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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. No worries ;) 1. TCPdump is one great example. 2. Nope, but a linux environment is preferable. 3. No, the pineapple can run in stand alone mode. To supply internet to clients though, it needs either 3G, wifi or ethernet.
  2. Well, the pineapple does MITM. This module is just an addon...
  3. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2010/11/effs-guide-protecting-devices-data-border
  4. This. 3G is currently having issues but we will fix that quickly!
  5. If the remove / reinstall doesn't work, I will need to check what went wrong. I am currently not at home so I won't be able to fix it right now. Whistle Master, if you re-upload the module and try again it may fix the issue. I will investigate though!
  6. The issue is that the header("Location: whatever.php"); is not working properly. We are working on a fix! A quick fix would be to use JS or a meta header to redirect the page.
  7. Ah, that is great! Well, it isn't but now we know the library we are missing.. Please keep the reports coming!
  8. Hey everyone, There seems to be an issue with usb-modeswitch on the 2.7.5 firmware. To debug it further though, we need a bit of help from you guys. Anyone that has a 3G modem and is on 2.7.5, could you try to make a connection and report back if it works or not? Anyone that has a 3G modem and is willing to help and is not on 2.7.5, could you upgrade and see if it works? Best Regards, Sebkinne
  9. Thanks D1000, I am going to see if I can help you. I have an idea just need to compile a firmware for ya. If you would PM me I can give you further instructions.
  10. Please post the content of your redirect.php page.
  11. Yeah, before 2.6.4 or at least as far as I remember.
  12. Well, for the devices it was confirmed with it should be fixed. Not sure what the issue here is. Anyone else have this issue?
  13. It must be something else - 2.7.4 and 2.7.5 are pretty much the same. Just a few minor tweaks and fixes but nothing to do with anything that would affect this.
  14. I am guessing it is a .sh script that needs +x-ing.
  15. Seems like the script to start the proxy isn't starting. Make sure the script has execute permissions (chmod +x). something higher.
  16. Hey everyone, This forum has been in need for a dedicated moderator and so, after speaking to Midnitesnake, he agreed to take on that role. I think you will all agree with me that he is a very appropriate choice. He has done a lot for the Ducky community and is one of the most active people on here. Congratulations Midnitesnake!
  17. Our website. You can use the OTA to get back to 2.7.0 though.
  18. Actually, it used to be the intended purpose. I suggest you upgrade to 2.7.5 as from 2.7.1+ there have been fixes for exactly that!
  19. Hey Tommypanis, First of all, welcome to the forums! The Pineapple is a very versatile tool and great to learn from. The Web-UI should be easy to understand and allow you to perform most tasks. The wide array of infusions (modules, add-ons) also helps and will make the usage of other tools much easier. You should have some knowledge of basic Linux commands to be able to use any CLI tools / make your own modifications. There is a great manual that comes with the pineapple (and it is available for a free download here). Note that there have been some changes since it was written but you will get the idea very quickly. Hope this helped! Sebkinne
  20. The reason karma starts on both interfaces is because AP mode is turned on on both cards. You will need to turn AP mode off in the /etc/conf/wireless for your wlan1 interface. What firmware version are you running?
  21. You are speaking of ngrep? Yeah, we dropped UI support for that. Doubt it will make a return fast. There are other modules that offer similar results though.
  22. Funny, I don't recall this. What did one grep with it? It was on the status page? I just looked back at older screenshots and I swear there isn't a textbox that was grepping anything. What was the specific purpose?
  23. This definitely sounds like flow control issues. It could be that something went wrong with the drivers. Re-install them and try again? And as Mr. P said, double check your settings.
  24. Janey6152, this is the wrong forum. I have said this in one of your other threads.
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