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Everything posted by newbi3

  1. why not just record your screen while watching it?
  2. Testout has been my main source for everything besides the A+ I did that 100% on learn-key I started the security+ on there but it was the most boring time of my life and I really do not recommend that!
  3. Yep. I used testout/labsim or what ever its called now days as well as verly little professor messser I just briefly looked at his stuff and a practice VCE exam before I went to the testing room to take the test. I would say testout was my most used resource! It looks like /boot on my home server got messed up somehow... Why must everything go wrong on the days that you really don't want to fix stuff?!
  4. It was multiple choice except for 3 labs. I have heard of people having up to 7 labs though!
  5. Hey everyone I just took the security+ and passed today! I don't like to sound like I'm gloating or whatever but if anyone has any questions about it ask me and I'll be glad to help :D
  6. Hello everyone, I have recently got an LG optimus L9 running android 4.1.2. When ever I send a text to an email address it takes hours to send! This is kind of a problem for me while developing the smser module.... Also it takes just as long to receive a message from an email address... Also it is on the Family Mobile network which is t-mobile if I remember correctly. Does anyone else have this same issue on android/tmobile or is it just me? EDIT: It appears to only not send if I am connected to wifi and seems to be a t-mobile issue. If anyone else has this same problem with their carrier let me know! EDIT: Clearly there are some strange issues here that I want to address for anyone who might have them in the future. Your sms gateway on the tmobile/family mobile network is "tmomail.net" not anything else it tells you. It will constantly fail to send messages if you use anything else.
  7. I successfully got karma working on the TP-LINK TL-WR703N. I do however run into a lot of strange issues with it such as SSID broadcasting suddenly not working yet karma seems to still kind of work but not really (sorry for the un-technical terminology). I got mine for a little less than $25 so you might want to give it a shot I know some people have gotten it to work correctly!
  8. own_window yes change that to no see if that helps you
  9. I highly recommend against that. If you want a seamless experience for your targets and you are going the route of phishing sites ONLY spoof the sites that you are targeting not everything. You can direct users to invidual pages based on what they are looking for with a little bit of php. For example if I typed in facebook.com in my browser and you where doing a dns spoof for facebook.com you could direct me to a page on your pineapple facebook.php for example. And then the same for other sites. And as far as your error with putting files onto your pineapple that means that you have filled the internal storage of the pineapple. You should get a usb flashdrive and format it to ext4 and put your files on there. Lastly I highly recommend that you learn a bit about linux and your way around a linux shell as well as around a network before getting to far into pineapple stuff or anything else. I hope this helps!
  10. Yeah sorry I was watching it in the lowest quality it looked like it was your public ip!
  11. Hang on... You blurred out your mac address but not your public IP? Whooooops sorry I read it wrong!
  12. You're right 0.o Forget my last question it was simply changing the port in the config file in /etc/config/uhttpd. Thanks I got it working!
  13. Not to long ago Darren did a video about setting up a captive portal on the pineapple: It appears that the packages iptables-mod-imq and kmod-ipt-imq no longer exist in the repository. I am running the latest version of the firmware and have updated my repos. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
  14. Once the traffic leaves my server and goes out to the internet my ISP can see that. All I am being protected from is easedropping in the middle between where I am and my home. The encryption provided by your vpn only stretches to the end point of the vpn not all the way to the web server you are requesting information from. Now if the web server is on the same network as you are with your vpn you are fine. The encryption goes like this: ME ----------------- COFFEE SHOPS ISP ------- HOME VPN ------ HOME ISP gets encrypted ---------> encrypted ---------> gets decrypted --> plain-text gets decrytped <-------- encrypted <--------- gets encrypted <---- plain-text
  15. I have an openvpn running on a server at my house I use this when I am on unstrusted networks. No I do not trust my ISP and no I do not trust any other ISP anymore than mine. However my reason for doing this is because I trust that at my house no one is sniffing the wire. I don't trust that at a coffee shop no one is sniffing the wire. If someone where to be running ssl strip for example on the coffee shops network I wouldn't be effected by that because my traffic is encrypted with another layer. Between my home and my ISP, my isp can still see all of my traffic but there really is no way to get around that. I could move my end point to a remote server but I don't trust them anymore then I trust my ISP. It is all a matter of who to trust really. I say the less people looking at my traffic the better.
  16. I hate the runescape private server community but you could download a server and client source from a forums and begin working on a decent project. They're all a** holes over there but its a good way to get better at programming.
  17. I've been programming since I was 11 or 12. I started out in java but after taking half a computer programming class my language of choice is python for sure. What keeps me motivated to program is the thrill of working hard on something and getting it to work. Designing it from nothing into something. Doesn't even have to be something entirely useful (check out my uno game lol). I guess I just program for the fun I find in it. Also I am lucky that I have some friends interested in the same subject, this is only 2 at most who are able to write any code beyond simple HTML but its still nice to have. I also really like to try new things with my code, write something one way and make it work another, and even translate it between multiple languages. I get days even weeks where I don't feel like writing any code (going through a week right now) but something will spark my interest soon and I will be right back at it 16 hours a day!
  18. Encrypting your packets doesn't encrypt your IP address. It encrypted the payload of the packet. So if you are browsing the net for example going to google.com people can still tell what site you are visiting but if they try to look at the content of the page they can not see that. You should preform a man in the middle attack while you're connected to your VPN, open wireshark and follow the packet flow you should see that you cannot read the contents of the packets if you can read the packets I suggest you get a different VPN service! Hope this helps you!
  19. Pwnd I should have asked you yesterday is this from a client machine, server, or the whole network?
  20. Thanks! I made some updates to it and optimized it for the Linux shell I should probably update it on here!
  21. Just keep trying I had to try to order my stuff on three different occasions before it went through and we both used a visa card.
  22. Of course but if that happens no matter how you configure remote management and no one changes the default passwords that is still pretty vulnerable.
  23. I was litterally just about to post this same thing! I did a port scan last night around 3 am and was completely shocked! I thought it was just me having a bad configuration on my router so I reset it and made sure to that remote management was off and it was still there! To fix it I just forwarded port 80 and 443 to non existent hosts on my network. I have an E1200 so add that to your list!
  24. I had this happen to me a lot! It always seems to happen with Visa cards, I tried using different networks, borwsers, and OS's and it eventually worked in a windows xp virtual machine. I have no idea why but it did. Hope that helps!
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