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Pineapple Moderators
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Everything posted by newbi3

  1. From what I am gathering it will be free in cydia and will be .99 cents in the App Store and the code will be available for download so if you want to get it for free you will be able to its just that it will be .99 cents in the App Store
  2. To cover costs of having it in the app store he wont be making a profit like he said earlier at .99 cents it would take over 145 sales to make a profit if he did ads he would make more money than selling it for .99 cents most likely
  3. Then anyone with a Mac can compile it them selfs and put it onto their iOS device I see no greed in this and I'm interested to see what you develop :)
  4. It doesnt cost infusion developers anything to create an infusion and throw it in the pineapple bar, there is no overhead for that like there is with putting an app into Apples App Store. A question I have for you though is will this be open sourced or do apples rules prevent open sourcing stuff in the app store?
  5. He has to pay overhead for the App Store after his expenses unless he sells over 145 copies of the app he will not have payed for his expenses. He did say it could be free with ads and it will be free in cydia for those who jailbreak
  6. Yeah.. I just moved an entire office off of IE over the weekend and so far a day has gone by with 0 complaints!
  7. I'm not sure that I would use a phone app to manage my pineapple but some people would Regardless of my view I'd like to see what you come up with
  8. What features would require this to have a server to phone home to?
  9. Another very useful piece of information would be what is the make and model of your laptop? We can't really give a whole lot of help without knowing stuff like that
  10. Im not sure if you need to write your own OpenVPN client you can probably just install one from the repos. If that is the case than this infusion would be pretty simple. I was going to make one a while ago but I haven't gotten a chance to get around to it
  11. It will show up as a startup application but name it something innocuous and you should be good to the glancing eye. If someone is looking for it they will find it
  12. I was at a con a while back and i had my pineapple running Random Roll and the lady that was sitting in front of me connected to it... This is her trying to get the dancing banana going away by swiping her fingers on the screen.. Sorry the video isn't longer i was trying not to laugh or be noticed filming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfUnixcn5RU&feature=youtu.be
  13. add it to the regestry: HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run You can do that from the command prompt without admin privs for the current user on the system
  14. w00t! I will be checking it out when I get some time! Did you enjoy python? :D
  15. newbi3


    Indeed. Im sure that its sending the logs to a master log file somewhere, I don't want to look around though not feeling like going to jail today Also even though it doesnt allow ssh you it does have python installed on it so if you wanted a remote shell you could create a reverse shell with python
  16. newbi3


    yeah I noticed they had a keylogger on there but you can kill the process and clear the logs
  17. newbi3


    Its root and its a full ubuntu box. I havent looked around but I am sure you can see other machines on the network and install other packages on that system
  18. newbi3


    http://runnable.com/UhC31SICZHEKAAOF/submit-a-form-in-asp-net Scroll to the bottom... I am sending an e-mail...
  19. Ill be to busy playing The Elder Scrolls Online to die in the xpocalypse
  20. When making electronics smaller other problems arise such as heat, if the mkV was as small as the mkIV then I think that we would have to put an fan in there and to be able to fit the fan in there the case would have to be made bigger
  21. I just submitted version 1.1 for review and it will be available shortly. This version contains some structure changes to the database, and although I built it for backwards compatibility, you should decrypt your files before updating to version 1.1
  22. Hmm sounds like a problem on their end. Ill get in touch with Sebkinne and see what is going on EDIT: Does this problem still exist? It worked fine for me on 1.2.0 of the firmware
  23. Why do so many people have cars but know very little about maintenance? Its not an interest to them (me included) I used to think that people who don't know anything about computers are stupid or lazy but now I realize, hey we are all different and all have different interests. Also if everyone knew about computers I would be out of a job just like if everyone knew about cars then a car mechanic would also be out of a job. Ignorance is a good thing in some cases
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