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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Just to clarify, are you asking of we have taken direct steps to hide the Jasager from Cisco/Aruba devices? In that case, the answer is no. We haven't targeted those companies to "hide" from their detection. My guess is that it is how Karma responds to probe requests. The Cisco/Aruba systems simply don't check for the right things to verify the AP -- or so it seems. I have never tried.
  2. Alright, sounds very fixable. I hadn't tried with a USB plugged in - will get it fixed.
  3. Fix incoming - OpenWRT marked Dsniff as broken, so if we clean the build it clears our dsniff package. 2.7.3 released.
  4. I would try to follow these steps and going the "upgrading manually" route. Thank you - big stuff planned!
  5. USB Infusion issue was a typo in the link and is fixed in 2.7.2 and is now available.
  6. Hey everyone, Let me reply to Telot's post in chunks: I see what you are saying here. Being tracked is usually seen as a bad thing. Now, I should say that YOU aren't being tracked. We are talking about getting information such as: -How many pineapples are out there? -How many are on XYZ firmware? -How long do people wait until they update? The reason PineNumbers are useful here is because it eliminates duplication. You are right. There are plenty of disclaimers. I don't think I need to expand on this point as I have given my opinion on this a few times. In regards to why we want the statistics, you are exactly right. You said it yourself, to make better products, streamline features etc etc etc. Why would you allow that? Well.. think about that for a second ;) As I said, I think this is.. well, simply not accurate. I am not sure what you understand under usage statistics, but as I stated above it would be in a very simple format. It would not really have anything to do with what / why you are using it. I doubt that what version of the pineapple you are using is under a NDA through any contract. If so, well.. there is always the way to turn it off. But as I said, data we would collect has NOTHING to do with data from a pentest / the customers / the user (well, not really, maybe firmware preference?). There will be a way to opt out of it. GUI and CLI (of course ;) ). I appreciate that you took the time to discuss and explain your opinion. I hope that my reply was able to change your mind at least partly. As I have said before, statistics are based on the device and not the user. A different deal are extra services we may (or may not) include at some later point. For those aspects, consider the PineNumber as a serial number. We will use it along with other credentials to match devices with accounts and be able to target account based things onto specific devices. If you dislike that idea the solution is simple - don't use those services. We do have some pretty great things in the works that could be very interesting for people - more information when we are further in the project. Maybe then PineNumbers will make more sense. All the best, Seb
  7. That is a fair enough decision. I should say, one will be able to disable the standard call home. We would love you not to but understand that some would. What is important to note is that we will be launching services that will require your pineNumber. Remove it and those services will not be available for you. More on such services later. In regards to security, it is no different than a MAC address of nature. This type of communication will go over an encrypted connection so while not impossible, it would be much harder to mess with. In the end, you have to think how realistic it is that this would happen. When you set up the pineapple / use some services you would transmit the pineNumber. Then you deploy it.
  8. I'll check out the SSH thing, should be a quick fix if it is a bug. And thank you, it is always nice to hear that!
  9. Hey everyone, Version 2.7.0 was a big success but it had a few very bothersome issues. With this first bug-fix release for the 2.7 line, we are tackling most of these issues and are adding a few extra features. This version should have been completed much sooner - we have all just been very busy over the past couple of months. Updates should appear more frequently with 2.8 on the near horizon. A quick note on future versions: 2.8 and 2.9 will be feature releases and will include as many firmware features / functions as possible. That means the main focus is on a stable image and improved background services. Version 3.0 will be a major milestone and will come with a completely new UI. There will be more information on the new UI soon, but I can tell you, it packs a punch and will change the way we utilize our pineapples. 2.7.7 Changelog: -Fixed LAN / WAN LEDs. -Fixed WiFi toggle in the UI. 2.7.6 Changelog: -Fixed usb_modeswitch. This fixes USB 3G connections. -Fixed PHP4's header. You will need to send two headers for a redirect. See /www/redirect.php 2.7.5 Changelog: -Fixed monitor mode issue. -Improved performance slightly. 2.7.4 Changelog: -Fixed reverse SSH. -Fixed a couple of other bugs. 2.7.3 Changelog: -Bug Fixes -Updated version number. -Re-added Dsniff (urlsnarf, dnsspoof). -Fixed SSH being stuck on status page. 2.7.2 Changelog: -Infusions -Fixed removing of USB infusions. -Fixed pinning of USB infusions. Know bug: Version is still at 2.7.1 - Sorry, as these are dev releases it doesn't matter much, just something to be aware about. 2.7.3 will come shortly with a few more fixes. 2.7.1 Changelog: -Reset functionality -Advanced menu reset button now calls the same script as the hardware reset button. -Script improved and made more reliable. -Script now also clears ALL user data / infusions etc. This is great if you get the “out of space” message and nothing works anymore. -Module System -Rename to Infusions (as storage). Infusions are now at /pineapple/infusions/ (no need for devs to change anything) -Do not show USB modules when USB missing. -Download % indicator. -Persistent backups -Add option keep infusions on upgrade. Only for stable upgrades. -USB required. -Improved USB reliability -USB drives should mount more reliably now. -USB Wifi cards should be better recognized and should always enable on boot (Tested with ALFA NHA). -Bug fixes -Change password is now sanitized and will accept passwords with spaces (... sorry). -Updating modules works correctly again. -Fixed urlsnarf logging. -Cleaned up build and improved performance quite a bit. Download: http://cloud.wifipineapple.com/?downloads&downloadUpgrade=2.7.7 MD5: 8c559b97dd60e1dcf0cdbb0ab3850052 Note: If coming from a firmware version below 2.6.4, wait for the pineapple to fully boot back up after flashing then navigate to As usual, please leave any feedback in this thread. We hope you enjoy this release! -The Jasager Team
  10. Glad you got it sorted - just a note: Never. Use. IE.
  11. Please use Spoiler and Code tags in the future. Makes it easier to find relevant information without having to scroll for ever.
  12. The button should have called a different function all together. Will be fixed in the next release - 2.7.1
  13. Something important to note: This script has to be executed with bash! If it is executed with sh (sh wp4.sh) it will not work right and throw those [[ errors at you. To properly execute wp4.sh use the following commands: /bin/bash wp4.sh [/CODE] or [CODE] chmod +x wp4.sh ./wp4.sh [/CODE] These are the correct ways to run this script. Digininja is right though, those double quotes are important for older versions of bash, the current releases of bash are all able to recognize the empty variable and treat it accordingly. We will get the script updated asap though!
  14. Darren hasn't released the module yet - I shall remind him to do so though, it would be good to have it on our database.
  15. Make sure to use root@ instead of just the IP. If your username is different than root this is needed.
  16. No bootloader? If that is true, you will need a JTAG flasher and get ALFAs proprietary bootloader. Doubt you will get that though - send it back and get a working one. Firmware will need to be flashed over serial.
  17. Not sure what is different but my USB3 port seems to work with Virtualbox - running on Ubuntu 12.10.
  18. One last thing to add is that the webUI is changed to here:
  19. Yeah, use the search function / read threads on the front page - this question has been asked and answered many times. You will need to do a manual upgrade using SCP and SSH. A very simple process and it is found in many threads / the main pineapple website under flashing.
  20. Well, clearly you have no space left for anything to operate. Power down the pineapple. Give it a few seconds and power back on. SSH into the pineapple and execute this command: mtd -r erase rootfs_data [/CODE] Now reboot the device if it doesn't do so by itself. Once you are done with that, follow my upgrade steps above. Note: mtd erasing could go wrong and could require a serial cable. Just a warning in case it goes wrong. Never has and is built into later versions of our firmware, but as this is the forum this is the warning.
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