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Everything posted by newbi3

  1. The script is using the smtplib in python to connect to a gmail account and send a message out through there to the users sms gateway. And the part that is confusing me about this is that gmail is blocking the message in the send mail folder saying that is may not have been sent with the account. I might have to switch over to yahoo if there is nothing that can be done about this.
  2. I am working on my texting pineapple module and just started noticing that only about 10% of messages sent are being delivered. I thought this was just a problem with pinger until I tried it on my actual phone and had the same issue. I logged into gmail to be greeted with this: from what I've read this is due to their new email authentication and that if you send an email from a third party source (the python script on the pineapple in this case) there is a chance that it will fail. Does anyone know how to disable this authentication or of any alternatives to gmail that allow you access to send email via smpt and receive it via imap? I am really not wanting to do a re-write of this whole module...
  3. Thanks digip but I had a lot of success using PDO instead of mysqli.
  4. Thanks but it didn't work. From what I've read "i" is for an integer value correct?
  5. I am working on a site and using $_GET to receive a value to check for in a mysql database. How can I stop this from being injectable? I've spent two days on using mysqli to sanitize the variable but when I try to get my results I either get nothing or an error. I've been using php site for documentation and even copied word for word what they have and made a database containing exactly what is in their example. I just get errors returned saying "This page in under maintenance...". Here is my code: <?php $postNum = $_GET['id']; echo "<p>" . $postNum . "</p>"; //include "login.php"; $mysqli = new mysqli("", "user", "passowrd", "database"); $query = 'SELECT * FROM posts WHERE number = ?'; $stmt = $mysqli->stmt_init(); $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query); $stmt->bind_param('i', $postNum); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); echo $result; //$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result); $row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM); echo "<p>" . $row['body'] . "</p>"; ?> I am running php version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.6 on my home Ubuntu server. In my database I have 5 rows: number, date, title, body, author. In my code up there I am trying to return the value for "body" in the row that number=x. What am I doing wrong here?
  6. I completely understand what you are saying and trust me my parents are looking at all of the options right now. Just to be clear though the kid who had his account hacked went to the administration to tell them about it there where no teachers involved in this it is all the one admin who had me suspended in December with no evidence that I did anything.
  7. You may have read the last story about the one administrator who kicked me out of school for "hacking" a teachers facebook account with no evidence that I did it and even the teacher telling her later on that I had nothing to do with it. Well it has happened again.... They (The admin who suspended me last time) got another student mixed up with me and started talking to him about this situation (which I am getting to) and then realized he wasn't me and called me down. When I got down there she said to me that another students facebook account was hacked into and defaced and that I installed a keylogger onto his computer. I told her I knew nothing about it and she replied "so the student is lying then?!" and I said "I guess so" she ran out of the room to get him but couldn't find him and came back to accuse me more. Basically calling me a liar and saying that "last time I wasn't truth full". I wrote down EVERYTHING that I had done with the pineapple IN INK for her! This was the first time I had heard about this at all. I told her I don't know anything and after being accused for 15+ minutes she said "Ok I'm not accusing you I am just asking and you can go back to class". I was willing to let this all go until my councler came to me and told me that the kid who got his facebook hacked into didn't want me involved in this at all and that he said he knew it wasn't me and it was this particular admin who got me involved in this. Then to find out later on that she told someone (another staff member who was questioning her about bringing me in) that she never called me down and that I was already in the office so she decided to question me. Does anyone smell the BS yet? That all happened about a week ago and I told the guy no hard feelings between me and him and that I know nothing about what happened and I just want to be out of this mess. Then today I get called down again and the same admin is telling me that she pulled back security camera footage and saw me walking down the hallway that that particular networking class is in and another one (which is where I went) after school She was wondering what I did after school going by there. Which she has been told by the other networking instructor that me and one of my friends stay after school in his class to work on our various projects and that he is ok with this. SHE ALREADY KNOWS THAT! SHE EVEN HAS FOOTAGE OF ME WALKING WITH THAT INSTRUCTOR OUT OF THE BUILDING TO GO HOME! Somehow this is evidence that I broke into this kids facebook account which I was originally told happened in the morning. Also, after this happened he ran an AV scan and found 67 infections on his machine which to me says anyone in the world could have done that. My parents are pretty pissed off now that I am getting harassed by this administrator both of my networking instructors are pissed off, my councilor is pissed off, and so are a good percentage of the students. Sometime this week me and my dad have a meeting with all of the administration and my instructors and we are going to get the previous suspension taken off of my record and get to the bottom of all of this harassment. I would also like to point out quickly that I am not the only accused in this situation but I am being setup to take the fall. I am not going to be silent about it this time. All I want to do is continue my projects and education and get out of here.
  8. A car dealership wanted to heir me as a web administrator but I can't work full time so I couldn't take that job. And this wasn't the most difficult question on there but it was the very first one and I will remember it for the rest of my life: You are a network admin and need to setup a network with the address you use the first host as your default gateway how many hosts do you have left on the network?
  9. The linux+ is in my opinion the hardest of the the comptia certifications. It is 2 tests and the second test had about 15 multiple questions out of the 60. It is definitely worth doing though because Linux Professional Institute will send you a certification from them and Novell will send you 3. So you get 5 certs from 2 tests.
  10. Wow.. at 6:45 they present the HP manual to someone who I am assuming is high up in HP and said that no where in the manual did it say anything about securing your printer and his responds is "Well I am not in charge of manuals"...
  11. Those guys probably explain sub-netting better then me but I'll go ahead and give you how I understand it. Lets use the address So what do we know about this address? Well it is a network address, and a class C address that means the default netmask is and we are sub-netting the last octet. Now look at the citer mask, /26. This means that there are 26 bits turned on so in binary the netmask would look like this 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 . 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 . 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 . 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 And if we add all of this together we find the netmask to be: Now we find the number of subnets we have according to the number of extra bits turned on after the default address, in this case we have 2. So we take the number of bits and put that as an exponent to 2 (2 ** x; (x = network bits on after default mask)). So in this case 2**2 = 4. We have 4 subnets. The hosts is very similar but instead of looking at the bits turned on we look at the bits turned off, in this case we have 6. Our equation for this is 2**x - 2 (one for the network address and one for the broadcast) 2 ** 6 - 2 = 62 We have 62 host addresses on each subnet. Network 1 contains the following address: <-- network address ... <-- broadcast address and the next network starts at and ends at and so on. I hope I didn't repeat to much of what you already know and that I helped clear it up for you! PS: A little trick that helps me is that the broadcast address is always an odd number, never even.
  12. Hey guys I just passed the second half of the Comptia Linux+ cert making that my 3rd certification. I just wanted to tell the community that really got me started in Linux and I would like to thank Darren and Shannon for all of their great lectures on ssh and all of the other various things! I am continuing onto Security+, CCENT, and CCNA now. I have my A+ Net+ and Linux+ before I can even drive!
  13. Schools are full of shit when it comes to this. I got susspened for a teacher saying I "hacked" her facebook account when all that happened was someone tried to login with the wrong password to many times and it gave her a message. There was no evidence of me doing it infact I was sitting in math class at the time it happened but they did find a pineapple on me and all of the sudden I hacked her facebook account which wasn't even "hacked"... Get a lawyer, do a proper investigation and sue them. I am tiered of the education system doing this shit. Another thing happened to my friend where he managed to open a powershell and do a dir on the C:\ drive and found a plain text file that contained the admin password. When he told them about it they kicked him out of school for the rest of the year. It is a bunch of bs.
  14. Java was my first language but after moving away from it to learn others I can relate to what you are saying, however, I still like to write in Java because it was my first language and I know it more fluently then I do others. With that said, python is by far my favorite language to write in.
  15. I've been messing around with pyinstaller 2.0 today and I want to smash my face into a wall. I am running backbox linux and trying to build a windows executable. All I have been able to make is Linux binaries. The documentation for this version of pyinstaller sucks, so with that said does anyone know how on linux I can build a windows executable with this software? I have googled and read documentation for hours.
  16. This is a lot like my SMS script I wrote just got to get around to releasing it. I'll probably add some of the features that you have in this to that. Good work mate!
  17. I was going to recommend squid proxy but it looks like digip beat me to it. Squid is a great service and you can configure it to do really powerful things. Hope this helps out!
  18. I am trying to connect my raspberry pi to my OpenVpn server. It connects fine but as soon as the connection is established and the interface (tun0) is created it automatically drops the connection over what ever interface it is connecting to the physical network with. For example eth0 is connected to a switch and then I connect to the OpenVpn server; tun0 is created and eth0 drops its connection. Does anyone know what is causing this to happen? I am pretty sure it is a problem with raspbian because if I am connected wirelessly to a network on then plug in a cat5 to a switch my wireless connection drops. Any light shed on this would be great!
  19. I am re-writting an application I wrote in java in python. The problem I am having is even though I have multi-threaded the server I can only get 1 client to connect each time the server runs. Here is the error I am getting socket.error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer Here is the server which gets the connection and passes it off to a new thread def startServer(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind((host, port)) Misc.mmrghPrint("Zombie Server Started") while 1: s.listen(5) Thread(target=ZombieThread.authenticate(s.accept()), args=(s.accept())).start() # <-- Here pass Here is the thread that it is passed off to. def authenticate(socket): conn, addr = socket zombieIP = Misc.parseAddr(addr) # Client to Server Challenge ClientSecretNum = 547623564 key = int(Misc.recvDecrypted(conn, 1024)) Misc.sendEncrypted(conn, key + ClientSecretNum) # Server to Client Challenge ServerSecretNum = 6992825753837 challengeNum = randint(1111111111111111, 9999999999999999) Misc.sendEncrypted(conn, challengeNum) respondse = int(Misc.recvDecrypted(conn, 1024)) if respondse != (challengeNum + ServerSecretNum): Misc.mmrghPrint("Could not authenticate zombie from " + zombieIP) conn.close() else: Misc.mmrghPrint("Zombie connected form " + zombieIP) conn.close() Maybe someone here can shed some light onto what my problem is and save me from bashing my head into a wall!
  20. My developer account just got approved and unfortunately I forgot my password. Is there any way to reset it? I did't see anything on the user portal at http://cloud.wifipineapple.com.
  21. Have you tried sshing into it? If the apostrophe did happen to mess something up from the web interface you should be able to login via ssh and change it. If that doesn't work try rebooting the pineapple and then repeat the steps. If that still doesn't work then you will probably need to flash it.
  22. It is easier for you to just flash it over ssh now. Also I am assuming you are running version 4.2 or something close to that which can not update to 2.7 from the web UI due to a new hashing algorithm (don't quote me on that I just read it somewhere). Here's a video just follow the instructions.
  23. They sure do. http://certification.comptia.org/getCertified/certifications/linux.aspx
  24. Tomorrow or Friday (depending on if I can get a spot in the testing room) I am taking the first half of the comptia linux+ cert. Does anyone one have any suggestions on good ways to study or what has helped you in taking it? I am ready to take it I just want to be sure. Any advice or tips would be great!
  25. I've never had a problem from when I just had the pineapple sending me notifications and still none now that I have back and forth communication with it. Thanks for letting me know though because I wasn't going to add support for other e-mail services like yahoo but now I think I will build it in just as a precaution in case someone does have trouble with gmail.
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