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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Not sure what you are asking. If you mean to ask if pineapple services break when the cloud goes down.. Well, yes. We host the modules, firmwares and ip.php there. Regards, Sebkinne
  2. Tread lightly in what manner? Saying this kind of stuff can't be posted?
  3. Vanguard, I'm sorry about this. You will need to wait until we release the stable version, the repositories will match up.
  4. Nohup is in the repositories, otherwise at or just backgrounding is usually enough.
  5. I was there last year! Also, we had planned to have said even or at least very similar last year but were to busy to get around to it last year. I am sure we could put this together again though :)
  6. Looks like it's very likely that I'll be at Defcon too! A meetup does sound nice :)
  7. Nope, not really. All I can say is soon. Just working on the last few things, some of which just take some time. It will be released when it is ready. Regards, Sebkinne
  8. Soon - we have lots we are working on for the 2.8.0 release.
  9. I very much agree and support this.
  10. Yup, a similar fix is in 2.8.0! No symlink though, as the issue lies with some sort having updated and as we aren't stabilized yet not everything has moved over. Cheers
  11. Wouldn't this be a good module?
  12. Some true dedication here. Awesome!
  13. Is it? Mine points to http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/forum/69-suggestions-bug-reports/
  14. He got a special firmware from me. I'll see what I can throw together though. Might not be tonight..
  15. By the way, I believe that it wants the PSK in plain text..
  16. Not quite. OpenWRT repositories are slightly out of sync. We are working on fixing this - soon.
  17. Well, it quite clearly shows what the issue is. It expects 8-63 characters for your psk. Yours is 64.
  18. I think I gave enough reasoning. Common sense will tell you what to do.
  19. Simple. Post them on these forums and we will remove them.
  20. Hey everyone, Lately the posts asking for / supplying phishing pages have increased. While this community is all about sharing I and the other moderators would like to remind you of our disclaimer. Not only that, but I am sure we can agree that we want to keep some type of recreated sites away from easy access - at least here on the forums. Let's break this up: Sharing Paypal, Ebay, Amazon, Banking or similar pages should not happen here. It is very unlikely that you will need these in the scope of a pentest or similar endeavour. If you do, make them yourself, find them somewhere else but please refrain from posting them here. Sharing social networking sites or similar is a grey zone. Most of those sites are again not really going to be used in the legal sense. There may be times where you are required to gather more detailed information on a test, hence the grey zone. So please only share them cautiously on these forums. If the moderators do see any links posted, they are subject to be reviewed and removed if said mod disagrees with them. We hope you understand this, Cheers!
  21. I think making videos for infusions is a great idea - but maybe you want to wait just a little bit as we have a totally revamped UI and module system coming. It really depends on how much effort you put into it ;) Saying that we don't have more than "soon" as an ETA yet.
  22. You will want to add the start commands to your /etc/rc.local file: hostapd_cli -p /var/run/hostapd-phy0 karma_enable dnsspoof -i br-lan -f /pineapple/config/spoofhost > /dev/null 2>/pineapple/logs/dnsspoof.log You may have to edit the dnsspoof parameters but otherwise this will work.
  23. Not sure what issues you are having, works for me. Give it a shot again!
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