blue 5","blue 5","blue 6","blue 6","blue 7", "blue 7","blue 8","blue 8","blue 9","blue 9", "green 0","green 1", "green 1","green 2","green 2","green 3","green 3","green 4","green 4", "green 5","green 5","green 6","green 6","green 7","green 7","green 8", "green 8","green 9","green 9","red 0","red 1","red 1","red 2","red 2", "red 3","red 3","red 4","red 4","red 5","red 5","red 6","red 6","red 7", "red 7","red 8","red 8","red 9","red 9", "yellow 0","yellow 1", "yellow 1","yellow 2","yellow 2","yellow 3","yellow 3","yellow 4", "yellow 4","yellow 5","yellow 5","yellow 6","yellow 6","yellow 7", "yellow 7","yellow 8","yellow 8","yellow 9","yellow 9","blue draw two", "blue draw two", "green draw two", "green draw two", "red draw two", "red draw two", "yellow draw two", "yellow draw two","blue reverse", "blue reverse", "green reverse", "green reverse", "red reverse", "red reverse", "yellow reverse", "yellow reverse","blue skip", "blue skip", "green skip", "green skip", "red skip", "red skip", "yellow skip", "yellow skip", "wild", "wild", "wild", "wild", "wild draw 4", "wild draw 4", "wild draw 4", "wild draw 4"] while len(cards) > 0: card = random.randint(0,len(cards)-1) deck.append(cards[card]) cards.remove(cards[card]) def main(): ''' The main function that starts the program ''' print "Setting up the game..." createDeck() dealCards() sleep(1) checkPlayerHand() main() If you discover any bugs let me know!
  9. I've used this in the past: https://github.com/WiFiPineapple/web-interface/wiki/mk4createmodulesguide or you could do what Darren told me and use the network manager as a template for your module.
  10. If you are pointing port 4444 to then the only machine that can be seen in .10. With that said if someone where to break into your ssh server they could then see everything else on your network or if your servers IP address changes and then your laptop obtained the ip address and there was a service running on that port it could then be seen. Make sure you configure your server statically and put a reservation in your DHCP server if you can.
  11. An open port isn't necessarily a problem. Let me explain. People tend to think that some ports are "secure" and some are not such as port 22 vs. 23. There is no difference in security between port 22 and 23 the difference is the service that runs (by default) on those ports 22 being ssh and 23 being telnet. The security issue comes into the picture when you look at the service that is using that port. If you are running some insecure service that is vulnerable to a buffer overflow or anything like that I would NEVER port forward that service to the world. In your case you are running an SSH server which, I am assuming, is a fully patched openssh server running on a linux machine. I would feel fine with this however a few things you can do to make your self even more secure is: Disable password logins Disable root login Change login timeout Stop the ssh daemon when it is not needed (when you are sleeping) Hope this helps!
  12. Can you post the errors please?
  13. I could not agree more, and like you said how do we stop it? That is something that I have been thinking about for a while. Unless you are put into a position of power (which you have to be willing to look the other way to get) there is nothing totally effective you can do, at least not that I have been able to come up with yet.
  14. I've had the same thoughts.
  15. I am sure you are all aware of what is going on right now with all of this government data mining. I think this is ridiculous, if you went out and collected all of the data from every customer Verizon has (even with permission from Verizon) I am sure the Government would come after you about it but because it is in the name of protecting citizens it is okay for the government to do it? When have they gone to far? President Obama gave a speech addressing this recently and said (I am paraphrasing) it is hard for the government to spy on American citizens to protect us when news organizations are talking about it on TV and making everyone aware that it is going on. He is basically telling us "Just let us do what ever we want and look the other way because it benefits you." This is insanity! What do you guys think about all of this?
  16. I remember you asking this before about backtrack. It IS possible to do this with ANY linux distro.
  17. A friend of mine built a home IPS using ipfire, He has it sitting between his router and modem I personally haven't done it but he has and is able to do everything that you are wanting to do. Hope this helps.
  18. http://www.kali.org backtrack is no longer supported by offensive security.
  19. I just looked over the code and it is checking if a flash drive is in the device with mount | grep "on /usb" so what you could do is either change how it is detecting a flash drive in the device or you could create a partition on the cruzer fit and mount it in /usb. I think the second option is the best personally.
  20. Hey I just wanted to say thanks for the guide, I used it loosely but it helped tremendously! Also I would like to point out where you said on the guide "Some infusions (or modules) cannot be installed as it required to install to USB storage but you have not." if you create in the root of the file-system a directory called usb then opkg can still install dependencies into there fixing the problem with some infusions. PS: I did this for the TP-LINK TL-WR703N revisions 1.6
  21. Durring the Linux+ curriculum it was called a "dash". However they did try to ease people into the Linux world by calling "etc" e.t.c.. I've kind of come up with my own method and it goes like this: if the - is not in the middle of two words its a tac (arp-scan *TAC*I eth0) if it is in the middle of two words its a dash (apt*DASH*get).
  22. Thanks a lot! I am sure I can make something out of this!
  23. I would recommend you doing what you are doing at the moment and keep backtrack installed on a flash drive and boot off of that for when you need it. Reason being if you ever get tiered of a dual boot system when you delete the backtrack partition you are going to cause a massive headache for your self messing with grub rescue. Another solution for you would be virtualization. I personally recommend using Oracle Virtual Box it has worked great for me in the past and still to this day. I have whole virtual network composed of various virtualized machines. It is a great solution if you do not need the physical hardware and you are just doing a quick vuln scan or something like that. Overall it is your choice these are just my recommendations to you. Also as I said above BT is dead check out Kali!
  24. Assuming you have a phone or some access to text messaging... http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/29383-smser-texting-pineapple/
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