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Everything posted by newbi3

  1. The community I live in requires an RFID keyfob to use any of the resources that they provide (pool, club house, etc) they also require you to return it when you move out or pay $100 if you lost it. Mine seems to have been lost so I am just going to clone a neighbors instead of giving them $100 for a $5 keyfob. I just need an RFID reader/writer for under $30 preferably. I haven't been able to find any on amazon. Do any of your guys have any that you would recommend? Any ardino kits i could use to make one?
  2. Why not release this in the pineapple bar?
  3. newbi3


    It ironic because Tor was originally developed for privacy but now with the FBI the NSA and other governments are running exit nodes and sniffing everyone who does run one
  4. All a command is is software so you may be able to install the software on you mac and be able to use if from the command line. The other option is to just virtualize a linux distro in virtual box or vmware. Thats probably the best option. No need to buy a computer to do stuff they do on the show
  5. opkg -d /sd install <package> That should do the trick
  6. Yes you can still copy someones cookies but I no longer develop this software
  7. I have a local SVN server and I usually back it up in there but in this case I didn't and while saying "rm [tab complete file name]" I accidentally deleted my script before ever backing it up. But yes back ups are very important
  8. Im sure you could do that yes. I have linux installed on the machine that the script was on and I found this script pretty quick so luckily my file didn't have time to get over written
  9. I just accidentally deleted a script that I have been working on for a few days and after shouting "f***" a couple of times I went to google and found this script: #!/usr/local/bin/perl open(DEV, '/dev/sda6') or die "Can't open: $!\n"; while (read(DEV, $buf, 4096)) { print tell(DEV), "\n", $buf, "\n" if $buf =~ /littleWindow/; } Replace /dev/sda6 with what ever partion the file was on and "littleWindow" with a string that was in your file. It will print everything to the screen and you can get the contents of your file back! Credits to this site: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=106709
  10. If you want to take a look at python scrips for the pineapple you can look at SMSer it is written in python along with all of my pineapple CLI scripts. Pretty much everything I do on the pineapple is in python
  11. I was driving up to Orlando a while ago and stumbled across this giant pineapple at the end of an abounded parking lot.. Its kind of cool
  12. And if you want to get the source code before you get the pineapple you can download the upgrade.bin file and use something like binwalk to extract its contents
  13. Nodogsplash is not developed by me or any of the pineapple devs. Evil Portal is just a front end for it on the pineapple. But yes it does appear to have been updated recently.. I will try to replicate your issues and get back to you. Also please post further things in the evil portal infusion thread
  14. Have you verified an internet connection on the pineapple? What web browser are you using? If you have ssh access into the pineapple go ahead and ssh in and run the following commands opkg update opkg install nodogsplash kmod-sched
  15. If you are asking if you can have the pineapple getting its internet through client mode connected to a password protected network yes you can. If your'e asking something else then I dont understand what your'e asking.
  16. SMSer has an issue on the 1.4 firmware it has been noted and will be fixed soon. Please stay tuned for an updated version! If you had SMSer installed to SD storage on version 1.3 or earlier of the pineapple and you update to 1.4 you may see jumbled text. A simple un-install and re-install should be all that is needed to fix the issue!
  17. Wow nginx kicks ass happy to see the switch!
  18. If you have configured your pineapple to use NoDogSplash then the webserver on /www is now running on port 8080 so your URL should include the port
  19. Infusion developers have no way of submitting work for the mk4 as of right now and if we did I'm not sure if 2.x.x would be an option. Its a lot of back porting to do for a small group of people
  20. The pineapple firmware is based off of open wrt but I am not sure if a vanilla copy of open-wrt would run it. This is a bad idea to do from a security stand point why not just run to wallmart or target or whatever local store you have and purchase a cheap wireless router?
  21. Depends. What kind of phone? What version of the OS? Is it rooted/jail broken?
  22. I am working on an FTP server and I have it configure so that everyone is locked to their home directory, however some files need to be public so I created a file "/publicftp" that all members of the ftpuser group have access to. My only problem is, I am not the one who will be managing this system all the time and I need any new user created to automatically have access to that DIR. I tried to create a symlink for it to /etc/skel but when the users are created there is no luck there. Does anyone know of a way that I can automatically generated a symlink to this file when a user is created? Google turned up no results. I fixed it, it seemed to be a problem with the ftp client I was using not showing symlinks as directories.
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