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Everything posted by newbi3

  1. I will be, I just want to finish up a few things first and then we will all be able to have conversations with pineapples! Who needs friends anymore?
  2. This is just some proof of concept code I have been working on and finally got to a good point. My thought behind this project is to give you a way to control your pineapple that doesn't look like you are a "hacker" or what ever. It just looks like you are texting your brother or girlfriend or what ever telling them to turn on the oven, or open the front door for you or something like that. When the pineapple receives a message that says something like "hey man open the front door for me, thanks" it turns on karma and sends a message back that says "Hey, the front door is open and don'y worry about it". I will be releasing this code soon on here I just need to make it nice and pretty first and get some ideas from you guys first. Here is a video of it in action: (I completely forgot to show that karma turned on but just take my word for it that it did!) Can a moderator please move this to the project section? Sorry, and thanks in advance!
  3. Its all programmable or if you can't program it your self chances are you can download module from the pineapple bar (an app store type thing) and someone has made it really easy for you to do things like run sslstrip on startup or whatever you want. If you are looking into building it your self it doesn't look difficult at all. This is the hardware that I believe it is based on: alfa network AP121U. It is about $55 on amazon.
  4. What separateness the white hats from the black hats is really what we do with our hacking. Me personally if I find something wrong like a SQLi hole in a website for example, I'll go ahead and dig deep enough to find out if its a concern and then report it right away. I don't expect praise for it but it really does clear up a "hackers" name if someone sees you coming to them and telling them whats wrong and how to fix it.
  5. I turned on karma just to see what I would get and this is the first thing I got... Could there be anything more random then a Wii connecting to you?
  6. I am running version 2.7.0 of the firmware and I can get to the web interface fine at but if I try to get to the webpage at or in the /www directory it times out and I get an error. I have checked the permissions of the files and everything is good. Also I pressed the reset button on the pineapple it didn't fix anything. Does anyone know what script in /etc/init.d is responsible for starting this? Any help would be great!
  7. If you are wanting to learn a lot about how linux systems work I suggest that you install arch linux in a virtual machine. If you are looking for a main disto to run on your laptop I highly recommend Linux Mint. I used to not be a fan of it until Linux Mint 13 but now I absolutely love it and I am actually using it right now. I was an ubuntu fan for 10.04 but once the release of 11.04 came out with unity I have left ubuntu. Also I have been using a lot of open suse. If I was a linux administrator that would be my main distro of choice.
  8. I recently got an Asus M5A 78L-M board. I can't remember the socket and I don't feel like getting out the book but it can support up to 8gb of DDR3 and I have an AMD athlon (or phenom) II in it, once again I can't remember exactly. Works great and I've never had a problem.
  9. That made me laugh. Just be active on the forums and you will leave the "hackling" stage quickly.
  10. The funny thing is they told me I am aloud to have it at school I just have to tell my networking teacher its there.
  11. Yes I am allowed to bring my own computer to school and use it freely when I need (as long as its not during a test or lecture etc). My parents just got back from the school and the school gave them the same crap that they always do. "Oh he's a good kid we don't hate him" and the reason why I am getting suspended is because, and this isn't an exact quote, "I had a device that could have caused harm and taken someones bank account or other personal information." They are referring to the pineapple which never had karma enabled (except for when I was demoing it for 3 people teacher included), and it was never tethered or plugged into a switch or wall or anything. It was sitting by it self with me sshed into it (only during my networking class). I tried to explain to them that it doesn't work the way they think but you can't explain to someone who only knows how to check e-mail how anything works. At this point I am by my self with any action I would take against them and it would ruin a job opportunity for me so I am just going to let it sit. It's done.
  12. I finally convinced my parents into going down there and calling their bullshit. Like combatwombat said I don't want to cause a fight that I will be remember for ever. If this can all be handled with only my family involved I will try that first but trust me I have talked to my parents about talking to a lawyer and just seeing what my options are and then going from there.
  13. Here is the update on this story. Today I get to school and go to the deans office right away. We sit down and she says "we didn't find any evidence that you did but with that said we you are suspended for 3 days because you have the potential to have done this." That 3 days got reduced to 2 days because I had to take my final today (a day early). But still what they are saying is exactly the same as this analogy: A man is walking buy a car and the cops come and arrest him and charge him with breaking into that car because he has the knowledge and the potential to do it. No motive, no evidence that he did but because he has the potential and known how to break into a car (even with no background of doing so) he is guilty. For now I am just going to enjoy me extended Christmas vacation and not make a big deal. The actual principal suggested that they offer me a job so I guess something good came out of this.
  14. I'm not sure but as a student my self I don't have a voice to the school I would need someone to do anything otherwise it's considered talking back to authority and I could potentially get written up for saying something. It sucks being 17.
  15. Today I found out that apparently at the beginning of the school year we signed a contract that basically says we agree that the constitution doesn't apply to us in school. For example, we can be search based on a single accusation, if we are asked something we have to give an answer. Pretty much what ever they say goes. The thing about this "contract" is that if we didn't sign it we would get detention until we did sign it. So pretty much its a contract that is mandatory for you to accept and you have no voice in the making of it. Being in school is like being in a communist country now days. They have't said when I am suspended or for how long yet but they did make it pretty clear that I am facing minimum of a day. I'm pretty sure its because of just having the pineapple with me. They don't understand it they look at it as a magic box that breaks into what ever you point it at. I told them I only have it to use as a tool to study for my linux+ which they are offering me to take.
  16. That reminds me of my friend who lives up in NC who found out that the C: drive had no security on it other then being a hidden drive and he opened it, found a plain text file called adminpass.txt or what ever opened it and got kicked out for the rest of the year. I don't see why that gets you kicked out its a huge gaping whole that they should have noticed and someone was going to find it eventually.
  17. I gave them all my student info. So they are going to check my activity which is fine because I only use the schools computers to do work in simulated labs for my linux+. I'm not worried about them proving me guilty for this because I know that I'm not and their is no evidence but what makes me mad about this is that I was proven guilty before proven innocent and now when ever anything happens I would pretty much be assumed to be guilty of it. Like I said with the virus on the counties system. I just a matter of time before they start trying to pin that one on me. They are already attacking my friend because he figured out how it is spreading it self and if he can figure that out then he must have been or been in association with the person who planted it according to their logic.
  18. I understand where you are coming from and you raised a good point. No I did not ever at any point log into by any means a teachers and or students Facebook account without their permission first hand. Not only that never have I logged into any students account on the network. I few weeks ago (before I even had my pineapple) I found a vulnerability in the way my school had RDP set up but I went to the network admin and told him. I never hijacked anyone's session I logged in as my self actually because I know him and I know he wouldn't mind. That wasn't even a problem that was presented at all during the 2 hours of being yelled at by someone who was struggling to comprehend what they were/are dealing with.
  19. Thanks for this, I will be contacting them tomorrow if the school doesn't drop this against me. I couldn't believe it when I heard the dean say to the network admin "there are reports that hes hacking into teachers facebook accounts". I she came and got me out of math and saw me doing my math on paper. Please if there a new kind of physical paper that connects to the internet and when you write 2x - (4/2) / 4y that equations equals "hack teachers facebook account". I think I am going to join "hacking is not a crime" now lol. At this point I am just ranting more so sorry if it starts sounding like whining.
  20. The reason why they were able to search my laptop bag was because (and this is the biggest bullshit ever) they "suspected" I had illegal marterials on me. Which in this case would be the pineapple. She saw an antena poking out of the case I had it in when I put it in my bag and because what I supposedly did was Illegal and she knows nothing she was able to pull that card out on me. And here is where it gets kind of sketchy with sueing. Durring my network supports class I demonstrated to 3 people including my teacher what what I have written so far for the pineapple and what it can do. So the school has no solid case but at one point I did have karma and the jammer enabled which could have effected "school property". That and my parents would flip shit if I tried to get a lawsuit against the school they are the what ever the person is charge says goes kind of people. I've explained everything to them doesn't matter. As soon as the school goes further with this investigation and actually tries to login to my pineapple I will sue the shit out of them. They have no warrent or right to get access to what ever is on there. What is on there is my personal and private stuff. Let me add to this that the only thing I did when demonstrating the pineapple was show how karma works, DNS spoof my friend to a page that said "8==D" and show how deauthing works. I never even plugged the pineapple into the network. Everything was done only on the pineapple it self.
  21. This goes back to Darren's rant a few weeks ago about people knowing that you know more then the average person about computers. Today I was suspended for "hacking" into teachers facebook accounts, breaking into students accounts and deleting their documents, and the next thing they will tag on me is a virus that has been going around the county. Why did they do this? Because I got a 100% on my A+ cert and I am working on my Linux+ so therefore a teacher calls the administration and says that specifically I am the one doing this. All I was doing at that time was my algebra. Now they are doing an investigation to see "how much damage I caused" and the length of my suspension will be based on that. They have no evidence that I did anything except for the fact that my laptop has a hak5 sticker on it and I had a wifi pineapple (that was turned off) in my laptop bag. It pissed me off so much when the dean searched me for "illegal" stuff and pulled out my laptop saw the sticker and said "that's interesting". Just because I have a sticker that has the word "hack" on it all of the sudden I am a criminal. Not only that I carry around about 10 different Linux distros on DVDs and she pulled them out and was like "Did you steal all of this?" Seriously what the hell! I shouldn't be punished by people who clearly are not at all able to comprehend what they are dealing with! The only reason why I had the pineapple with me is to give me a project for writing some bash scripts (which is a major part of my certification) so I'm not just sitting down writing pointless "hello world"s all day. Because I am only 17 she had to call my dad and while on the phone with me she said "At least he will learn from his punishment after all thats what school is for". Well shit on me, I was under the impression that school was for educational purposes. Parents are the ones who she be teaching discipline. And after accusing me of every problem that they have computer wise she told me "why don't you have a job doing this already? You know what you are doing". The worst part about this is how the hell are you supposed to explain how a pineapple works? You can't tell them that "oh well it just tricks your computer into connecting to it" because that translates to them "Once you turn on your computer I have all of your files, tax records, social security number, bank account, facebook, everything." It's not right to have people who don't understand what the hell is going to be the ones who make the decisions. Who else relates to this? This is a bunch of crap and I feel bad for who ever else this happens to. Thank God they didn't find the throwing start lantap that I had in bag that would have ended even worse. (I go to a tech school thats why I'm 17 and have my A+ and what not)
  22. Have you ever done a DNS spoof before? I think it would really benefit you if you put the pineapple aside for right now and get a copy of ettercap. It's free and very easy to use, also you will get a huge benefit from learning how DNS works and setting up an apache server (if you choose to host it locally which I recommend). I'm not trying to insult you I just think that if you do something you should understand the inner workings of it. I guarantee you that once you do this you will see your problem and be able to fix it right away.
  23. Yeah I figured this out a few minutes after I posted this. Thank you though!
  24. I've been writing some scripts for the WPS button on the pineapple. Everything works great but I was wondering if there is anyway already built into the pineapple to make the WPS LED flash a certain amount of times for indication purposes. I've googled it but the results are all pretty much "how to flash the pineapple".
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