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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. I absolutely agree about the contribution - we are currently focusing our efforts on 3.0.0, which if everything works out the way we want it to will increase community integration and development. Good times ahead!
  2. "Trading Rules Hak5, staff and/or cast, have no responsibility for any transactions that take place in this section of the forums. All trades are between members only. No external sales (eBay, Craigslist etc). We reserve the right to delete any topic without explanation and without notice." Sorry about that - it does say this in the description of the forum. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  3. We have known about this for a while now but hadn't included it in the firmware yet for certain reasons. It seems that we are able to carry this fix in the next dev releases. Actually there are quite a few wireless fixes coming in the next releases. Best, Sebkinne
  4. Sigh, that was the wrong thing to do. You need to remove it from the known_hosts file on your laptop. On ubuntu (and most other OSs) do this: ssh-keygen -R Of course, run this on your laptop / desktop. To fix the issue you are having please execute this on the pineapple: touch /root/.ssh/known_hosts Best Regards, Sebkinne
  5. g8wcn, karma is logging by default to /tmp/karma.log.
  6. These pigtail connectors are EXTREMELY sensitive.
  7. I doubt this is device related to be honest.
  8. Sorry, what? What exactly are you looking for? Can you tell me the exact page in the book?
  9. Nice, I was kind of hoping it was just a cool name.
  10. Kali, in hinduism is kind of a dark / scary goddess. I could imagine that is where it got it's name from. Dark, violent.. possible anyway.
  11. Never an ETA but the new UI will be out for closed beta testing not too long from now. The testers will consist of module developers and people who apply through our system (that will be online again by then).
  12. No one will stop you if you want to make a script ;) But this is one of the things that was important to add in the new UI. It has been on our list for a while. It just wasn't as important as other things. The entire pineapple infusion system gets an overhaul and you will all hopefully love it! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  13. False. That is server side. This includes the MD5 and size - does not include: location, start page, help link.
  14. No need for it. But sure, go ahead ^^
  15. Name|Version|{usb or internal}|starpage.php|supportlink Best Regards, Sebkinne
  16. All fixed - sorry about that! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  17. Give me a few minutes, we changed some DNS settings. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  18. Then use tftpd. It is a piece of cake to use!
  19. The RTL8180 kmod (RTL818X driver) is already built into the firmware.
  20. This whole process is a bit of a pain in Windows - often there is a "fight" about IP addresses with the tftp server. I recommend doing it through a machine/vm running linux.
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