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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Foxtrot is correct. Except that these firmwares aren't beta firmwares, they are development firmwares. They are working and have been tested but there may be bugs. 2.7.7 is almost 2.8.0 except for a kernel upgrade and it's special package repository. + a few bug fixes. It will be released soon.
  2. No, you can download 2.7.7 and go from there through the UI. 2.8.0 will be released when it is ready.
  3. Actually not right now but it will in 2.8.0. You can fulfil that requirement by having a postup part in your network config. I have edited my previous reply.
  4. No, it is --please don't add the /pineapple.
  5. First, you will need to set up a USB0 Interface. See the pineapple's /etc/config/network file: config interface usb option ifname usb0 option proto dhcp post-up sh /path/to/iptables/script.sh To be able to do this you WILL need to have the appropriate driver installed. Then, you will need to run these IPtable commands (or put them in a script to automate with the above post-up): iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o usb0 -j MASQUERADE iptables -A FORWARD -s -o usb0 -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -d -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -i usb0 -j ACCEPT Of course, you will need to adjust these to your liking..
  6. Hm, that must have slipped away on us. Anyway, this will be fixed ASAP
  7. Hold on guys, I'll have a fix out soon. 2.8.0 will premier very soon with a fixed repository that will eliminate all of these issues. There will be one repository for our stable release and that will fix the opkg install kmod-* issues. For now you can install using --force-depends - it will still work, but can cause issues in the future.. Anyway, please give this just a bit of time! Sebkinne
  8. Hey LevelUp, Here you go (see attached). Make sure that you run firmware 2.7.7. You are right, the repositories do give us trouble if they have kernel requirements. That is due to the fact that OpenWRT doesn't keep their snapshots in sync with the trunk. This is something we are currently working on, supplying our own repository - at least for the latest stable release. Best, Sebkinne kmod-usb-serial-pl2303_3.7.6-1_ar71xx.zip
  9. Hey WhistleMaster, I think you may need to fix this module to work with the reset button again. See this thread.
  10. This is either an old version of the firmware or the WPS button module has not been updated. This script is incorrect and in general isn't ours. I suggest you upgrade to 2.7.7. Then use our webUI to manage the WPS button. I'll hit up WM as I fear his module is outdated. Best, Sebkinne
  11. Yeah, as I said, always send the 302 status header.
  12. Well, yeah. http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.stripos.php PHP5 only. Use strpos() instead -- make sure to make all string to lowercase before.
  13. php4-mod-pcre -- I didn't give a version because I wasn't sure what you were on.
  14. Darren has something in the works for this ;) Stay tuned!
  15. We don't build in all the PHP mods. The one you will need to install is php-mod-pcre. Without it you won't be able to match regular expressions.
  16. Hey everyone, This new forum will be the new home of the MKIV infusions. The rules are simple: If you want to publish a new module / show off a module, create a new thread. If you release any updates, please UPDATE your threads instead of creating a new one each time. If you are releasing a version that would benefit from a new thread you may do so after marking the old thread. Only do this if you are sure it would be beneficial. We hope that this new forum helps keep things easy and clean for everyone! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  17. Nope, works just fine here. Make sure to do opkg update first. root@Pineapple:~# opkg update Downloading http://cloud.wifipineapple.com/packages/Packages.gz. Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/snapshots. root@Pineapple:~# opkg install reaver Installing reaver (r113-1) to root... Downloading http://cloud.wifipineapple.com/packages/reaver_r113-1_ar71xx.ipk. Configuring reaver. root@Pineapple:~#
  18. Well, I never said that there haven't been issues. What I was saying though is that the permissions issue is not related to the firmware.. Anyway, seems like the issue is sorted.
  19. Tyler, that is simply not true. 2.7.7 is the next stable candidate the way it looks. It will move to 2.8.0 very soon.. The permission issue is on the usb and NOT on the pineapple ;) Either the permissions didn't copy over properly or the permissions in the .zip are not set properly - I am assuming the first. Best, Sebkinne
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