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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. This should be fixed in the latest release.
  2. There are probably 20+ posts on this forum about the same issue / matter. Please find those and make your pick.
  3. I would love to see you releasing this as a module!
  4. Nope. This is the code: ip.php <?php $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") ; echo $ip; ?> Now, you asked WHY you connected to this site? You clicked the "reveal public IP" link on the main site. To be able to determine your IP you need some host to tell you who you are. Makes sense right? We used to use whatismyip.com and another site but they went down / changed so that you can't get the IP over a script. So we figured we would host our own "what is my IP" service. If you don't want to connect back to us, well, don't click that link. Of course we do NOT log any IPs. As you can see the script simply echoes it out. If you don't trust us (and hey, you use wifipineapple for infusions etc anyway), just use your own server, paste the above code into a file and change the URL in the status.php file ;) In regards to your connection to PineNumbers, as said numerous times, if we do collect information like that, we will announce it. Saying that, collecting IP addresses could be useful. Why? Look at our download statistics. You could download it 1k times and give us lots of downloads. That sucks though as it is an unrealistic number. Many sites use IPs to check if the users have already downloaded a file. Saying that, we DO NOT do that either. For exactly the reason of wanting to protect privacy. For now, nothing is changing in that regard.
  5. Stay on 2.7.3 - that can now fix your issue too if you got to the advanced menu and select Factory Reset. It WILL wipe your device / reset it, but it will solve your issues. I would back up anything you need first.
  6. This does look quite awesome. Do you actually have any temperature issues without the fans? I didn't notice any heat issues before, I am just curious as fans kind of destroy the integrity of the case a bit. Surely though, they look awesome ;) I myself have the same case, I use it to carry around my dev-boards and utils I may need to do any developing. I did leave the foam inside so I have far less space than you. Then again, I don't use mine for actual execution.
  7. The power draw will be too high for 5V. Means you would have to supply it using mains power - hinders portability a little. Otherwise, sure this is possible!
  8. Nope, we do not support the wrt160nl - sorry!
  9. I think he is on your side man, no need to get upset ;) He is just re-iterating what you said.
  10. To be fair, if the reaver module causes things to run out of memory, something is done wrong with how the module handles reaver. Sadly the developer has been away for a while now, so no idea what will happen in the future.
  11. Yup. Reaver is up-to-date at SVN rev113.
  12. I highly suggest backing up and re-installing as Digip said. Forget trying to restore things, this is just easier to do. I also suggest that if your gf is new to Linux BT might not be the best place to start. Especially not using the root user. Setting rm -> rm-i might be a good idea if this is the kind of thing to be likely to happen again. Anyway, as said: Back up, remember any changes you made to software etc. Re-install.
  13. I'll see how this sits with Darren, if he gives me a GO I'll get the forum up and running.
  14. Before you go and do all that work, the Pineapple MK4 v3.0 will have most things accessible through a CLI anyway. That is because of how the new UI will be built. It will supply an API for other tools / people to hook into. Now, there is NO ETA on the release of 3.0 but I figured it should be mentioned. I don't think this is what I would call script kiddie code, so don't worry about it.
  15. You could use a ruby proxy (Maybe the one Digininja is working on, once it is modular) to handle packets in real time. That is probably better than ettercap in terms of the Pineapple.
  16. It will help, it doesn't protect from hackers spoofing their MAC address to one that is already connected to your AP.
  17. Finally - after many restarts and re-flashes I was able to also get the "SSH online" bug. Fix has been found that will solve the issue and will be in the next version. The next version will also include the bump to the dev repository. This means that modules may be missing until developers add them to the development repository.
  18. Alright, here goes: 1. Have you tried a different power cable? As in the barrel connector? I assume so because you said you did AC and then pineapple power. 2. Instead of pineapple power, have you tried connecting it to another USB port? If there is a short this could not be good for your laptop / desktop / whatever, but they usually have protection and shut off. Mine tells me that it is drawing too much / wrong power and will disable the port until something working is plugged in. In the end, do you see ANY lights coming up? Pressing the reset button with no lights means.. well, nothing.The reset button only functions after the OS has booted at the moment, so we can rule that one out. If the power light is off, the device sounds fried to me..
  19. Exactly this. Though with the new 2.7.1+ releases I have noticed karma duplicates encrypted APs more often than it used to. I get all my secured APs shown. No encryption of course and if I am close to an encrypted network, I will see the duplicate. So this could trick people into connecting to you if you can deauth the other AP.
  20. Checking to see if we have a valid connection is non obtrusive. It would happen in the background and would only send if it has a connection. It would not spam to keep trying. Also, viewing the report is..well, kind of pointless. Why? This is pretty much all we take: {['PineNumber': 'version']} So as you can see, that really isn't a lot of information. About 69 bits if I am not mistaken.. Anyway, we will see what happens. I am happy to hear and consider every ones opinions, so keep it coming! I do hope that people understand why we want to collect the data and what we collect.
  21. Possible. As this is still a dev release, it isn't stable yet. Some modules will not work until 2.7.5 - Infusion repository switch. Once that is done, only development modules will be available. Till then, only stable modules are available, sorry! Don't worry though, this is a quick process.
  22. I really tried and I cannot reproduce this issue. I am SSHd into the pineapple, I have a USB plugged in, I started the reverse SSH connection, killed it again over the UI - all working as it should. I was able to SSH in from my server, disconnecting over the pineapple UI worked and it doesn't say that it is still connected. If someone has a "step by step" for me to follow to be able to reproduce.. Just making sure, this is on 2.7.3, yeah? Do you see something in the logs? Thanks! Sucks that it is only the download indicator but working on something for the extraction. The USB issue? I also can't reproduce it and others don't seem to have an issue with USB storage either.
  23. I dislike the word tracking. We aren't really planning on tracking anyone / anything. Once we do add a statistics reporting feature you will be told exactly what and how it is reporting it in the changelog of the firmwares. It will be as transparent as possible to avoid any false ideas about what we are trying to do. The pineapple will not require an account with our cloud to run / function / be what it is. However it IS possible that we add cloud services at some point. Don't worry though, they will not affect the normal use of the pineapples but rather, these services would allow you to do some pretty awesome stuff that some users may or may not want to take advantage off. The only way to make these mysterious services work is by registering and using something to identify your devices, such as PineNumbers. But this is something for the future and is still a bit away. We will make sure to keep you all informed. About the Opt-in vs Opt-out, that is something we haven't decided yet. Sadly it isn't as easy as saying "Opt in forever". For that to be possible on the first boot we would need to check your pineNumber against our servers. That is exactly what you wouldn't want. The way this is planned is as follows: 1. Update your 2.7.X firmware to 2.8.X/2.9.X (Statistics will most likely be added in 2.8.9/2.9.0). 2. Your pineapple will reboot and once it is back up the statistics reporter will wait for a connection. 3. Once a connection is available, it will report to the cloud servers. 4. The cloud servers respond and on a successful response the statistics reporter will disable itself. 5. Once you upgrade your firmware again, this disabling will removed and we go back to point 1. We will need to see where it is easiest / best to add the opt-out / opt-in. Of course I prefer the opt-out method as people tend to leave those type of settings alone. If it is off, why turn it on. But as I said, this needs more thought and will hopefully satisfy everyone.
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