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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. MD5 errors now mean the real thing ;) The download was corrupted somehow. Either way, I am glad this firmware upgrade is working well for you all!
  2. While I understand your concern, there is no way to actually remove the pineNumber. Sure, you can remove the program called pineNumbers but all it really does is provide a way to show unique information about your device in a secure and "pretty" way. The information to create the number is already on your devices and wasn't put in place by us. Hardware components etc. Saying that, firmware version 1.0.0 had the information that is in your pineNumber. I hope this makes sense: Right now there is no use "removing" pineNumbers (found in /bin/). Do it if you want. But it doesn't actually remove the fact that there is a unique pattern connected to your device. Later on, if the UI makes calls to the pineNumber to check for whatever we may want to use it for, feel free to remove it. It may mean that certain services are not available. Hell, I have no idea what those services might be, this is just groundwork. It is mainly there to be able to tailor content (see /bin/betaupgrade). I do hope that most people put enough trust in us to provide us with a few statistics. Edit: A bit of fun on the side: "I just want to know how many of my babies are out there". Think growth charts etc. How many people are still using 2.3.0? Is there a reason? etc. Oh, and to anyone reading this, please feel free to post your opinions. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  3. Interesting. How are you sharing internet to the pineapple? If via 3g, it IS possible that the download is taking forever (almost 8mb). Then, the file is downloaded onto your USB drive (in this case the modem?) and unpacked there. So I can see two bottlenecks: 1. Internet speed. 2. write speed to the device. This could explain why the rolls take so long to install..
  4. Can't confirm. I just tested and it works just fine. Tested on different platforms and devices. If the problem persists after a restart, re-flash 2.7.0. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  5. Thanks for the offer, but in regards to persistent upgrades we should be sorted. The code is there, it will be added to the development sources soon. Best, Sebkinne
  6. Saying that, you could easily run squid on your own server, feed it their config files and point the pineapple to your server.
  7. Well, as far as I understand, you just redirect all clients traffic to their squid server. It shows what commands to run in the video for the different things. Technically you could get the server to run on the pineapple but it would be resource intensive. If it get this correctly, all you need to have is a squid server running on the configuration files they provide on their website. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  8. I have a friend who did this to his gaming rig. It runs fine and has for about 2.5 years now. Still going strong. The cooling it delivers is unmatched. I will see if I can get some pictures.. Something to keep in mind is that once you "go oil" you can never go back. The parts will probably not survive being used outside of the oil if you decide to take them back out. Think about cleaning that.. nope. In regards to things breaking, if they are broken you can take them out and place a new part in no problem. My above mentioned friend added a second gfc a while back and he said it was painless to exchange parts. While I myself wouldn't do it, I have to say it looks amazing. Light up, a bit bubbly, simply a great rig. Best Regards, Sebkinne Edit: He was of course using Mineral Oil.
  9. Sadly not yet. There will be a way to upgrade your firmware with modules persisting but it will require USB. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. Good to hear! About bringing wlan0 down and up again, maybe Hackrylix can add that in the next release. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  11. So let me confirm: You got the SSLstrip module installed without an issue. Now it asks you if you want to install SSLstrip itself. You will have to install it to USB storage as far as I know. I think WM was going to add something to the way his module installs SSLstrip. See some SSL strip threads here on the forum on how to install it manually. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  12. I am sorry to tell you that you misunderstand the concept of the Jasager. Basically, Jasager will reply to any open probe requests and allows association to it. It does not capture any sort of wifi password. You can find more information on the pineapple here and here. The only passwords you can really capture are ones that you intercept (ie phishing, sslstrip, etc). Also, you could use Reaver to crack WPA passwords if the access point supports WPS. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  13. Lets see: On windows, once you share an internet connection, the IP settings change back. Can you ping the pineapple? Does a ipconfig confirm the correct IP? I am just going out of the blue here but is your PC called Shawn-PC? If so, it is trying (and getting) an IP of Best Regards, Sebkinne
  14. I am extremely pleased to hear that! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  15. Ah, great question. Simply go to your advanced page and enter this command: pineNumbers [/CODE] Remember though, they are not needed just yet. They have been implemented to be able to cater to different audiences better and to get statistics which will help development. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  16. I will have it ready soon. I just want to make sure you understand the two following points: This could brick your device. Soft OR hard. Don't hold me responsible, you have been warned ;). I don't see there being an issue, but it could require a UART serial adapter to fix. You are "stuck" on firmware version 2.7.0. If you up / downgrade, the baud rate will change back. I won't make a 19200 baud version for every release, I hope you understand that. Actually, I would like you to try something first: You will need to connect to the pineapple over serial first. Follow the serial guide but change this setenv bootargs "board=ALFA console=ttyATH0,115200 rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 noinitrd" [/CODE] to [CODE] setenv bootargs "board=ALFA console=ttyATH0,19200 rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 noinitrd" [/CODE] I overlooked how kernel arguments are passed with our new Kernel. It should work by telling uBoot. After the above command, follow the guide normally and re-flash your pineapple. Note that this again could break your device. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  17. Translation Instructions If you wish to translate the 2.7.0 firmware into your own language, please download this file. Once done with the translation, please send me a PM on this forum. Please use pastebin or similar. Do not paste the translation directly into the PM! We currently have the following translations available for 2.7.0: English Spanish French Dutch Swedish Greek Norwegian We want to thank everyone who has helped with the translation and want to encourage everyone to translate the UI into their own language. It doesn't take more than an hour. -The Jasager Team
  18. Hey everyone, Since the last stable version (2.5.0) there have been many changes to the pineapple firmware. In version 2.7.0 you will find all changes from 2.5.0-2.6.4 plus the changes from the changelog below. Changelog: -Module System -Large modules can now be installed without an issue. -USB installs for large modules are only available when USB is plugged in. -Upgrade System -Improved MD5 checking -USB -Various USB fixes. -Fixed USB wifi card issues. (Most cases anyway). -PineNumbers (See Post below for more information) -Unique identifier for your pineapple. -Beta upgrades -OPKG Source -Changed package downloads to our server. Used as redirect. Can be used for emergency fixing of OPKG repository without client changes. -SSH Banner now always correct version. -Various bug / cosmetic fixes [/CODE] In this new version we are introducing a concept called PineNumbers. A PineNumber is a unique identifier for your pineapple. While it does not have much use for most people just yet, it allows us to tailor content to certain user groups in the future. It also allows us to gather anonymous statistic on how many pineapples are currently out there. This data will be made available to the community. We think it would be great to see some usage statistics. Please know that we currently do not gather statistics, we have just introduced PineNumbers. In coming releases we will start to have automatic statistic collections. Don't worry about privacy issues either, it is all anonymous and only the firmware version gets reported. Statistics help us shape the releases of the pineapple firmwares. Anyway, this is in the future. Please leave any comments or concerns in this thread. Now that we have this stable version out we can dedicate our time to work of some more pressing features such as persistent upgrades, much improved UI, network manager integration and much much more. We also hope that the way we do releases (stable vs dev) suits your needs. Again, let us know what you think of it. One last thing that should be mentioned: Along with PineNumbers, we have introduced a small script called betaUpgrade. This script will take your pineNumber and check if there is a beta available for you. If you are a beta-tester, this allows you to quickly flash the latest beta without having to download things all the time. A real time-saver. Saying this, we will introduce beta testing again for any bigger releases, so once there is a post on the forums, head over to http://cloud.wifipineapple.com and sign up for the beta with your pineNumber. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Download: Over the air through the webUI. (alternativly at http://cloud.wifipin...e.com?downloads)[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]MD5: [/font][/color]d87ddd475227f89cfb83973a2561dba8 Note: If coming from a firmware version below 2.6.4, wait for the pineapple to fully boot back up after flashing then navigate to [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]As usual, please leave any feedback in this thread.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]We hope you enjoy this release![/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]-The Jasager Team[/font][/color]
  19. The Infusion installer in 2.7.0 has been polished over. It will now not cause an error on very large modules (20mb+, hopefully no one will need that much space). It will also not allow USB installing when no USB is present. That was a bit of an issue. While the front-end has not changed much, that will be taken care of soon too. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  20. Exactly. OpenWRT is a great OS but sadly it has a few oddities about it. Not everything runs as it should, as we have seen in the past and sometimes it just behaves in unexpected ways. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  21. The pineapple is running a non-cut-down version. It is based on a trunk version of OpenWRT. Why some things don't work - well, OpenWRT isn't always that stable. Why you get those errors I cannot tell you - I have not encountered a similar problem.
  22. While true, it will not change it properly. I would need to change it for the firmware. I would be happy to do that for you - let me know what baud rate you want. The only issue is once you upgrade, this dissapears. I suggest you wait for 2.7.0 to hit and then I will make a stable version for you that has just that. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  23. No worries dude. A relay server is really just a server. Preferably linux but this is up to the users. The point of the "relay" is that the Pineapple SSH's into your server and opens a local port there. Then, you can SSH into the server and SSH into that local port. Once you do you are on the pineapple. In the end, the relay server could be your own machine. The only issue with this is it may not always be appropriate to have it connect to a moving machine. Having something you can connect to from your phone / laptop / whatever is always a useful think ;) Best Regards, Sebkinne
  24. No worries Ktulu, this stuff happens. I believe it does say to press enter on the cloud.wifipineapple.com/index.php?flashing site. Maybe we should change that to make it more obvious. About your friend, this is odd. I suggest posting his boot log (just like yours). I am sure we can work out exactly what the issue is. Best Regards, Sebkinne
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