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Everything posted by newbi3

  1. newbi3


    There is no legitimate reason for DDOS in a pen-test especially not with 1k bots, unless you are doing a load test on the servers.
  2. try setting a static IP for your virtual machines it could be a problem with the DHCP server on your iphone.
  3. I am in the market for a laptop and stumbled across this... http://fortmyers.craigslist.org/col/sys/3963034038.html ITS BRAND NEW AND WORKS WITH WINDOWS 98 and 95!
  4. I am not to big on metasploit I have used meterpreter before but I prefer to write my own payloads. I always include a portscanner in my payload as well as a way to send other files to the machine. As long as you are not executing graphical programs then the user wont physically see that you are doing a scan. If you are wanting to learn a lot about metasploit I suggest that you take the metasploit unleashed class, or if you have time on your hands and some programming experience you could always write your own payloads that do exactly what you want them to do (be careful though and don't use them maliciously)
  5. Hello everyone, I have a CD4541B revision E timer chip on a toaster. I am wanting to send the output from this chip to the input of my RPI my only problem is I am a software guy. I am completely lost doing this I have found the data sheet for the chip:http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd4541b.pdf I have a couple of questions. How do I tell what the output of the chip is? The data sheet says 5V, 10V, and 15V how do I tell what it actually is? If the voltage is above 5Vs how do I get it down to 5Vs? Is there any documentation anywhere about using one of these with the GPIO on the RPI? Thanks in advance for the help! I am a complete noob when it comes to hardware.
  6. Hate to answer your question with a question but If you have your machine on a lan could you attack other machines? A compromised computer is exactly that, compromised. You can do whatever you want through it.
  7. Well yes but it wont really matter as long as there are no IDS's or IPS's on your network that might go off (which if you are at home this shoudn't be an issue). Just having the traffic on your network should not cause an issue for users on your network if you are not targeting them.
  8. I just fixed the problem in version 1.3 which you can download now!
  9. I am working on it. Sorry with school starting soon I have been going on vacation a lot recently but it will be done!
  10. After installing no dog splash you will need to start it /etc/init.d/nodogsplash start be careful though the nodogsplash firewall will block your access to the web UI running on the pineapple unless you configure the firewall otherwise (it is easy to do) I don't think this is the solution for you however, dns spoof should be the only thing that you need. Yes if the page is cached for the client they will not be able to get your page however most of your users are going to have a clear cache already unless you kicked them off of another network and put them onto yours. I am working on a nodogsplash infusion literally right now so if you want to use it and can't get it working on your own wait a few days and I should have this infusion done!
  11. I know but I need them for very sudle things that really isn't worth refreshing every 5 seconds for but I am to busy to fix my module at the moment
  12. Yes the new interface is way more resource intensive than the past one. The cause of this is that the tiles are constantly refreshing which puts a huge load on the pineapple. Some tiles refresh with out really having a giant need to (I am guilty of this with SMSer) but keep in mind that 3.0 is still fresh out of the oven so expect bugs to be fixed soon as performance to be increased also if you could supply a list of the modules you have installed that would help a lot! The new interface is only going to get better and not worse so hang in there and expect fixes soon!
  13. Why wont DNS spoof work? I've never personally had any issues with it.
  14. It is exactly the same process as setting up virtual machines on Windows and if you are looking for an XP iso you can pirate it BUT make sure you have an authentic license to register the software with otherwise its illegal. But because Windows XP will no longer be supported come the end of this month I don't think Microsoft would care to much BUT IT IS STILL ILLEGAL AND I DO NOT CONDONE IT! :D And if you still want help setting up a virtual machine google: "create a virtual machine with vritualbox"
  15. Of course it is! Just install virtualbox on kali and create your vms then install the OS that you want on them. Once that is done change the network settings from nat to bridge and thats it :)
  16. I am a fan of mint myself but if you do want red hat the next red hat release is actually going to be based off of the newest Fedora release so you might want to look into that :D
  17. When I took my I was sweating the whole time and especially during the second test I thought I was going to fail for sure! It is 100% worth taking though just be prepared to study A LOT!! And Lost in Cyberia what did you get on the second half?
  18. You took the second half?! And nice congrats again :D
  19. You will soon! I'll start working on it once I get home from my vacation!
  20. Agreed the travel bundle contains everything that you will need to get started. If you need to get a flash drive, and I recommend you do, you should just go with a micro sd card in a micro sd to usb adapter they are low powered and efficient I've been running mine for about 4 months now with no issues what so ever!
  21. Which bug is that? And thanks for the compliments :D
  22. I would be there but I have to buy a car so not this year. Next year I will not miss for anything though!
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