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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Yes, you are on the right track. You can use winSCP or SSH or even the pineapple UI (advanced tab -> rm <file>). I have also renamed the topic title to "Pineapple running out of space" - just so that it is more descriptive than "Pineapple!" ;) Good luck! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  2. Alright, fair enough. Still, this isn't a bug. I will modify the title to make it a suggestion and it will appear in the next release. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  3. Do you run wlan1 off of a USB hub? If yes and it is not powered, that could explain the issue. If no, it is possible that the pineapple can't supply enough power and a powered USB hub may be needed. Give reaver a shot with wlan0, does that work? Best Regards, Sebkinne
  4. Hey DJJeff, This is not really a bug, rather a missing package: kmod-tun. If you run the following commands everything should work: opkg update opkg install kmod-tun insmod tun [/CODE] Please report back and let us know if this fixed your issue. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  5. Alright, let me give this a shot. First of all, when you plug in your pineapple, what exactly happens? I mean in regards to what lights turn on. Does just the power light come on or does the LAN light come on for just a few seconds? (To test, hook up ethernet to computer and pineapple of course). Now for the clean flashing part. Are you sure that your serial board works / is the correct one? Are you sure that you have wired it correctly to your pineapple? You say you get nothing over serial, when you are connected over serial do any of the lights blink once you power on the pineapple? If you don't, it is possible that the wiring is wrong. Sorry if some of these things sound a bit silly but I just want to get a background on your issue. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  6. Well, from just having a quick look it seems everything works correctly on the redirection side and on the getting to the error.php site. What you need to know is that error.php looks for a $_POST[name]. Facebook doesn't send that, it sends a $_POST. You would have to modify the facebook.html file. What I would also like to point out is that the pineapple should not be used in an environment where you have not gotten permission from the clients. In other words, do not use it for illegal actions. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  7. Yes, that should be all you need. Providing that it comes with OpenWRT flashed already. I know that some Alfa devices come with the default Alfa firmware. To flash that with the wifipineapple firmware you will need a UART serial cable. You will find more information on the forums and wiki about that. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  8. About this bug though, you are right, it is because the USB card starts faster. There are ways around this and they will be explored after the next Stable version is out. Thank you all for your understanding though! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  9. External wifi cards often need more power. You may need a powered USB hub. From what you are describing, that is what others have reported. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. Thanks! I should clarify though, this will probably not be in the next stable version. This is because there is a feature freeze until that version is out. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  11. You upgraded to 2.6.4? Enjoy, Sebkinne
  12. Very well said. After the next stable version is out, a new Connection UI will be added to the pineapples. This will allow you to do basically everything the network manager module does +/- a few things (such as Karma). Best Regards, Sebkinne
  13. I am sure that he upgraded to 2.6.4 and therefore wasn't able to get a page because he wasn't going to port 1471. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  14. Yes, thanks for the reminder. I need to add that in. It will not hit the next stable release but the one shortly after. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  15. Some modules work. Those that work are added to the new repository. Modules are the responsibilities of the module developers and once they update them they can be committed to the new system. To get access to the new repository on 2.6.4 you should apply the fixes here. They do not only fix the UI but also a few other things. Also, as this thread is not a bug report, I will move it to the main Jasager forum. Best, Sebkinne
  16. I highly recommend the NHA. And it can run on the R36 as long as it runs OpenWRT. Atheros cards are definitely the way to go. Best regards, Sebkinne
  17. No worries. I remember that they were a bit of a pain for some people. I hope you get things resolved :) Best Regards, Sebkinne
  18. Basically we got their 64mb devices a few months back. The current firmware works well on them and they even have 32mb of RAM instead of the 16MB they had before. The issue is the bootloader, ie not something on the OS level. The bootloader is hardcoded to a flash size. As far as our dev boards go, uboot was not modified to allow for flash sizes above 8mb. There are hacky fixes which will most likely brick your device / require a jtag programmer. It is entirely possible that Alfa has modified the bootloader. Actually, according to Data Alliance: http://www.data-alli...s-AR9331/Detail They actually put it in bold so that it stands out a bit. It isn't really "high-end" ;) So this confirms what I just mentioned. Even though there is 64MB, FLASH is capped at 8MB and RAM is capped at 32MB. While that does mean log files etc can be saved to volatile memory for a longer time - this was never an issue. The issue was the ~1MB of persistent actual space we have on the device. As you have purchased the devices, from what I can see it isn't worth it. Heck, I have two and have messed with the bootloader. It just isn't worth it right now. I suggest (unless you really want to try) you try to cancel your order and save your money :) Best Regards, Sebkinne
  19. Invalid. As Petertfm stated, wp4.sh is a script that should be run only on the Linux machine supplying internet to the pineapple. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  20. Hey Hackrylix, Send me a PM would you? We can then discuss things in more detail. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  21. I am horribly sorry to make this.. well, less spectacular. We have had 64mb versions for a while now. Sadly, Alfa's UBOOT caps the flash size at 8mb, so while RAM improves.. well you get get the drift. They may have started making a modified version of UBOOT which I assume if they are selling it - we will see. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  22. First of all, welcome to the forums. Secondly, you should not change the default route. It should stay at Make sure you have your ICS set up correctly, having your pineapple facing NIC set to I have just tried to duplicate your issue and was not able to. Best Regards, Sebkinne
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