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Everything posted by newbi3

  1. You would like to install backtrack onto a flash drive? Yes that is possible. http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ Or are you asking if you can use a USB stick as addition RAM for a live boot of backtrack off of a separate Flash drive? This is also possible with swap partitions. http://www.linux.org/article/view/swap-partition And as a side note backtrack is no longer maintained check out Offensive Securities new project Kali Linux. http://www.kali.org/
  2. In the community that I live in you have to enter a code on this keypad which dials someones phone number. They then have to answer the phone call and press 9 on their phone for the gate to open. This is a huge pain if you are like me and have no phone. I am wondering if there is any software I can install onto my local Linux server that will be able to answer the call and "press" the number 9 automatically.
  3. Just curious, what makes you think that you have a key logger on your machine?
  4. Your problem is that the gateway is which the 10.x network has no communication with. Any host on the 10.x network has no way to communicate with the 172.16.42 network. To add a gateway you will need to use the route command so go ahead and "man route". Also the configuration files are somewhere in /etc/config I believe. Best of luck!
  5. I am assuming you made a new subnet. You are going to need to add it to your routing tables (correct me if I am wrong).
  6. Will it mount at all? I to have the same access point and I had to install some packages to make it detect storage devices.
  7. When ever you login to a website you create whats called a session I've never used medusa personally but from what you posted I am assuming it alows to you to look at and modify the variables in the session. Also I think that your view of ssh is a little obscured. SSH (secure shell) is a protocol that allows you remote access to a command line interface on a remote host. This host could be sitting 5 feet away from you or 500 miles it could even be the machine you are using. Think of it like when ever you are using a linux distro and you open a terminal window you can type commands and get output. That is exactly what ssh is except it is sending the output over a network connection to a remote machine running an ssh client. Darren and Shannon did a whole class on ssh you should check it out. http://hak5.org/episodes/hak5-1108
  8. That is one way. Assuming that the server is running Apache you could also attempt to upload a shell and hope that the person who wrote the site knows very little about permissions so the owner of the shell is root. Once the shell is uploaded you could change the password for the root user and login. If this isn't a cooperate system it could go unnoticed for a while, however, you are leaving behind a sign that the system was compromised and it will be eventually found it.
  9. Why are you still using backtrack? It is no longer being developed. Try Kali (Offensive Securities new project) http://www.kali.org/. EDIT: just read the post date...
  10. If you can get access to someones SSH server especially if it is root access its game over and you are the man. Think of it as you can do anything to that machine that you could do if you were physically there (besides install or remove hardware such as ram).
  11. Thanks guys I'll work something out!
  12. I am trying to install python 2.7.4 in wine so I can you pyInstaller to create an exe without spinning up a vm. Here is the error I am getting when i run msiexec /i python-2.7.4.msi fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented. fixme:sxs:cache_QueryAssemblyInfo 0x1471d0, 0x00000002, L"Microsoft.VC90.CRT,version=\"9.0.21022.8\",publicKeyToken=\"1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b\",processorArchitecture=\"x86\",type=\"win32\"", 0x32f988 fixme:sxs:cache_QueryAssemblyInfo 0x1471d0, 0x00000002, L"policy.9.0.Microsoft.VC90.CRT,version=\"9.0.21022.8\",publicKeyToken=\"1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b\",processorArchitecture=\"x86\",type=\"win32-policy\"", 0x32f988 fixme:msi:ControlEvent_SpawnWaitDialog Doing Nothing err:msi:ACTION_InstallFiles compressed file wasn't installed (L"C:\\Python27\\Lib\\distutils\\filelist.py") err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"InstallFiles" returned 1603 err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"ExecuteAction" returned 1603 Has anyone had any success doing this or know of a better way? Also I am running 64bit kali.
  13. I've impersonally never tried this before but I wrote the code and I don't see why it wouldn't work. In the Number field for the module put the first half of your emial (everything before the @provider.com) and in the gateway field put the last part excluding the @ sign. So for example: Number: myemail Gateway: gmail.com What is going on in the code is it is taking your phone number and concatenating it with your sms gateway and placing a @ in between them. Let me know if this works for you!
  14. I'm not sure if your school is the same or not but mine is running packet inspection and kills all outgoing ssh traffic. To get past this I setup an openvpn server at my house and gain ssh access to my server that way. Just find out what your school isnt blocking and use it, I've even heard of people piggyback their ssh traffic on http. If there is a will there is a way. Don't get in trouble though as I have learned admins don't understand anything and you will get suspended even for not causing any harm.
  15. Everyone in range it just sends deauths to everything constantly.
  16. I'm not sure that the issue is with aireplay but rather with getting the interface out of monitor mode. But like I said before I could be wrong with that so don't hold me to it!
  17. Number 1: I would connect it to my pineapple I do not see much of a benefit having it connected to my laptop. Number 2: As of right now the only way to get your pineapple back to normal functionality (using karma and what not) after using the wifi jammer module is to reboot it. There is a reason behind that I just don't want to tell you something that is wrong so I wont say anything. Hope this helps!
  18. The only characters that would cause an issue would be a space or sing quote (') or double quote("). If you have a space in your password be sure to wrap it in quotes and if you have a single quote wrap your password in double quotes and visa verse. EXAMPLE: mypasswordwithasinglequote' write it as "mypasswordwithasinglequote'"
  19. Are you getting this error on your phone or in the logs? Also if you are DNS spoofing *.gmai.com this module will fail because it is making a connection out to imap.gmail.com and smtp.gmail.com
  20. Seb is working on it right now.
  21. Really? People were having that same issue with Evil Java... I am going to download it in a minute and try it out see if I have the same issue. EDIT: I had the same problem when I downloaded it the name was blank and when I removed it all my modules where gone as well. I'm not sure if this is a problem on my side or not...
  22. Thanks for texting it! I am just going to test a few more and everything should be good to go!
  23. SMSer is available for 3.x.x! 2.x.x version is no longer being updated! SMSer alows you to control your pineapple through your phone by simply sending it a text message. It does this using Multimedia Messaging Service or MMS. Through SMSer you can turn on or off karma and dns spoof by sending it key words that you would use in an everyday conversation as well as any 3 custom commands that you setup your self. Features: Turn on karma Turn on DNS spoof Turn on and off LEDs on the pineapple Run up to 3 of your own commands or programs All with a simple keyword in a text message Requirements: Pineapple (of course) A phone or other means of texting A gmail account with basic security (username and password ONLY) Coming Soon: SSH-like shell over sms (with authentication) Karma reports over sms Getting the status of the pineapple SMSer should work for everyone but here is a list of tested carriers: Pinger Trackphone (through a sprint gateway not sure if sprint works as well) AT&T Verison T-Mobile Family Mobile For t-mobile and family mobile use the sms gateway: tmomail.net Known Issues: You wont always get the response from the pineapple even though it sent it (I think this is just a problem with Pinger) Older phones (my old LG trackphone) can not send MMS this shouldn't be a problem with android or iOS Here are some videos of SMSer on 2.x.x: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRmXXT51NI4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oRyGp7yS1g&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YitfVgoqdno Media:
  24. BOOM got it! Credits to this guy: http://jmduke.net/post/39159602638/sending-emails-through-python-gmail It was exactly what google said; a problem with the authentication headers and what he said to do seemed to do the trick!
  25. This actually just got a little bit stranger.. It turns out that the message is being sent to the same gmail account that it was sent from and not to the correct destination. This used to work flawlessly when I first wrote it but it appears that gmail has had some updates since then. EDIT: I just got a message to my phone that I sent hours ago
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