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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. So.. if your bootloader tries to get it at have you tried setting your IP to that instead of .11? I mean sure, you can change it to listen to but I see no reason to. Just set your IP to .100.
  2. Okay, the kernel panic has nothing to do with you clean flashing. I have no idea about why or how you managed to get it in that state, but that doesn't matter as you can just re-flash it. Now, it IS strange that you are having issues with not being able to input any commands (which is why you get the kernel panic as the bootloader will try to boot the OS instead of going into interactive flash mode). I suggest you try using Linux to flash the device - I myself don't use Windows much. If you don't have linux installed anywhere I suggest a VM - you can pass the USB uart through.
  3. Yeah.. I need to re-write that page anyway. That whole site needs an overhaul :( But first the new 3.0.0 UI ;)
  4. Sending it back to the hakshop makes no sense. It is a software issue. Simply upgrade to 2.8.0 and your LED issue is fixed. It is simply a missing kernel module. Upgrade to 2.8.0 by going to your web-ui and performing an OTA upgrade. In regards to your battery pack - that seems defective. Contact the hakshop and get it replaced. In terms of the technician, well, the forums are the best way to get in contact with us. I for one am here all the time and am always happy to help. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  5. The LAN light is broken in 2.7.0. Please go to instead of to get to the UI.
  6. If your cable works on the FON2100, FON2200 then the cable will work on the MK4. Make sure to wire it up properly to not fry your device - you can find that info on the wiki / our website. Note that the FON2200 wasn't the MK3, it was the MK2. Best, Sebkinne
  7. If you are unable to select any options the most likely explanation is that you have some flow control turned on. If that is the case, your key-presses aren't sent over and therefore the bootloader can't recognize your option choice!
  8. @Jashmane, Please make a new thread and don't put 2.8.0 unrelated issues into this thread ;) Your issue is something with the setup. Make a new thread and give more information on OS etc.
  9. Yeah, either his script or use the "Clear Cache" button in the advanced webUI.
  10. As Petertfm said, it doesn't stick after a reboot. I think I'll add the querying in though - that has been on my list for a while now.. In regards to sticking after reboot - that's not going to happen, not through hostapd anyway. Use Petertfm's module for that!
  11. Yeah, it doesn't stick after a reboot. If you want it to, add it to your /etc/rc.local file. Do I understand correctly that the command line way works but the UI one doesn't?
  12. No worries, what you want to do is add your mac to the blacklist of karma.
  13. You can edit them on your device - /pineapple/infusions/ Note though that if there are any updates your changes will be lost.
  14. Of course, sorry about that. The module has been added to the repository. Just run opkg update before trying again! I hope now you can get your modem to work! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  15. What are the differences in spec?
  16. Nope. Sorry - just not enough space, the firmware doesn't run on it.
  17. May I link you to our github page? It hasn't been synced for 2.8.0 yet but there have been no CSS changes.
  18. Remove the front two feet from the pineapple, unscrew the screws and it will just come open.
  19. Uhm, yeah. This will brick your device. Saying that, it shouldn't be possible without forcing it in some other way. "rm -rf" SHOULD fail. But, you know, removing ROM is going to break your device so no need to try ;)
  20. Nope, all you need to get is a newly generated regulatory.bin file. You put that in the right place, reboot and it should work.
  21. The next version will be much cleaner and have eliminated input lag.
  22. Well, you can't. You need them to do the build. If I understand what you are asking, are you trying to compile directly on the pineapple? Don't do that if so. You will need to build the files on your laptop or desktop and then move them to the pineapple. Best, Sebkinne
  23. Xneox, You have now made numerous posts and threads asking for help - you should know what additional information to post. Please edit your post so we can help you. Best Regards, Sebkinne
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