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  1. Just a little script to change the SSID and MAC address of the device (to make it look like a new AP on demand) at a push of a button ;) Either paste it into the WebUI or scp wpsScript.sh root@<ip>:/www/pineapple/config/wpsScript.sh[/CODE] Tested on Firmware v2.2 [i]p.s. I've also got got the random MAC address part in the start up script (/etc/rc.local) :) [/i] [CODE] #!/bin/sh # This user script is provided for custom actions and can be added to crontab or run directly from the advanced page by entering "/www/pineapple/scripts/user.sh" and pressing "Execute Commands" #New SSID#################################################################### # Generates a random number rand=`head /dev/urandom | tr -dc "123456" | head -c1` # echo $(awk 'BEGIN{srand();print int(rand()*5)}') # Pre-defined SSIDs & chooses one at random ssid=`echo "linksys NETGEAR BTHomeHub-1337 BTHomeHub2-1337 virginmedia1337XYZ SKY31337" | awk -v x=$rand '{print $x}'` # Feed back to the user (un-needed - just handy for debugging) echo "Now changing SSID to: $ssid" # Persistent WiFi SSID #echo $(sed 's/option ssid.*/option ssid "$ssid"/g' /etc/config/wireless) > /etc/config/wireless # Changes current SSID to match hostapd_cli -p /var/run/hostapd-phy0 karma_change_ssid "$ssid" ############################################################################# #New MAC Address############################################################# # Changes MAC address of all the adapters for interface in `cat /proc/net/dev | grep ':' | cut -d ':' -f 1 | tr -d ' '`; do #for interface in br-lan eth0 eth1 wlan0 mon.wlan0; do echo "Changing $interface's MAC address" # Feedback to user (un-needed - just handy for debugging) ifconfig $interface down # Brings down the interface macchanger -r $interface # Gives a completely random MAC Address ifconfig $interface up # Restores Interface echo "----------------------------------------" # "Prettiness" (un-needed - just handy for debugging) done ############################################################################# [/CODE]
  2. Well done on the new release =) Just a minor bug with the updated file structure. The path in "/var/error.php" hasn't been updated to reflect the the new folder root@Pineapple:/www# grep -n log error.php 12: $filed = @fopen("pineapple/phish.log", "a+"); root@Pineapple:/www# ls -l pineapple/phish.log ls: pineapple/phish.log: No such file or directory root@Pineapple:/www# ls -l pineapple/logs/phish.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2 Jan 1 1970 pineapple/logs/phish.log root@Pineapple:/www#
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