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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. To be honest, you provide no logs, no detailed information. You don't follow the guidelines we put up etc etc. I don't know how I can help you best. Calling this product raw is simply not fair, I think there is plenty of proof for it... But it is your opinion and if you think so, fine. Reiterating this point though will probably not get you answers. As I said, I am happy to help but you NEED to provide the information we need. If you check over other threads, we are always happy to help and do our best to make everything work! I would LOVE to get this up and running for you ;) If you provide more detailed logs (syslog after trying 3g.sh) etc I will see if we can get this debugged.
  2. Hey SystemCrash86, The karma log I can agree with. In the 3.0 UI it will actually be sortable in different ways. I might consider making the change for the old UI, but as far as I can tell now, we aren't making any more real changes to the old UI. Just stabilizing. The reason for that is simply that it is a duplication of work and not really needed. I hope that makes sense. Not sure what you mean with grep..
  3. I guess we just see a lot of very different results from different people. Usually, if it works for someone, you will not find out about it. If it doesn't, people will mention it. That is why I am not so surprised at the number of people that have said it doesn't work. However, I can't speak for the hakshop as to the choice of USB manufacturer. Saying that, I have NEVER had any issues with any type of USB stick. I did have one of the fits go into read only mode, but that is 1/4 that have been in use 5+ months now. I usually power the pineapple (during development) over the 2.0 USB port on my laptop. It works great. As I said, this is the way it is with most products. If something works well, people don't usually complain ;)
  4. Well, what doesn't work in regards to 3g? Is it all configured properly?
  5. As I said, the USB Hub thing has nothing to do with the pineapple. If a 3g pen works, the USB Port seems to work. I have asked multiple times, have you re-flashed? What does ls /dev/sd* give you? I would love to help you out but we need to debug this more.
  6. @d1000 How did you burn out your hub? That is hardly the pineapple's fault? If you bought another USB and you are still not getting it to mount, I would suggest you do an ls /dev/sd* and see if it gets recognized at all. From the errors in the log it seems like you are having hardware issues. It is possible that your USB port has some sort of defect. @Crepsidro I think that is wrong. The fit works fine for a lot of people (though yes, it has the read-only bug). The USB pack is meant to power the pineapple for a medium duration while being lightweight and have a good size, I wouldn't call it too weak. But hey, that is your opinion.
  7. Sorry dude, but I call BS right there. I am running the 4gb fit over 5v USB directly from my laptop and it runs great. Saying it only works on 12V is just wrong. If this is the case for you, there might be some hardware issues. I agree that the fit has had many issues (not the hakshop's fault though) as the company making them has not done a great job it seems. They have had numerous issues with their devices - not only the fit.
  8. The command you need to run is: tar -pczf mk4-module-randomroll-3.3.tar.gz mk4-module-randomroll-3.3 You made two mistakes: 1. You tard (tarred? Whatever.) the randomroll folder. 2. You placed the module.conf inside the randomroll folder. Make a folder called mk4-module-randomroll-3.3, place the randomroll folder inside and then place the module.conf file into the same folder ( mk4-module-randomroll-3.3 ). I'll get Bartender fixed up asap. Seb
  9. I can remove it but too big?
  10. The reason for the input lag is because every key pressed is transmitted via a post request. It is being run synchronously. Otherwise the key order could get messed up. The issue with doing it asynchronously is that we would need to also transmit a time-stamp. This is something that could be incorporated into a future version.
  11. Sorry for my harsh reply, I was in a hurry and have seen to many of these posts. No offence intended. I am glad you got it working after a while. The reason why the page didn't update is because the AJAX script makes a GET request to a site on the same port. As the port has changed from 2.6.4 up, the GET is never able to find the page it is looking for and can't show that the upgrade is complete. Now, I know that sucks but there is nothing we can do about it now - we can't go back and change it. I do hope (and I have had reports that this is the case), that the hakshop is now shipping with 2.7.0 firmwares. This is great as it means people shouldn't experience this issue any more.
  12. The good thing with the first versions of the pineapple is that if they brick, the bootloader can be accessed over telnet. You will most likely NOT need a serial cable. http://digininja.org/jasager/ has all the information you need to re-flash your device. That should fix you up.
  13. Hey everyone, As you all know, Digininja and WhistleMaster have been working hard to bring you their Keylogger infusion. This infusion is now ready and you will find it in your local Pineapple bar. Seeing as this is a rather complex module, there are bound to be issues with it. Some of the issues we know about, some we don't. We ask you to report any issues you are having / any bugs you are experiencing. Please do this in an ordered fashion. Read through the entire thread and see if your issue has already been reported. If so and you have more to add, please quote the issue and add your findings to it. Please do not complain that something doesn't work. We are all working together to make this a great module, but please don't ask for ETAs. Note that for the module to work you may need to run the 2.7.5 firmware. This is due to kernel dependencies of ebtables. List of known issues upon release: If the browser sends a GET request that has the full url ie "GET http://blah.com/file HTTP/1.1" instead of "GET http://blah.com/file HTTP/1.1", some pages will fail to load (wikimedia for example - means no CSS for wikipedia). If an input field already has an onkeypress method attached to it, it will get overwritten - this will probably break the site's functionality. Can be fixed quite quickly but more on that later. The install_keylogger() javascript function doesn't always fire if the page takes too long to load. Typing in input forms has a bit of a lag about it. Not much we can do about that. We are looking forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy this module! We will keep enhancing it's performance and reliability and try to iron out any issues found.
  14. OTA upgrades have only existed from version 2.5.0 onwards. Either way, seeing as you have upgraded to 2.7.0, I assume you have read the changelog and know why doesn't work anymore. I suggest you either scroll through the pages, look at the release thread (first stickied thread on here..) or read the changelog to find your answer. In case I am wrong and the upgrade did fail, does the pineapple respond to ping? To SSH? Anyway, you re trying to access the webUI the wrong way. I really don't mean to sound harsh but we have probably said this hundreds of times now.
  15. Hey MagicPie, Is your question related to the pineapple or rather the idea of deauthing clients from a network? If it is in regards to the pineapple, please read this and post into the appropriate forum. To answer some parts of your questions, you don't HAVE to change the MAC of your interface, it may be a wise thing to do though - detection, identification etc. You would not change it to the clients mac. You do not have to change the pineapple's MAC either - unless you want to. Again, not to the routers - though this would make more sense. This still doesn't happen a lot.
  16. I'm sorry for this reply but please read http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/28600-wifi-pineapple-jasager-related-questions/, the sticky in this forum.
  17. Hey Andy, welcome to the forums! First of all, 30-30-30 reset does nothing on our firmware. The correct way to do it is to boot up your pineapple (wait until the WPS light stops flashing) and then press the button for 5-10 seconds. Anyway, in regards to your issue. Do you know what firmware version you are / were on? Either way, make sure to unplug the USB from the pineapple. Power on your pineapple and wait until the WPS light is solid. Then try to SSH in. I ask because you don't state that you tried this. If you have, we need to debug it by other means.
  18. Version 2.7.5 -Fixed monitor mode injection -Improved performance slightly Note: There will not be a repository swap until 2.8.0. Even though we had this planned it doesn't fit the current development schedule.
  19. Yeah, this should work. 2.7.1 has an update to the reset button AND to the password field, sanitizing it better. I suggest you upgrade soon!
  20. First of all, always say what firmware version you are on. Secondly, where did you ever read holding the reset button for 30s would work? This is false information. It has been said numerous times, the reset button should be held 5-10 seconds. Anything between that will trigger the reset script. Make sure that the pineapple is fully booted beforehand.
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