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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Update like this: Download the 2.7.0 upgrade.bin from cloud.wifipineapple.com. SCP it to the pineapples /tmp/ directory. Run this command: md5sum /tmp/upgrade-2.7.0.bin [/CODE] If that says d87ddd475227f89cfb83973a2561dba8 execute this: [CODE] sysupgrade -n /tmp/upgrade-2.7.0.bin [/CODE] Now just wait for it to reboot. Once it fully does, the new web-interface can be found here:
  2. The issue with reaver (The module, not the application) is that it hasn't been re-submitted by Hackrilix. Until he does / someone else makes a new GUI for it and submits it, it is not available from the pineapple bar.
  3. Yes, the big issue is that they are RTL and not Atheros. Support of RTL chipsets on the pineapple isn't fully there yet, at least not for all chipsets.
  4. Do a sysupgrade to version 2.7.0 - will solve your issue.
  5. Well, I think you answered your own question there ;) Battery pack -> USB part of barrel adaptor -> PWR port on the pineapple
  6. Hey j4qen, What I would do is download the 2.7.0 upgrade.bin, SCP it to the pineapple's /tmp/ directory. Run this command (over SSH) to verify the integrity: md5sum /tmp/upgrade-2.7.0.bin [/CODE] That should give you d87ddd475227f89cfb83973a2561dba8 Then execute [CODE] sysupgrade -n /tmp/upgrade-2.7.0.bin [/CODE] Wait for your pineapple to re-boot and make sure to have read all the changelogs so you are up to date on any changes (like UI).
  7. My guess is that your APN details are wrong. Telnor Norway? A quick google came up with this site: http://wiki.apnchanger.org/Norway I would see if changing your settings works. It seems like no username, no password and apn=telnor are the right settings. I see that you left the username as username and the apn as apn. I can almost guarantee that that is wrong and therefore the connection will fail.
  8. Newbi3, They have been sold out for a while again.
  9. LinuxDad, Yes, in theory it is possible. All you really need is "libimobiledevice" and you should be good to go. It does depend on what iPhone version you have though - OpenWRT doesn't keep the packages on bleeding edge. If you tell me what kind of phone you have I am going to add it to my to-do list and will send you a PM once I have something to test.
  10. The developer hasn't uploaded it to the new site. He did have a bit over two weeks to do so - until he does I am afraid it isn't readily available. We could make it available but it would be a bit messy.
  11. Just wait for the next firmware release ;) Will have an "API" for it.
  12. And it looks like we are back up! Thank you for your patience.
  13. Hey everyone, Our website http://cloud.wifipineapple.com is scheduled to go down at approximately 22:30 GMT. This downtime should not exceed two hours, so please be patient while we are undergoing maintenance. The cloud going down means: No website, no module downloads, no firmware downloads and a few other pineapple features (such as getting your external IP). When the site comes live again you will (hopefully) notice an increase in speed (which also reflects on your pineapples). You will also notice that we have created a user portal area. This area currently allows you to submit modules and take part in any running BETAs (as long as there are any running). This area will be expanded with more content very soon (bug reports, developer feedback etc). Something to note: User accounts DO NOT transfer. That means if you have previously registered on our site (be it as a beta tester or module developer), you will need to register again. If you are a module developer, you were emailed a while back to submit your modules to the new system. If you have not done so, please do so ASAP as otherwise your modules will not show up. We are sorry for the inconvenience. -The Jasager Team
  14. First of all, of course run the script as root. I do assume you have done that already. Personally I also get those errors - Ubuntu 12.04 here. What I figured out by observation (never bothered to look into it), is that: 1 of those errors = all is good, everything works (hence why I never bothered). 2 of those errors = not good. I am on a different network range than I tell the script to be (when I switch locations and don't update the script etc). That might or might not help. Even if you are getting the errors, give it a shot, it may still work. We really need to clean that script up a bit in terms of error handling..
  15. Could you register again and send me a PM with your chosen username?
  16. Sure - requires DNSSpoof being turned on. You would just create the file. I suppose the best way to do this is through a module. Enable it to pwn any of those clients. I suppose though, it could be integrated into the DNSSpoof module. Maybe it should be brought to the attention in that thread.
  17. I was serious when I suggested making a module. This would be a good addition to the pineapple bar. It would allow easily setting up something that can server many purposes.
  18. Hi Panda.Bo, I am very glad you are doing this! All you need to do is place it into the /pineapple/includes/languages/ folder and it should be selectable. Just make sure that you use the right encoding for the file - UTF8.
  19. Macchanger - Yes, it is. But it doesn't work for most people out of the box. It requires a bit of fiddling. The way we can do it is allow it to happen on the karma interface on boot etc etc. Flashing over SSH and over the web-interface is the exact same thing. All the webUI does is download and check the upgrade for you. Once it is happy it will execute "sysupgrade -n /tmp/upgrade.bin". People saying that flashing over SSH fixed something webinterface flashing didn't is.. not really possible. In the end, it is the same file being installed by the same command. The difference to Serial is that you downgrade to a stock OpenWRT image. It completely re-flashes the device's Kernel and RootFS. Now, the sysupgrade pretty much does the same thing just in a different way. Why can you not sysupgrade when there is a brick? Because the device doesn't boot and you will therefore need to get direct access to the bootloader. Theoretically you could flash our firmware (but not the file we provide) directly. There are too many issues with that though so we go the sysupgrade route.
  20. I think I may have not made this clear - this is for the MK4.
  21. Hey everyone, Something that has been asked again and again is "What is coming next"? You wanted a list of concrete planned things for the next, so here it is! What of the below things do you want to see next? Have we left something out that you really want? Something crucial we forgot? Let us know here! This does not include the below features/changes that are being made to cloud.wifipineapple.com. Those are almost complete and will go live very soon. Pineapple Features: Reset ALL user data. Messed something up bad? This may be your way of saving your device. Modules -Multi-install modules -Keep modules after upgrade -Downloading: Progress indicator -Change color of out of date modules so that they can be located faster Keep some things (like modules) after an upgrade. Built in Macchanger Network manager UI (includes tethering etc. Will only support onboard devices - use modules for other things) LED controller Select what interface you want to launch Karma from Optional "Sticky" Navbar (will always be on top of screen even if you scroll). Integration of anonymous statistical information gathering. Pineapple Bug Fixes: Fix module updates failing Fix changing password through UI if it has spaces / illegal characters. Cloud Website: Re-vamped user experience. Make suggestions / bug reports. VOTE on what features you would like to see. Please leave any comments and suggestions in this thread.
  22. Search the forum for the adapter (or the wiki). The pro's and con's of them have been discussed in details here. In terms of opening it up, it has two screws at the bottom (front). They may be hidden under the rubber feet. Edit: I know that the one the Hakshop carries will work great!
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