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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. I am on the go and will expand this reply a bit more later but this is where you can get the 2.7.0 config: https://github.com/sebkinne/wifipineapple/blob/master/3g/3g.sh
  2. Let me ask again: Does your pineapple broadcast "Pineapple <Mac>" or nothing at all? Does the WiFi not work at all or just not for monitor mode? If a WiFi is being broadcast then I think you must be missing a step somewhere. If it is not and going down versions doesn't help then it seems like a hardware issue.
  3. Does your wifi work otherwise? If yes, you just need to kill mon.wlan0 and re-create it as mon0. You should be able to do this with the site survey module.
  4. I am glad you got it working! Mind if I ask you to compile this info on our wiki? I think it would make a great addition. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  5. If you are running any 2.6.x you should definitely upgrade to 2.7.0. This will also fix your package issue.
  6. I am shocked you are still running 2.5.0. Any reason for that?
  7. Hey JayBlack, I would be happy to help you out there. Please let me know exactly what packages you need and I will get them sorted for you. Please keep in mind that I am quite busy at the moment so it will take a day or so. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  8. And it is being re-designed to look / work better in general. This will also reflect on mobile UI.
  9. It is now officially supported by OpenWRT. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. Oh wow. Why RFID? That makes so little sense.. I guess I will have to watch this episode. I mean.. WPS button is clearly visible, the r-sma port is clearly visible. Maybe the "normal" viewer won't notice it is a router :P I watched the 0202 one, I was sad when it was just on the backseat of the car.. Well, at least it is used for something techy this time right? ;) RFID tags to be used with MK4. Hmmm, I actually got an idea. I doubt it will ever happen but hey. Thank you Mikus for posting this!
  11. I moved the topic to the correct forum. Anyway, did you format your USB correctly? EXT4 is needed. Writing to /usb/ when USB is not writable is bad. It CAN write into your flash (odd buggy behavior) and brick your device. Now, this should not happen, probably will not happen but I am just warning you. Check if you can read/write from a computer and check the FS is EXT4.
  12. No! 1. Read the changelog from 2.5.0 to 2.70. You will realize that the pineapple UI has been moved. You will also notice some cool features you may have missed otherwise :) 2. Read posts on this forum, there must be at least ten posts saying this by now. The solution: I hope I don't sound rude :)
  13. Awesome, it will be added to the 3g script upon a coming release.
  14. That is what we designed it for. To do more than just capture clients ;) Anyway, if on a pentest, I would try to harvest a clients connection information. ie their own personal ID and password. You could do that by setting up a phishing page or similar. Then you can use that information to connect to the AP and from there share to victims. Just make sure you don't deauth yourself ;) Standard Disclaimer: Remember to get permission to use the pineapple beforehand. PS: Make sure to upgrade your firmware in case it isn't 2.7.0 yet. If your firmware is below 2.6.4 you will need to go to this page: instead of the old We keep introducing new features and it will hopefully be even more to your liking ;)
  15. Exactly. Enable the deauth module and kick people from their APs. Chances are, they will connect back. There is a thread on the forums here about exactly this.
  16. Yes, there are. The issue is that PHP5, without taking anything out is too big to fit on the pineapple alongside other things. Of course, we could thin out PHP5 and cut out some things. We are looking into feasible options in this regard. Until then, no. PHP4 it is. You will notice it is MUCH smaller. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  17. A good suggestion. You will find it in the next dev release.
  18. To be honest, all the information about how the Pineapple works and what it can and can't do is available from the stores website. If things aren't clear there, there are multiple threads and discussions on this matter. If you bought a pineapple for reasons such as grabbing clients off of encrypted networks, well, Jasager won't help you much with that. The pineapple however is much more than just the Jasager. It has a full set of penetration testing tools and modules. Calling it nothing is a bit inappropriate I think. I do understand your frustration. See if you don't like the things the pineapple has to offer. You will notice it is a very useful tool.
  19. Run this command after doing all of the above: ping What happens?
  20. That isn't what he is looking for. His issue is with the wp4 script. I replied to him in a PM and gave him the solution.
  21. Seems like it, yeah. Maybe test the write speed you get to it? It is possible that the pineapple doesn't LOVE using the same USB device for serial + data.. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  22. I won't, I hope people will see this and learn from it. Just an FYI, it will tell you all in the changelogs. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  23. Upgrade your firmware. Best, Sebkinne
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